Alternate World Maps

From: Jeffrey Jonas (SSJAJ@XXXXXX)
Date: Wed Jul 16 1997 - 08:05:05 MDT

NCARG-Talk Folks,

     We occassionally have need to generate alternate world maps for
     some of our work. It is easy enough to generate a simple
     subroutine to read in any new 'alternate world map' and draw it
     over our contoured data. However I believe a better way to do
     this is to generate our alternate world map data files in the same
     format as the NCAR Graphics standard world map (ezmapdata), and
     then simply draw the world map the 'standard' way. There are
     several benefits to doing it this way, but I am unsure as to one
     aspect of this. How do I get NCAR Graphics to read the
     '' file instead of 'ezmapdata' ?? I seem to remember
     that there is a way, but I could not locate it in the documentation.
     Perhaps I'm not looking in the right place. Any ideas ??

     Thanx !!

     Jeffrey Jonas

     NASA / Goddard Institute for Space Studies

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