Re: Labeling problem in using Contour Plot Package of HLU

From: Juliana Rew (juliana@XXXXXX)
Date: Tue Nov 07 2000 - 13:47:23 MST

  • Next message: Giovanni Leoncini: "errors"


    I think you just need to insert a line like:

           call NhlFRLSetString(srlist,'cnLineLabelFormat','e',ierr)
    in the portion of the code where you are setting resources to
    create your contour object.

    --Juli Rew, SCD Consulting

    > Hi.
    > I meet a trouble in programming with HLU in NCAR graphics.
    > I hope one can help me.
    > I am using HLU in order to plot Contour with labels.
    > I have modified the NCARG example, cn06f.f .
    > On each contour line, I have added its value.
    > With default parameters of Contour Plot Package,
    > it writes the contour value in F format (Floating point format).
    > But my contour level values are very small, like 0.00001, 0.00002,.....
    > Thus my program draws the levels as follows:
    > 1 0.000
    > 2 0.000
    > 3 0.000
    > 4 0.001
    > 5 0.001
    > 6 0.002
    > .......
    > And I cannot distinguish 1st,2nd,3rd levels in F format.
    > How can I write contour levels in E format?
    > I would like to write contour levels as follows:
    > 1 1.0E-5
    > 2 1.0E-4
    > 3 2.0E-4
    > 4 1.0E-3
    > 5 1.3E-3
    > ............
    > If there is no library function for E-format,
    > could I get a source file for Contour Plot Package so
    > as to modify the package?
    > Sincerely Yours,
    > Kyung-Hoon Kwon

    Juliana Rew, Technical Consulting Group (
    Sci. Computing Div./Nat'l Ctr. for Atmos. Research
    P.O. Box 3000, Boulder, CO 80307-3000 USA voice: (303) 497-1830

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