Ezmap, A Map-Drawing Package

David J. Kennison
NCAR, P.O. Box 3000, Boulder, Colorado 80307-3000
email: kennison@ucar.edu

Table of Contents


This document describes an NCAR Graphics package named EZMAP. It allows one to plot maps of the earth using any one of many different projections, with parallels, meridians, continental outlines, international boundaries, Canadian provincial boundaries, Mexican state boundaries, and U. S. state and county boundaries. The origin and orientation of the projection may be selected by the user. Points on the earth defined by latitude and longitude are mapped to points in a projection plane, referred to as the u/v plane. A rectangular perimeter whose sides are parallel to the u and v axes is chosen; material within that perimeter (or an inscribed elliptical perimeter) is mapped to the plane of the plotter (referred to as the x/y plane) for plotting. The u and v axes are parallel to the x and y axes, respectively.

The package EZMAP has acquired its current form over a number of years; several times, groups of routines implementing a particular new function have been added and each of these has a sort of subpackage name, as follows:

Principal sections of this document are as follows:

Routines Used to Draw a Simple Map

To draw the simple map defined by the current values of EZMAP's internal parameters (assuming no area fills and no access to one of the map databases "Earth..1", which was created in 1998, "Earth..2", which was created in 1999, "Earth..3", which was created in 2000, or "Earth..4", which was completed in 2008), one need only execute the single FORTRAN statement "CALL MDPDRW":

Calling MDPDRW results in calls to four lower-level routines. In many situations, the user will wish to call these routines directly; they are as follows (in the order in which they are called by MDPDRW):

Another routine is sometimes of interest:

Routines Used to Change the Values of Internal Parameters

The following routines are called to change the values of internal parameters of EZMAP, and thus change the behavior of other EZMAP routines:

Routines Used to Retrieve the Values of Internal Parameters

The following routines are used to retrieve the current values of EZMAP parameters:

Routines Used to Save and Restore Internal Parameters

To restore all default values of all the internal parameters of EZMAP, use the following:

To save/restore the current values of the internal parameters of EZMAP, use the following:

Routines Used to Do Transformations

The following routines effect transformations from lat/lon coordinates to u/v coordinates:

The following inverse-transformation routine was added to EZMAP early in 1992:

The example named "mpex10" shows one of the ways in which this routine may be used; it draws what is essentially a colored contour plot of a data field defined on the surface of the globe, using an orthographic projection.

The following transformation routines were added to EZMAP in April, 2008, to make it possible to have two transformations defined and usable at the same time:

Routines Used to Draw Objects on a Map

In drawing objects on a map, the following routines will be useful:

Routines Used to Draw Solid-Filled Maps (EZMAPA)

In late 1986 or early 1987, a package of routines was written allowing a user to draw solid-filled maps of the globe. This package was named EZMAPA and was first advertised in the NCAR Graphics User's Guide (Version 2.00), published in August, 1987. Conceptually, the routines of EZMAPA are just part of EZMAP; they use the same common blocks and many of the same underlying low-level routines and they are affected by the same set of internal parameters as the routines of EZMAP proper. The EZMAPA routines will be described in this document; to use them effectively, it will be necessary to understand also the package AREAS, which is described in a separate document. The EZMAPA routines are as follows:

Routines Used to Access New Datasets (EZMAPB)

In early 1998, a new world map database, called "Earth..1", was created for use with EZMAP; this database has higher-resolution coastlines, it has been updated to reflect many of the political changes that have taken place over the years since EZMAP came into existence, and it is structured differently, allowing for greater flexibility and ease of use and providing for easier changes and extensions in the future.

In mid-1999, an updated version of this database, called "Earth..2", was created; it contains everything "Earth..1" does, plus the provinces of Canada, the states of Mexico, the counties of the United States, the country called Eritrea, and the countries resulting from the breakup of the USSR that were not included in "Earth..1".

In the summer of 2000, a version of "Earth..2" was created which is just like it, but contains climate divisions of the US states instead of counties; it is called "Earth..3".

In 2008, a new database, called "Earth..4", was introduced. It is much like "Earth..2", but has about 10 times as much detail and is much more accurate. Its coastlines are simplified versions of those in the RANGS database and its political outlines match what one finds on a web site such as Wikimapia. It has state/province outlines for Australia, Brazil, China, and India. The ice shelves of Antarctica are included and, with the proper programming, can be made to appear or not, as desired.

Each area defined by the database has 1) an "area identifier" (an integer uniquely identifying it), 2) an "area type" specifying its level in a hierarchy of areas, 3) a suggested color index, 4) an area identifier specifying its "parent" area (the area of which it is a part), and 5) a name. For example, there is an area named "Madeline Island" which is of type 4 (used for a state or a portion thereof) and has suggested color index 6. Its parent is an area named "Wisconsin", which is also of type 4 and has suggested color index 6. The parent of "Wisconsin" is "Conterminous US", which is of type 3 (used for a country or a portion thereof) and has suggested color index 3. The parent of "Conterminous US" is "United States", which is also of type 3 and has suggested color index 3. The parent of "United States" is "North America", which is of type 2 and has suggested color index 5. The parent of "North America" is "Land", which is of type 1 and has suggested color index 2. The area named "Land" is at the top of the hierarchy and therefore has no parent (when you ask for the area identifier of its parent, you get a zero).

One may use the database at any of five specified hierarchical levels: 1 => land/water, 2 => continents, 3 => countries, 4 => states, and 5 => counties. When the database is used at a particular level, entities that exist only at lower levels (larger level numbers) effectively disappear.

The new database was created from data available on the World Wide Web, using a new interactive editor based on NCAR Graphics. There are plans to make this editor available, so that a knowledgeable user can create a database tailored to his or her own needs: for example (assuming that one can obtain the necessary outline data), it should now be relatively easy to create and use a Pangaea database with EZMAP.

A new package of routines is used to access "Earth..1" and other databases in the same format; this package is called EZMAPB. Conceptually, the EZMAPB routines are just part of EZMAP; they use the same common blocks and many of the same underlying low-level routines and they are affected by the same set of internal parameters as the routines in EZMAP proper.

The principal EZMAPB routines are as follows:

As each of the EZMAPB routines MDLNAM, MDLNDM, and MDLNDR processes boundary lines from a specified database, it calls an EZMAPB routine named MDCHLN (the default version of which does nothing):

Another EZMAPB routine, named MDGLTY, may be called by the user from within the line-processing routine specified by the final argument in a call to MDLNDM:

There is a group of EZMAPB functions providing access to information about the areas defined by a database being used; these may be referenced at any time the appropriate information has been loaded into EZMAPB's common blocks (that is, after calling one of MDLNAM, MDLNDM, MDLNDR, or MDLNRI), but they are normally to be referenced from within the area-processing routine specified as the final argument in a call to the AREAS routine ARSCAM, in which they may be used to obtain information determining the manner in which the areas are to be rendered:

Two additional EZMAPB functions are provided; these have nothing to do with mapping, really, but can be useful in dealing with character strings:

The Ezmap Database Editor

As of early 2009, the editor used to prepare map databases in the format expected by the EZMAPB routines is going public. For extensive information, see the separate document called "The Ezmap Database Editor".

