Re: How to include an NCGM graphic in a Microsoft Word or Word Perfect document?

From: Harsh Anand Passi (HAnand@XXXXXX)
Date: Mon Jan 04 1999 - 18:15:25 MST

Hello Ethan,

> >
> > NCAR Graphics Users:
> >
> > A scientist wants to include an NCGM graphic in a Microsoft
> > Word or Word Perfect documents. He has tried with EPSI file
> > (after running it through ps2epsi and also canvas converter)
> > and nothing works. Has anybody done that? Any feedback would
> > be appreciated. Thanks.
> Could you fill me in a little more on what "nothing works" means?
> Does it not print?

It prints but full size page and one cann't scale/position the picture
in the document from the word.

> Does the word processor give an error?

 When I insert the picture, I get the message:

 Creator NCAR GKS
 This EPS picture was not saved with a preview included in it.
 The EPS picture will print to a postscript printer but not
 to any other type of printers.

instead of :


> Does the computer crash/hang?
> Does the printer crash/hang?


> What was the process you used to
> create the original ps file (ctrans?)

Postscript file is generated directly by setting the workstation type inside the
Fortran program.

> Are you aware that ps2epsi does not
> create a preview image so you may not see the image from the word processor
> but you will see it when it prints.

> Anyhow, have you tried directly generating PostScript epsi from NCAR Graphics?

The user didn't do that. User generates several plots in a program and he didn't
want to
have to generate each "epsi" plot file for each plot separately in the program.
then used "psplit" utility provided by Mary Haley (NCAR) to split the
multi-frames postscript file and then used Mac Canvas converter
to convert to eps files and also tried ps2epsi GNU ghostscript

> Information on directly generating postscript for the NCAR Graphics
> FORTRAN utilities is available at:
> the following workstation types generate EPSI output.
> 22 (color portrait)
> 25 (mono portrait)
> 28 (landscape color)
> 31 (mono portrait)
> You should not have to use ps2epsi or ctrans to create epsi. I am
> not aware of any problems using direct postscript output and Microsoft Word.
> Nobody here uses Word Perfect so I can't comment on that.

Harsh Anand

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