High/Low Labels for Contourplot

From: Keith Oleson (oleson@XXXXXX)
Date: Tue Jun 13 2000 - 12:10:30 MDT

Is there a way to control which high/low labels get displayed on a contour
I'm using the contour plot resources "cnHighLabelsOn" and
"cnLowLabelsOn" to display the labels on my contour plot.
However, I only want to display labels that meet a desired minimum or
maximum value.
For example, only display high labels that are larger than 5 units (W m-2 in
this case) and only display low labels that are less than -5 units.
Any help would be appreciated.


Keith Oleson oleson@cgd.ucar.edu
Climate Modeling Section Work Phone: 303-497-1332
Climate and Global Dynamics Division Fax: 303-497-1324
National Center for Atmospheric Research
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307

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