Routines Used to Access the USGS Package (EZMAPC)

In early 1999, EZMAP was modified to provide access to a package of routines obtained from the United States Geological Survey (USGS). The original package was called the General Coordinate Transformation Package (GCTP), but it had to be modified considerably for use with EZMAP.

The GCTP was intended to be run using 64-bit arithmetic on machines having 32-bit reals and therefore used double precision everywhere. On machines having 64-bit reals, this is unnecessary and may be very time-consuming; real arithmetic should be used instead. Therefore, each of the original GCTP routines exists in two different versions in our package - in single precision and in double precision. An EZMAP routine that needs to call a GCTP routine on a particular system calls whichever version of it is appropriate for use on that system.

On a machine having 32-bit reals, 64-bit double precision arithmetic is used in all computations within the GCTP, but the output values are truncated to 32 bits for plotting purposes; in this case, it is possible for a user with special needs to retrieve the 64-bit values directly.

The following user-level routines were added to EZMAP:

Routines Used to Access the RANGS/GSHHS Data

In 2001, EZMAP was modified to provide access to a dataset of very high resolution coastlines, referred to here as the RANGS/GSHHS data. (See the example named "mpex13" for plots comparing the databases previously available with the new one.)

The "Global Self-consistent Hierarchical High-resolution Shoreline" (GSHHS) dataset was originally created by Paul Wessel, of SOEST (School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology), at the University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii, and Walter H. F. Smith, of the NOAA Geosciences Lab, National Ocean Service, Silver Spring, Maryland, for use with the package "Generic Mapping Tools" (GMT). The data they used came from the public-domain datasets "World Databank II" (WDBII) and "World Vector Shoreline" (WVS), but they cleaned up the data greatly. The on-line documentation for GMT contains a description of the whole process. The GSHHS dataset may be used at any one of five different levels of resolution, characterized by the keywords "finest", "fine", "medium", "coarse" and "coarsest".

Subsequently, Riener Feistel, at the Baltic Sea Research Institute, in Warnemuende, Germany, added structure to the data, making it easier to use in limited regions, to create what he calls the "Regionally Accessible Nested Global Shorelines" (RANGS) dataset. For a complete description, look here.

The RANGS/GSHHS data may be downloaded from the NCAR Graphics site or from Feistel's site, above. The following files are required:

    rangs(0).cat:      259,200 bytes  }
    rangs(1).cat:      259,200 bytes  }
    rangs(2).cat:      259,200 bytes  }  RANGS "catalog" files.
    rangs(3).cat:      259,200 bytes  }
    rangs(4).cat:      259,200 bytes  }

    rangs(0).cel:    6,518,664 bytes  }
    rangs(1).cel:    5,945,492 bytes  }
    rangs(2).cel:    4,062,215 bytes  }  RANGS "cell" files.
    rangs(3).cel:    3,398,642 bytes  }
    rangs(4).cel:    3,045,848 bytes  }

    gshhs(0).rim:   89,496,428 bytes  }
    gshhs(1).rim:   20,775,224 bytes  }
    gshhs(2).rim:    5,099,196 bytes  }  GSHHS "rim" files.
    gshhs(3).rim:    1,109,192 bytes  }
    gshhs(4).rim:      170,948 bytes  }

    total length:  140,917,849 bytes
Files containing a "(0)" define the finest-resolution dataset, those containing a "(1)" the next finest, and so on.

The following user-level routines were added to EZMAP:

Routines in Double Precision

In 2001, with the introduction of routines allowing access to the RANGS/GSHHS database, it became obvious that single-precision arithmetic could no longer provide sufficient resolution to deal with many large-scale maps of interest, so EZMAP was modified to use nothing but double-precision arithmetic internally (except in the EZMAPC routines, which already existed in both single-precision and double-precision incarnations).

This change involved the addition of many new EZMAP entry points. With four exceptions (MAPGTD, MAPSTD, MPGETD, and MPSETD) that were created solely for the sake of consistency, the names of all the new entry points begin with the two characters "MD" (for "Maps, Double"). In general, the routines with new names, beginning with "MD", are now the principal ones, while the routines with older names, beginning with "MAP" or "MP", are implemented by calling the new ones; thus, there is a small advantage in using the new entry-point names, but all of the older ones will work. (Note, however, that the double-precision routines MDPGCI, MDGCOG, and MDRITD are not used by their single-precision analogues MAPGCI, NGGCOG, and NGRITD.)

The new entry points are detailed below:

First, since all internal parameters of type REAL were changed to be of type DOUBLE PRECISION, it was necessary to create six entirely new routines to set and retrieve parameter values:

      MDGETD = MPGETD = MAPGTD (DP parameter value retrieval)
      MDSETD = MPSETD = MAPSTD (DP parameter value setting)
Three new routines are just like existing routines that set internal parameter values, but allow users to provide double-precision values:

      MDPPOS (like MAPPOS, sets map position parameters, has DP arguments)
      MDPROJ (like MAPROJ, sets projection parameters, has DP arguments)
      MDPSET (like MAPSET, sets map limit parameters, has DP arguments)
Three new routines allow access to double-precision versions of the basic transformation routines (lat/lon to U/V and vice-versa):

      MDPTRA (like MAPTRA, transformation routine, has DP arguments)
      MDPTRI (like MAPTRI, transformation routine, has DP arguments)
      MDPTRN (like MAPTRN, transformation routine, has DP arguments)
Thirteen new routines are used for drawing objects using lat/lon coordinates specified in double precision:

      In EZMAP,

      MDPGCI (like MAPGCI, interpolate points on great circle, has DP arguments)
      MDGCOG (like NGGCOG, create a great circle on globe, has DP arguments)
      MDRITD (like NGRITD, do 3D rotations, has DP arguments)

      MDPFST (like MAPFST, start a line, has DP lat/lon arguments)
      MDPVEC (like MAPVEC, continue a line, has DP lat/lon arguments)

      MDPIT  (like MAPIT, start or continue a line, has DP lat/lon arguments)
      MDPIQ  (like MAPIQ, finish drawing a line)
      MDPITD (like MAPITD, start or continue a line, has DP lat/lon arguments, using DASHPACK)
      MDPIQD (like MAPIQD, finish drawing a line, using DASHPACK)

