> Hi everybody,
> I am trying to set up NCARG in a PC with 256 MB in RAM and running Linux
> Slackware 4.0 System.
> I download the Pre-compiled binaries for an IBM PC running LINUX RedHat
> 6.2 from the home page of Ncar graphic V4.2.1
> I set up this software and it seemed that everything was ok. However,
> when I try to test my installation of NCAR Graphics Software, as it is
> suggested at the homepage, with the following command:
> ncargex example
> I get the following message: "Segmentation fault"
> May anybody give any help?
> Whit regards,
> Saul
Dear Saul,
We have not personally tried our Linux RedHat binaries under Linux
Slackware, so we can't say for certain if this should work. Have
other users had success running RedHat binaries under Slackware?
Also, when you ran "ncargex example", did you get any other warning
or error messages?
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