RE: Linux and Intel Compilers

From: Katiusca Briones Estebanez (modelamiento AT
Date: Wed Aug 11 2004 - 08:28:31 MDT

  • Next message: Easter, Richard C: "Grayscale problem when converting postscript to tiff"

    I was having problems compiling ncarg with intel fortran and c compilers v8.0 in ictrans. After many attempts, i read the e-mail "Linux and Intel Compilers" from Don Morton, I follow his instructions and this proble, was solved. Now, I can see the domains of the Terrain run.

    If you are having problems with ictrans compilation, follow this instructions, it really worked for me.

    Thanks Don Morton

    Katiusca Briones Estébanez
    Unidad Modelación Numérica
    Instituto Oceanográfico de la Armada del Ecuador
    Telf. 593-42481300 ext 1204
    Fax. 593-42485166
    Guayaquil - Ecuador

    ncarg-talk mailing list

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