      In EZMAPA,

      MDPITA (like MAPITA, line segment to area map, DP lat/lon arguments)
      MDPIQA (like MAPIQA, finish adding lines to an area map)
      MDPITM (like MAPITM,  draw line segment masked, DP lat/lon arguments)
      MDPIQM (like MAPIQM, finish drawing lines masked by an area map)
Four new routines are used to place latitude and longitude labels along a specified line on the map (which becomes more important as one uses more detailed large-scale maps):
      MDLBLN (puts longitude labels along a specified line on the map)
      MDLBLT (puts latitude labels along a specified line on the map)
      MDLACH (converts a double-precision latitude to character form)
      MDLOCH (converts a double-precision longitude to character form)
As of 01/24/2007, another four have been added, which are just like the four immediately above, but express the labels in decimal degrees, rather than in standard nautical form:
      MDLLND (puts longitude labels along a specified line on the map)
      MDLLTD (puts latitude labels along a specified line on the map)
      MDLACD (converts a double-precision latitude to character form)
      MDLOCD (converts a double-precision longitude to character form)
All the rest of the entry points were created solely for the sake of consistency, so that new programs can be written using nothing but names that begin with the characters "MD". These entry points are essentially just alternate names for existing entry points and are used with the same arguments as the originals:

      In EZMAP,

      MDGETC (like MPGETC = MAPGTC, parameter retrieval)
      MDGETI (like MPGETI = MAPGTI, parameter retrieval)
      MDGETL (like MPGETL = MAPGTL, parameter retrieval)
      MDGETR (like MPGETR = MAPGTR, parameter retrieval)
      MDPDRW (like MAPDRW, draw a complete map)
      MDPEOD (like MAPEOD, user-supplied routine to examine outline dataset)
      MDPGRD (like MAPGRD, draw a lat/lon grid)
      MDPINT (like MAPINT, initialize the package)
      MDPLBL (like MAPLBL, label a map)
      MDPLMB (like MAPLMB, draw a limb line)
      MDPLOT (like MAPLOT, draw geographic outlines)
      MDPRS  (like MAPRS, re-call SET)
      MDPRST (like MAPRST, restore saved parameter values)
      MDPSAV (like MAPSAV, save current parameter values)
      MDRSET (like MPRSET, parameter resetting)
      MDSETC (like MPSETC = MAPSTC, parameter setting)
      MDSETI (like MPSETI = MAPSTI, parameter setting)
      MDSETL (like MPSETL = MAPSTL, parameter setting)
      MDSETR (like MPSETR = MAPSTR, parameter setting)
      MDPUSR (like MAPUSR, user-supplied routine to change line style, color, etc.)

      In EZMAPA,

      MDPACI (like MAPACI, get suggested color index for specified area)
      MDPBLA (like MAPBLA, put boundary lines in an area map)
      MDPBLM (like MAPBLM, draw boundary lines masked by an area map)
      MDPGRM (like MAPGRM, draw a lat/lon grid masked by an area map)
      MDPLMM (like MAPLMB, draw a limb line masked by an area map)

      In EZMAPB,

      MDCHLN (like MPCHLN, change settings affecting lines being drawn)
      MDFNME (like MPFNME, get full name of an area)
      MDGLTY (like MPGLTY, get line type of current line being drawn)
      MDIATY (like MPIATY, get area type of an area)
      MDIFNB (like MPIFNB, get index of first non-blank of a string)
      MDILNB (like MPILNB, get index of last non-blank of a string)
      MDIOLA (like MPIOLA, get id of largest area containing an area)
      MDIOSA (like MPIOSA, get id of smallest area containing an area)
      MDIPAI (like MPIPAI, check whether an area is part of another)
      MDIPAN (like MPIPAN, check whether an area is part of another)
      MDIPAR (like MPIPAR, get id of parent area of an area)
      MDISCI (like MPISCI, get suggested color index for an area)
      MDLNAM (like MPLNAM, put outlines in an area map)
      MDLNDM (like MPLNDM, draw outlines masked by an area map)
      MDLNDR (like MPLNDR, draw outlines)
      MDLNRI (like MPLNRI, read information from an outline dataset)
      MDNAME (like MPNAME, get the name of an area)

      In EZMAPC,

      MDUTIN (like MPUTIN, USGS transform initialization)

      MDUTFD (like MPUTFD, USGS transform, forward, double precision)
      MDUTFS (like MPUTFS, USGS transform, forward, single precision)
      MDUTID (like MPUTID, USGS transform, inverse, double precision)
      MDUTIS (like MPUTIS, USGS transform, inverse, single precision)

Routines Used to Display a PNG

In 2007, the capability of displaying a georeferenced PNG as a background for an EZMAP plot was added. The principal routines involved are as follows:

The following lower-level routines are used by the above and may be of interest to a user:

Miscellaneous Other Routines

The following EZMAP routines are used for the purposes stated:

All of the routines mentioned above are described in detail in the section "ROUTINES", below.


EZMAP originally offered eleven different projections, but a number of new projection have been added (including, in 1999, the 23 projections of the USGS package GCTP, and, in 2008, five new ones). Map projections naturally fall into three groups: conical, azimuthal, and cylindrical:

Conical Projections

Conical projections map the surface of the earth onto a cone which is either tangent to the earth along a single circle or intersects it along two circles. The cone is cut along some line passing through its vertex and opened up onto a flat surface. The only conical projection offered by EZMAP proper is the Lambert conformal conic (three others are provided in the USGS package). The Lambert conformal conic may be defined with two standard parallels or with one standard parallel.

The cone intersects the earth along two user-specified standard parallels (lines of latitude), which would normally both be in the Northern Hemisphere or in the Southern Hemisphere; the cone is cut along the line opposite a user-specified central meridian (line of longitude) and laid flat on the u/v plane with either the North Pole or the South Pole (as implied by the standard parallels) at the origin.

If LAT1 and LAT2 are the latitudes of the two standard parallels and LAT1 is not equal to LAT2, the so-called "cone constant" is given by the formula

    CONE = -------------------------------------------
where "S" is +1 in the Northern Hemisphere and -1 in the Southern Hemisphere. If LAT1 equals LAT2, then

    CONE = COS(90-S*LAT1)
The value of CONE is between 0 and 1; CONE*360 is the angular separation between the edges of the cut after the cone is opened onto the plane, as measured across the surface of the flattened cone. If (RLAT,RLON) is a point to be projected, then the formulas

    R = (TAN(45-S*RLAT/2))**CONE
where CLON is the longitude of the central meridian, give the coordinates of the projected point in the u/v plane.

The globe is projected onto the entire u/v plane minus a wedge with its apex at the origin. This projection is normally used to depict mid-latitude regions of limited extent, for which it is relatively distortion-free. It has the property of preserving angles.

