Re: ncargf77 on OSX

From: Mary Haley (haley AT
Date: Fri Aug 06 2004 - 09:25:40 MDT

  • Next message: Katiusca Briones Estebanez: "RE: Linux and Intel Compilers"

    > Hi,
    > I installed the Mac OS X version (for the Absoft compiler) of NCAR
    > Graphics. When I try to compile the test code or other simple programs,
    > I get the following undefined references.
    > f77 -f -N1 domain.f -L/usr/local/ncarg/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lncarg
    > -lncarg_gks -lncarg_c -lXpm -lX11 -lXext
    > FORTRAN 77 Compiler 8.2a, Copyright (c) 1987-2003, Absoft Corp.
    > ld: Undefined symbols:
    > _clsgks
    > _frame
    > _getset
    > _gsclip
    > _line
    > _opngks
    > _perim
    > _set
    > _setusv
    > _supmap
    > .
    > .
    > .
    > Any ideas about how to solve this problem? Thanks.
    > Scott

    Scott, and others who are interested in this problem:

    Thanks to a helpful user, I was able to get access to the latest
    Absoft ProFortran compiler (version 8) and got a version of NCAR
    Graphics to build on it.

    I will be happy to make these binaries available to anybody who wants
    to try them. This is a new version of NCAR Graphics (version 4.4.0)
    that we are still doing some testing on, but we feel it's ready to go.

    I also tried to get NCAR Graphics to build with the Absoft XLF
    compiler, but unfortunately it had an oddity with the way it handles
    Fortran common blocks. We reported the bug, and can't build NCAR
    Graphics on it until they release a fix.

    Send me email if you are interested in trying NCAR Graphics v4.4.0 on
    a MacOSX system with Absoft ProFortran 8.

    ncarg-talk mailing list

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