Re: Linux Slackware 4.0

From: H C Pumphrey (hcp@XXXXXX)
Date: Tue Sep 12 2000 - 10:31:08 MDT

Hi All,

A few days ago, Saul marin asked:

> I am trying to set up NCARG in a PC with 256 MB in RAM and running
> Linux Slackware 4.0 System. I download the Pre-compiled binaries for
> an IBM PC running LINUX RedHat 6.2 from the home page of Ncar graphic
> V$.2.1 I set up this software and it seemed that everything was ok.
> However, when I try to test my installation of NCAR Graphics Software,
> as it is suggested at the homepage, with the following command:

> ncargex example

> I get the following message: "Segmentation fault"

I can't help with the binaries and I don't know anything about slackware.
However, it may well be that RH6.2 uses a different version of glibc from
Slackware (uh, or some other nasty library-related thing.) It is quite
common for compiled binaries for one Linux distro to not work on another,
especially if the said distros are of very different ages or natures.

This suggests that you might have to compile the source code.

Now, this I _have_ just done, for the latest stable version of Debian
GNU/Linux (2.2 -- potato). It was a bit of an adventure, I'm afraid. I
have now got it to the point where ncargf77 will compile my code and
ctrans will show the result. ictrans won't yet link properly and therefore
idt won't actually display anything.

Is this the place for a long, boring message about the steps I took, or
should I send such a message to a specific person at NCAR, or is no-one

All the best,


P.S. Can I say a big thank-you to those responsible for releasing NCAR
graphics under the GPL. Ta.

Dr. Hugh C. Pumphrey | Tel. 0131-650-6026,Fax:0131-650-5780
Department of Meteorology | Replace 0131 with +44-131 if outside UK
The University of Edinburgh | Email
EDINBURGH EH9 3JZ, Scotland | URL:

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