See the example named "mpex01".

Azimuthal Projections

Azimuthal projections map the earth (or a single hemisphere of it) onto a u/v plane whose origin touches the earth at the user-specified point (PLAT,PLON). The image may be rotated by a user-specified angle ROTA. The azimuthal projections are generated as follows:

If A is the angular separation, in degrees, of a point P, to be projected, from the point (PLAT,PLON), SINA is the sine of A, COSA is the cosine of A, and R is the linear distance of the projected point P' from the u/v origin, the various azimuthal projections may be described in terms of the relationship between A and R, as follows:

      R = TAN(A/2) = (1-COSA)/SINA
As A approaches 180 degrees, R approaches infinity. The entire globe is projected to the entire u/v plane. In practice, distortion becomes great beyond R=2, when A is approximately 127 degrees. The center of the projection is the point on the earth's surface opposite the point of tangency with the projection plane.

See the examples named "mpex02", "mpex04", "mpex05", and "mpex07".

      R = SINA
Points for which A is greater than 90 degrees are treated as invisible. Thus, a hemisphere is projected inside a circle of radius 1. The center of the projection is at infinity; all projection lines are parallel to each other and perpendicular to the u/v plane.

See the example named "mpex05".

      R = 2*SINA/SQRT(2*(1+COSA))
As A approaches 180 degrees, R approaches 2. The entire globe is projected into a circle of radius 2.

See the example named "mpex05".

      R = TAN(A) = SINA/COSA
Points for which A is greater than 90 degrees are invisible. Thus, a hemisphere is projected to the entire u/v plane. In practice, distortion becomes great beyond R=2, when A is approximately 65 degrees. The center of this projection is the center of the earth.

See the example named "mpex05".

      R = A*pi/180
As A approaches 180 degrees, R approaches pi (3.1415926...). Thus, the entire globe is projected within a circle of radius pi.

See the example named "mpex05".

      R = SQRT(SA*SA-1)*SINA/(SA-COSA)
where "SA" is the distance from the center of the earth to a satellite above the point (PLAT,PLON), in multiples of the earth's radius. Points for which COSA is less than "1/SA" are invisible. The portion of the earth's surface which would be visible from the satellite is projected inside a circle of radius 1. The center of the projection is at the satellite's position. As the satellite moves further and further out, the basic satellite-view projection approaches the orthographic projection. See the examples named "mpex05" and "mpexfi".

The basic satellite-view projection gives a view of the earth as seen by a satellite camera that is looking straight down toward the center of the earth. Note that the model for the "camera" we're talking about here is a pin-hole camera, in which each point of an image is formed by a single straight line emanating from some point in the scene. Real cameras are more complicated than that: each point of an image is formed by focusing infinitely many rays emanating from a point in the scene (all the rays from the point that happen to pass through the lens of the camera). An image formed by a real camera is generally distorted in some fashion and cannot be expected to exactly match an image formed by our hypothetical pin-hole camera.

See the examples named "mpex05" and "mpexfi".

      R = (something messy that I don't have in closed form)!
The user-settable parameters 'S1' and 'S2' affect the satellite-view projection as follows: S1 measures the angle between the line to the center of the earth and the line of sight of the satellite (the line to which the projection plane is perpendicular). The default value of S1 is zero, which gives the basic satellite view. When S1 is non-zero, S2 specifies the angle from the positive u axis of the basic satellite view counter-clockwise to the line OP, where O is the origin of the basic view and P is the projection (a single point), on the basic view, of the desired line of sight from the satellite. When S1 and S2 are used, the part of the earth projected is the same as for the basic view, but the part of the u/v plane covered by the projection may become the interior of an ellipse, the area "inside" a parabola, or the area "inside" one branch of a hyperbola; in each of these cases, the major axis of the curve defining the limb of the projection is at an angle S2 to the u axis.

Basically, 'S1' and 'S2' allow you to aim the satellite camera in any desired direction; however, getting exactly the view that you want is not completely trivial. The example "cpex10" demonstrates a technique that may be quite useful: if, in the call to MAPROJ that requests the satellite-view projection (with a first argument = 'SV' and second and third arguments PLAT and PLON specifying the position of the satellite), you use a value of ROTA (the final argument) such that the point you want to aim the satellite camera at is directly above the center of the basic view and you then use 'S1' non-zero and 'S2' = 90., you get a view with "outer space" at the top, the earth at the bottom, and the horizon line more or less horizontal. It is recommended that the satellite-view projection be used with a call to MAPSET in which the first argument JLTS = 'AN'; in that case, the other four arguments specify the field of view of the camera (as angular distances to the left, to the right, to the bottom, and to the top, of the frame). It is further recommended that you not use a first argument JLTS = 'MA' in such a call to MAPSET, since, in that case, you get a view showing the entire part of the globe that is visible from the satellite and distortion is likely to be extreme.

See the examples named "mpex06" and "cpex10". The latter is actually a CONPACK example, but it demonstrates the aiming technique described in the previous paragraph.

Cylindrical Projections

Cylindrical projections map the surface of the earth onto a cylinder which is tangent to the earth along a great circle passing through the user-specified point (PLAT,PLON) and tilted at a user-specified angle ROTA. The cylinder is cut along a line parallel to its axis and unrolled onto the plane. The cylindrical projections are generated as follows:

What happens in step 6 above will be described for each of the three types of cylindrical projections provided by EZMAP in the simple case where PLAT, PLON, and ROTA are all zero. Let RLAT and RLON be the latitude and longitude, in degrees, of a point to be projected; RLON must lie between -180 and +180. (If PLAT, PLON, and/or ROTA are non-zero, one must substitute for RLAT and RLON a pseudo-latitude and a pseudo-longitude computed from the real latitude and longitude; this is left as an exercise for the devotee of spherical trigonometry.) The cylindrical projections may then be described as follows:

      U = RLON
      V = RLAT
The entire globe is projected into a rectangle in the u/v plane. U ranges from -180 to +180, V from -90 to +90.

See the example named "mpex05".

      U = RLON
      V = RLAT/COS(SLAT)

      SLAT is a standard parallel - by default, SLAT = ACOS(2/pi) 
The entire globe is projected into a rectangle in the u/v plane. U ranges from -180 to +180, V from -90/COS(SLAT) to +90/COS(SLAT). The aspect ratio of this rectangle (U to V) is 2*COS(SLAT). When SLAT is 0, this ratio is 2:1 and the projection is identical to the cylindrical equidistant. When SLAT is 60, the ratio is 1:1, so the rectangle is a square, and when SLAT is greater than 60, the rectangle is taller than it is wide.

The parameter 'SL' may be set to change the value of SLAT. Shape distortion is minimal near this latitude.

