Question about Plotting multiple ellipses

From: bstavert@XXXXXX
Date: Fri Jan 18 2002 - 16:49:20 MST

  • Next message: Dave Kennison: "Re: Question about Plotting multiple ellipses"

             I would like to plot multiple ellipses on one frame. I read
    about the Autograph routines such as EZMXY. Each ellipse is defined
    by a set of coordinates (X(I), Y(I)). I have "M" of these ellipses.
    Each ellipse has a different set of X(I) values. And of course the
    Y(I) values are different for each ellipse. It looks to me like EZMXY
    will plot multiple curves but uses the same set of X(i) values for
    each curve. If this is true, then EZMXY will not do the job.

            Any suggestions on what to use to plot these ellipses on one
    frame? The X(I)'s will vary in value. I could always get the max/min
    for the X's and Y's and preset them. But how can I plot the actual

    Thanks in advance,

    Bob Stavert

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