Mary Haley wrote:
> >
> > Hi everybody,
> >
> > I am trying to set up NCARG in a PC with 256 MB in RAM and running Linux
> > Slackware 4.0 System.
> >
> > I download the Pre-compiled binaries for an IBM PC running LINUX RedHat
> > 6.2 from the home page of Ncar graphic V4.2.1
> >
> > I set up this software and it seemed that everything was ok. However,
> > when I try to test my installation of NCAR Graphics Software, as it is
> > suggested at the homepage, with the following command:
> >
> > ncargex example
> >
> > I get the following message: "Segmentation fault"
> >
> > May anybody give me any help?
> >
> > Whit regards,
> >
> > Saul
> Dear Saul,
> We have not personally tried our Linux RedHat binaries under Linux
> Slackware, so we can't say for certain if this should work. Have
> other users had success running RedHat binaries under Slackware?
> Also, when you ran "ncargex example", did you get any other warning
> or error messages?
> --Mary
Hello Mary,
When I ran "ncargex example" I did not get any other warning or error
messages. Additionally, when I run any other command like "ctrans" or
"ncargf77" I get exactly the same message, e.g., "Segmentation fault".
If anyone has set up NCARG under Linux Slackware and has a specific
recommendation, I appreciate it
very much.
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