Note: As described in the literature, the equirectangular projection is a little different: their values of U and V are multiplied by pi/180. This changes the scale, but not the shape, of the map.

      U = RLON*pi/180 (where pi=3.14159...)
      V = SIN(RLAT)/COS(SLAT)**2

      SLAT is a standard parallel - by default, SLAT = pi/6 = 30 degrees 
The entire globe is projected into a rectangle in the u/v plane. U ranges from -pi to +pi, V from 1/COS(SLAT)**2 to +1/COS(SLAT)**2. The aspect ratio of this rectangle (U to V) is pi*COS(SLAT)**2. When SLAT is zero, this ratio is pi, so the rectangle is a little more than three times as wide as it is high. When SLAT is 30, the ratio is (3/4)*pi,so the rectangle is a little less than two and one-half times as wide as it is high. When SLAT is about 55.65, the ratio is 1, so the rectangle is a square, and when SLAT is greater than that, the rectangle is taller than it is wide.

The parameter 'SL' may be set to change the value of SLAT. Shape distortion is minimal near this latitude.

See the example named "mpex14" or the example in the demo program "ezmapdemo".

Note: As described in the literature, the cylindrical equal-area projection is a little different: their values of U and V are multiplied by the constant COS(SLAT). This changes the scale, but not the shape, of the map.

      U = RLON*pi/180 (where pi=3.14159...)
      V = ALOG(COT(45-RLAT/2))
The entire globe is projected into an infinite rectangle in the u/v plane. U ranges from -pi to +pi, V from -infinity to +infinity. In practice, distortion becomes unacceptable for latitudes within 5 degrees of the North or South Pole.

See the examples named "mpex03", "mpex04", "mpex05", "mpex08", and "mpex09".

Also available is a variation of the Mercator, referred to as the "rotated Mercator", which is generated as described above except that steps 3 and 4 are skipped (leaving the earth upright, with the cylinder wrapped around it, tangent to the equator), and, following step 8, there is a final clockwise rotation by the angle ROTA, so that the infinite rectangle in the u/v plane is tilted with respect to the U and V axes. Meridians are straight lines making an angle of ROTA with the V axis; parallels are straight lines that are perpendicular to the meridians. An example is available from "ezmapdemo".

      U = (RLON/90)*COS(RLAT)
      V = SIN(RLAT)
The entire surface of the globe is projected into an ellipse. U ranges from -2 to +2, V from -1 to +1.

See the example named "mpex05".

      RLAT     PLEN      PDFE
      ----    ------    ------
       00N    1.0000    0.0000
       05N    0.9986    0.0620
       10N    0.9954    0.1240
       15N    0.9900    0.1860
       20N    0.9822    0.2480
       25N    0.9730    0.3100
       30N    0.9600    0.3720
       35N    0.9427    0.4340
       40N    0.9216    0.4958
       45N    0.8962    0.5571
       50N    0.8679    0.6176
       55N    0.8350    0.6769
       60N    0.7986    0.7346
       65N    0.7597    0.7903
       70N    0.7186    0.8435
       75N    0.6732    0.8936
       80N    0.6213    0.9394
       85N    0.5722    0.9761
       90N    0.5322    1.0000
This is a pseudo-cylindrical projection. The entire surface of the globe is projected into an area having straight edges at the top and bottom and curved edges on the left and right. U ranges from -1 to +1, V from -.5072 to +.5072. This projection is now the principal one used by the National Geographic Society.

Mixed Projections

Four new projections that EZMAP offers (added in September, 2008) are very similar to the cylindrical projections and can be viewed as having been created in the same way:





      SINC(ALPH) = SIN(ALPH)/ALPH for ALPH non-zero; 1 for ALPH equal to zero
The entire globe is projected into an ellipse in the u/v plane. U ranges from -pi to +pi, V from -pi/2 to +pi/2.

See "ezmapdemo" example number 14.

The entire globe is projected into an ellipse in the u/v plane. U ranges from -2*sqrt(2) to +2*sqrt(2), V from -sqrt(2) to +sqrt(2).

See "ezmapdemo" example number 15.

      U = 2*SQRT(2)*(RLON/180)*COS(THTA)
      V = SQRT(2)*SIN(THTA)


      2*THTA+SIN(2*THTA) = pi*SIN(RLAT)

      (THTA is computed using a Newton-Raphson iteration.)
The entire globe is projected into an ellipse in the u/v plane. U ranges from -2*sqrt(2) to +2*sqrt(2), V from -sqrt(2) to +sqrt(2).

See "ezmapdemo" example number 16.





      SINC(ALPH) = SIN(ALPH)/ALPH for ALPH non-zero; 1 for ALPH equal to zero


      SLAT is a standard parallel - by default, SLAT = ACOS(2/pi)
The entire globe is projected into a rectangle in the u/v plane (except that the ends of the rectangle are rounded off). U ranges from -(pi/2)*(1+COS(SLAT) to +(pi/2)*(1+COS(SLAT), V from -pi/2 to +pi/2.

See "ezmapdemo" example number 17.

The parameter 'SL' may be set to change the value of SLAT.

USGS Projections

The United States Geological Survey makes available a package of FORTRAN routines, called the General Coordinate Transformation Package, which implements 23 different map transformations. In late 1998, I acquired a copy of this package and I have now (early 1999) made it possible to use the package from EZMAP.

In order to use the USGS routines, one must first call the routine MDPROJ with a first argument 'UT' (for "USGS Transformations"). Then, one must call the routine MDUTIN to select a particular USGS transformation and initialize it. MDUTIN calls MDPINT, and subsequent calls are just as before.

Some of the USGS transformations are for projections that we did not previously have. Some of them are for projections that we did have, but provide for the use of an ellipsoidal model of the earth instead of or in addition to a spherical model. In all cases, one can specify the dimensions of the earth in meters, so that U and V coordinates have real meaning.

