Re: How to include an NCGM graphic in a Microsoft Word or Word Perfect document?

From: Fred Clare (fred@XXXXXX)
Date: Mon Jan 04 1999 - 18:57:01 MST

  Harsh Anand writes:

> It prints but full size page and one cann't scale/position the picture
> in the document from the word.

  Since an EPS or EPSI file does not know where it is going to be placed
  when imported into an application, it is the responsibility of that
  application to allow the user to specify where the imported graphic
  will be placed. This is the whole idea behind why EPS and EPSI files
  have a required %%BoundingBox comment, so that the importing application
  can take the coordinates specified there and do the appropriate scaling
  to place the graphic in a user-specified area. If Microsoft Word
  does not provide for this, then that would have to be considered a
  deficiency in that product.

     - Fred Clare

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