How to include an NCGM graphic in a Microsoft Word or Word Perfect document?

From: Harsh Anand (harsh@XXXXXX)
Date: Mon Jan 04 1999 - 13:23:47 MST

NCAR Graphics Users:

A scientist wants to include an NCGM graphic in a Microsoft
Word or Word Perfect documents. He has tried with EPSI file
(after running it through ps2epsi and also canvas converter)
and nothing works. Has anybody done that? Any feedback would
be appreciated. Thanks.

Harsh Anand

 Harsh Anand ----------------------------------  -|
 NERSC User Services                      phone:  (510) 486-5575   | 
 Lawrence Berkeley Lab                      Fax:  (510) 486-7891   |
 Univ. of California, Berkeley ------------------------------------

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