The projections provided by the USGS are as follows:

No. Name Type Earth Model Shape of Projected Earth
01UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) cylindrical ellipsoid not used for whole-earth maps
02State Plane various ellipsoid (Clarke 1866 or GRS 1980 only) not used for whole-earth maps
03Albers Equal-Area Conic conical ellipsoid interior of a circle minus a smaller circle and a wedge
04Lambert Conformal Conic conical ellipsoid entire plane minus a wedge
05Mercator cylindrical ellipsoid strip between vertical lines
06Polar Stereographic azimuthal ellipsoid entire plane
07Polyconic conical ellipsoid interior of a near-circle
08Equidistant Conic conical ellipsoid interior of a circle minus a smaller circle and a wedge
09Transverse Mercator cylindrical ellipsoid strip between horizontal lines
10Stereographic azimuthal sphere of reference entire plane
11Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area azimuthal sphere of reference interior of a circle
12Azimuthal Equidistant azimuthal sphere of reference interior of a circle
13Gnomonic azimuthal sphere of reference entire plane
14Orthographic azimuthal sphere of reference interior of a circle
15Perspective azimuthal sphere of reference interior of a circle
16Sinusoidal cylindrical sphere of reference area between two sine curves
17Equirectangular cylindrical sphere of reference interior of a rectangle
18Miller Cylindrical cylindrical sphere of reference interior of a rectangle
19Van der Grinten I cylindrical sphere of reference interior of a circle
20Oblique Mercator (Hotine) cylindrical ellipsoid strip between oblique lines
21Robinson pseudocylindrical sphere of reference interior of a polygon
22Space Oblique Mercator cylindrical ellipsoid really, really weird - useful in limited areas
23Modified Stereographic for Alaska azimuthal ellipsoid (Clarke 1866 only) not used for whole-earth maps

The UTM Coordinate System

The Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system was adopted by the U.S. Army in 1947 for use on large-scale military maps; it provides map coordinates that are simpler to use than latitude and longitude (as, for example, in computing distances between two points on such a map). The UTM system is currently employed by the armed forces of the United States and NATO. With the advent of inexpensive GPS receivers, other map users are now adopting the UTM system as well.

The UTM system takes advantage of the fact that a transverse Mercator projection of the earth is generated using a cylinder whose axis is perpendicular to the plane of a particular meridian and portrays with minimal distortion a strip of the earth's surface near that meridian, where the surface of the earth and the cylinder are very close together.

The portion of the earth between latitudes 80S and 84N is divided into 60 longitude zones, each of which is 6 degrees of longitude in width. The zones are numbered consecutively from west to east; zone number 1 is centered at 177W and covers longitudes from 180W to 174W and zone number 60 is centered at 177E and covers longitudes from 174E to 180E. Each of the sixty UTM zones is projected to an X/Y plane using a transverse Mercator projection having the central meridian of the zone as its central meridian. Given the latitude and longitude of a point in a UTM zone, the transverse Mercator projection gives us an X value, referred to as an "easting", and a Y value, referred to as a "northing", for the point; these are the numeric UTM coordinates of the point and they are measured in meters. Eastings are biased by the addition of a "false easting", so that a point on the central meridian always has an easting of exactly 500,000. The northing for a point in the Northern Hemisphere is just its distance from the equator, but the northing for a point in the Southern Hemisphere is biased by a "false northing" of 10,000,000 (so that subtracting it from 10,000,000 gives the distance of the point from the equator). The use of the "false easting" and "false northing" ensures that the UTM coordinates will always be positive values.

Thus, given a point at an arbitrary longitude and a latitude between 80S and 84N, one can determine the zone and the hemisphere in which the point lies and then compute its numeric UTM coordinates relative to that zone. Similarly, given a zone number, a hemisphere, and the numeric UTM coordinates of a point, one can determine the latitude and longitude of the point.

Each of the sixty UTM zones is further subdivided into twenty horizontal bands, which are lettered, from south to north, beginning with "C" for a band from 80S to 72S and ending with "X" for a band from 72N to 84N; the letters I and O are skipped to avoid confusion with the numbers 1 and 0. Each of the first nineteen bands spans eight degrees of latitude, while the northernmost band, band "X", spans 12 degrees of latitude.

Note that the information provided by the horizontal-band letters is somewhat redundant: although specifying the letter gives someone who is familiar with the UTM system a rough idea of where on the earth a point lies, it affects the computation of the lat/lon coordinates from the numeric UTM coordinates only in that one can deduce from the letter whether a specified point is in the Southern Hemisphere (bands C-M) or in the Northern Hemisphere (bands N-X).

The USGS routines do not make use of the band letters in UTM coordinates; instead, the convention is that positive zone numbers, from 1 to 60, refer to the Northern Hemisphere and negative zone numbers, from -1 to -60, refer to the Southern Hemisphere. As far as I know, this convention is peculiar to the USGS routines and is not used elsewhere.

The State Plane Coordinate System

The State Plane coordinate system is a collection of transformations, each of which is to be used in mapping a particular limited area (zone) of the U.S. There is at least one such transformation for each of the fifty states (up to ten for some of the larger states), plus a few for some U.S. possessions like American Samoa and Puerto Rico. Each of the transformations provides a relatively distortion-free representation of the particular zone for which it is meant to be used.

There are two different versions of the State Plane system, an older one based on the "North American datum of 1927 (NAD27)", which uses the "Clarke 1866" spheroid, and a newer one based on the "North American datum of 1983 (NAD83)", which uses the "GRS 1980" spheroid. In either version, a four-digit "zone number" specifies the area of interest; for example, zone number "2800" refers to New Hampshire. The sets of zone numbers used in the two versions are similar, but not identical: for example, in both versions, Delaware is zone number "0700", but the older version of Montana is divided into zones "2501", "2502", and "2503" ("North", "Central", and "South"), while the newer version of Montana is just zone number "2500".

The principal projections used by the State Plane system are the Lambert Conformal Conic with two standard parallels and the Transverse Mercator secant to the model of the earth; there is also a single zone for which the Polyconic is used and another for which the Oblique Mercator is used. Distortion in the Lambert Conformal Conic is a function of latitude, but is independent of longitude, so it is used for areas having a greater extent in longitude than in latitude; the scale is true along each of the standard parallels. Similarly, distortion in the Transverse Mercator is a function of longitude, but is independent of latitude, so it is used for areas having a greater extent in latitude than in longitude; the scale is true along each of two lines roughly parallel to the central meridian.

For each of the State Plane coordinate zones, projection parameters are defined so that the point having a given latitude and longitude has coordinates X and Y (referred to as the "easting" and "northing", respectively) in the projection space; X and Y are measured in meters. The coordinates are offset by addition of a "false easting" and a "false northing" which are defined in such a way as to make the coordinates of all points within the area of interest be positive.

When one calls MDUTIN to initialize the USGS package for a particular State Plane zone without specifying the ranges of X and Y coordinates to be displayed, the routine sets those ranges in such a way as to show the approximate intended extent of that zone. The EZMAP demo program can be made to draw plots of the State Plane zones in a specified area.


This section describes all the user-callable routines of EZMAP. The descriptions are arranged in functional order; for an alphabetical listing, see the index (above).



(Note that these routines are equivalent; MAPDRW just calls MDPDRW.)

Draws a complete map, as described by the current values of the internal parameters of EZMAP. Note that this routine uses whichever old outline dataset is selected by the value of the internal parameter 'OU'; to access the new map databases "Earth..1", "Earth..2", "Earth..3", and "Earth..4", one must call instead the routines that MDPDRW would have called, but call MDLNDR (which see) instead of MDPLOT.


Just call it. MDPDRW calls MDPINT (if the value of the internal parameter 'IN' indicates that initialization is required), MDPGRD, MDPLBL, and MDPLOT, in that order.

Users may sometimes wish to call directly the routines that MDPDRW calls. For example, they sometimes want to change the aspect ratio of a map drawn by EZMAP to something other than that implied by the projection selected; in order to do this, it is necessary to put calls to GETSET and SET in between the call to MDPINT and the calls to MDPGRD, MDPLBL, and MDPLOT. This is possible only if the user is calling those routines directly (rather than indirectly, by calling MDPDRW).

See the examples named "mpex01", "mpex02", "mpex04", "mpex05", "mpex06", "mpex07", and "mpex10".




(Note that the first two routines are equivalent: MAPINT just calls MDPINT. Similarly, MAQINI just calls MDQINI.)

An initialization routine. As of early 1999, EZMAP keeps track of its own initialization state and does its own calls to the routine MDPINT. Therefore, it is no longer necessary for a user to call it; however, such a call will do no harm.

The routines MAQINI and MDQINI are much like MAPINT and MDPINT, respectively; they were added in April, 2008, and may be called at any time to save the current transformation for use by subsequent calls to MAQTRA, MAQTRI, MAQTRN, MDQTRA, MDQTRI, and MDQTRN, thus making it possible to have two different transformations defined at the same time. These routines were implemented in support of the ability to use a PNG as a background for an EZMAP plot.


The statement

initializes the EZMAP package. This is required initially and again after a call to any of the routines MDPPOS, MDPROJ, or MDPSET. The flag 'IN', which may be retrieved by a call to MDGETI or MDGETL, indicates whether or not initialization is required at a given time. As of now (April, 1987), no parameter change by means of a call to MDSETx forces re-initialization; only calls to MDPPOS, MDPROJ, and MDPSET do.

To clarify the use of MDPINT: Once the internal parameters describing a map transformation are completely defined, MDPINT must be called; it computes as many of the transformation parameters as possible, so that, when MDPTRN is called, it can return the u/v coordinates corresponding to a particular lat/lon position as quickly as possible. If the transformation is changed, MDPINT must be re-called before the next call to MDPTRN. Routines which call MDPTRN and therefore depend on MDPINT's having been called are as follows: MDPBLA, MDPFST, MDPGRD, MDPGRM, MDPIQ, MDPIQA, MDPIQM, MDPIT, MDPITA, MDPITM, MDPLBL, MDPLOT, MDPTRA, MDPTRI, MDPVEC, MDLNAM, MDLNDM, MDLNDR, MDRGOL, MDRGSF, and SUPCON. Routines which change the transformation in some way and therefore require MDPINT to be re-called are as follows: MDPPOS, MDPROJ, and MDPSET. If one is just doing a single plot, one does the parameter-setting calls that define the transformation, calls MDPINT to initialize, and then calls the various routines that draw the plot; in this case, a single call to MDPINT is all that is necessary.

One of the things that MDPINT does is call the SPPS routine SET to define the mapping from the u/v (projection) plane to the x/y (plotter) plane, so that u/v coordinates returned by the routines MDPTRA and MDPTRN can be used directly (as "user" coordinates) in calls to other NCAR Graphics routines. The user must be careful not to interfere with this process by doing an inappropriate call to SET in between calling MDPINT and calling other routines that depend on the proper SET call's having been done; if such a call must be done, the routine MDPRS (q.v.) may be used to restore the SET call done by MDPINT.

See the examples named "mpex09", "mpex10", and "eezmpa".




(Note that these routines are equivalent; MAPGRD just calls MDPGRD.)

Draws a lat/lon grid.


If the parameter 'GR' has a value greater than zero, the statement

draws a grid consisting of lines of latitude (parallels) and lines of longitude (meridians).

In addition to the grid, MDPGRD also draws the limb line (if any) of the current projection. For more information about limb lines, see the description of the routine MDPLMB.

If EZMAP needs initialization or if there is an uncleared NCAR Graphics error or if the parameter 'GR' is less than or equal to zero, MDPGRD does nothing.

The grid is drawn using calls to MDPIT and MDPIQ. By default, MDPGRD forces the value of the internal parameter 'DL' to zero, so that the grid will be drawn using calls to the routines FRSTD and VECTD, in the dash package. MDPGRD also calls the dash-package routine DASHDB to force the current dash pattern to the value specified by the internal parameter 'DA'. Before returning control to the user, MDPGRD restores the original value of 'DL' and the original dash pattern. A user version of one of the routines MAPUSR or MDPUSR may be supplied to change the way in which the grid lines are drawn (as shown in the example "mpex09").

The values of the parameters 'GP', 'GN', and 'GT' also affect the drawing of the grid.




(Note that these routines are equivalent; MAPLBL just calls MDPLBL.)

Labels the map.


The statement

if the parameter 'LA' is set appropriately, labels the international date line (ID), the equator (EQ), the Greenwich Meridian (GM), and the poles (NP and SP), and, if the parameter 'PE' is set appropriately, draws the perimeter of the map. If EZMAP needs initialization or if there is an uncleared NCAR Graphics error, MDPLBL does nothing.

See the example named "eezmpa".




(Note that these routines are equivalent; MAPLOT just calls MDPLOT.)

Draws geographical outlines. Note that this routine uses whichever old outline dataset is selected by the value of the internal parameter 'OU'; to access the new map databases "Earth..1", "Earth..2", "Earth..3", and "Earth..4", one must call instead the EZMAPB routine MDLNDR.


The statement

draws the continental and/or international and/or U.S. state outlines selected by the EZMAP parameter 'OU'; the parameter 'DO' determines whether solid lines or dotted lines are used.

If the internal parameter 'GR' has been given a negative value, MDPLOT will also draw the limb line (if any) of the current projection. For more information about limb lines, see the description of the routine MDPLMB.

If EZMAP currently needs initialization or if there is an uncleared NCAR Graphics error, MDPLOT does nothing.

The outlines are drawn using calls to MAPIT and MAPIQ, which call MDPIT and MDPIQ, respectively. By default, MDPLOT forces the value of the internal parameter 'DL' equal to the value of the internal parameter 'DO'; it also supplies the dash package with a solid-line dash pattern. When 'DO' is zero, the outlines are drawn using calls to the routines FRSTD and VECTD, in the dash package, and this gives solid lines. When 'DO' is non-zero, the outlines are drawn using calls to the SPPS routine POINTS, which gives dotted lines. Before returning control to the user, MDPLOT restores the original value of 'DL' and the original dash pattern. A user version of the routine MDPUSR may be supplied to change the way in which the outlines are drawn (as shown in the example "mpex09").

See the examples named "mpex09" and "eezmpa".





(Note that MAPPOS has four arguments of type REAL and MDPPOS has four arguments of type DOUBLE PRECISION; MAPPOS is actually implemented by calling MDPPOS.)

Positions the map on the plotter frame.


The statement

sets four EZMAP parameters specifying the position of a window in the plotter frame within which maps are to be drawn. Each of the arguments is between 0. and 1., inclusive, and specifies the position of one edge of the window, as a fraction of the distance from left to right, or from bottom to top, across the window. The map is centered within the window and made as large as possible, but maintains its intrinsic shape (aspect ratio).

If it is desired to give a map a different aspect ratio than that implied by the projection being used, it will be necessary to insert, immediately after the call to MDPINT, an appropriate call to SET to override the one done by MDPINT and therefore to specify precisely the mapping of the u/v plane into a desired viewport on the plotter frame. Typically, one might call GETSET to find out what arguments 5-8 should be in one's own call to SET. Note that, if MDPDRW is being called, that call will have to be replaced by calls directly to MDPINT, MDPGRD, MDPLBL, and MDPLOT, in order to allow one's own call to SET to be placed immediately after the call to MDPINT.

See the examples named "mpex04", "mpex05", "mpex06", and "mpex07".


XLOW (an input expression, of type REAL or DOUBLE PRECISON, depending on which routine is called ) specifies the position of the left edge of the window. The default is .05.

XROW (an input expression, of type REAL or DOUBLE PRECISON, depending on which routine is called) specifies the position of the right edge of the window. The default is .95.

YBOW (an input expression, of type REAL or DOUBLE PRECISON, depending on which routine is called) specifies the position of the bottom edge of the window. The default is .05.

YTOW (an input expression, of type REAL or DOUBLE PRECISON, depending on which routine is called) specifies the position of the top edge of the window. The default is .95.


(Note that the MAPROJ has three arguments of type REAL and MDPROJ has three arguments of type DOUBLE PRECISION; MAPROJ is actually implemented by calling MDPROJ.)

Set the projection to be used.


The statement

sets EZMAP parameters specifying the projection to be used for subsequent maps.

See the examples named "mpex01", "mpex02", "mpex04", "mpex05", "mpex06", "mpex07", "mpex09", "mpex10", and "eezmpa".


JPRJ (an input expression, of type CHARACTER) defines the desired projection type. All the possible values are two characters in length; these are the possibilities:

The conic projection:

The azimuthal projections:

The cylindrical projections:

The mixed projections:

The USGS transformations:

Note: The orthographic and satellite-view projections have the same internal identifier. The EZMAP parameter 'SA' determines which will be used. If a call to MDPROJ selecting one of them is followed by a call to MDSETR or MDSETD resetting 'SA', it may have the effect of causing the other to be used. See the description of the internal parameter 'SA', below.

PLAT, PLON, and ROTA (input expressions, of type REAL or DOUBLE PRECISION, depending on which routine is called) are angular quantities, in degrees. How they are used depends on the value of JPRJ, as follows:

For more detailed descriptions of the projections, see the section named "PROJECTIONS".


(Note that the MAPSET has four dimensioned arguments of type REAL and MDPSET has four dimensioned arguments of type DOUBLE PRECISION; MAPSET is actually implemented by calling MDPSET.)

To set internal parameters specifying the rectangular portion of the u/v plane to be drawn.


The statement

specifies what portion of the u/v plane is to be drawn.

See the examples named "mpex01", "mpex02", "mpex04", "mpex07", "mpex09", "mpex10", and "eezmpa".


JLTS (an input expression, of type CHARACTER) is a character string specifying how the limits of the map are to be chosen. There are five possibilities, as follows:

PLM1, PLM2, PLM3, and PLM4 (input arrays, dimensioned 2, of type REAL or DOUBLE PRECISION, depending on which routine is called) are as described above, depending on the value of JLTS. Note that each is a two-element array. Strictly speaking, the FORTRAN standard requires that they be declared as such, even when only the first element of each array is used.


(Note that, although, for a given value of "x", MAPSTx, MPSETx, and MDSETx are equivalent, the first two are implemented by calling the third.)

To set the values of internal parameters of EZMAP.


Use one of the four statements

depending on whether the value to be set is of type CHARACTER, INTEGER, LOGICAL, REAL, or DOUBLE PRECISION. Some parameters may be set in more than one way. For example, the parameter 'GR', which specifies the grid spacing, may be given the value 10.0 in either of three ways:

      CALL MDSETI ('GR',10)
      CALL MDSETR ('GR',10.)
      CALL MDSETD ('GR',10.D0)
The flag which controls dotting of outlines may be turned on using either of these calls:

      CALL MDSETI ('DO',1)
The important point to remember is that the last character of the routine name implies the type of its second argument.

See the examples named "mpex01", "mpex02", "mpex04", "mpex05", "mpex06", "mpex07", "mpex08", "mpex09", "mpex10", "mpexfi", and "eezmpa".


PNAM (an input expression, of type CHARACTER*2) specifies the name of an internal parameter whose value is to be set. Only the first two characters of this string are examined.

xVAL (an input expression of type CHARACTER, INTEGER, LOGICAL, REAL, or DOUBLE PRECISION, depending on which routine is called) contains the value to be given to the parameter specified by PNAM.

See the section "INTERNAL PARAMETERS" for descriptions of all the internal parameters.


(Note that, although, for a given value of "x", MAPGTx, MPGETX, and MDGETx are equivalent, the first two are implemented by calling the third.)

Gets the current value of a specified EZMAP parameter.


Use one of the statements

depending on whether the value to be retrieved is of type CHARACTER, INTEGER, LOGICAL, REAL, or DOUBLE PRECISION. The values of some parameters may be retrieved in more than one way. For example, the value of the initialization flag may be retrieved as a logical quantity (.TRUE. or .FALSE.) or as an integer (non-zero or zero).

See the examples named "mpex07" and "mpex08".


PNAM (an input expression of type CHARACTER) specifies the name of the parameter to get. Only the first two characters of the string are examined. See the section "INTERNAL PARAMETERS" for a list of all the internal parameters whose values may be retrieved.

xVAL (an output variable of type CHARACTER, INTEGER, LOGICAL, REAL, or DOUBLE PRECISION, depending on which routine is called) receives the value of the parameter specified by PNAM.


(Note that these routines are equivalent; MPRSET just calls MDRSET.)

Resets the internal state of EZMAP to the default.


The statement

may be used to reset the values of all the internal parameters of EZMAP to their defaults and then recall the initialization routine MDPINT.




(Note that these routines are equivalent; MAPSAV just calls MDPSAV with the specified argument.)

Saves the current state of EZMAP for later restoration by MDPRST.


The statement

saves the current state of EZMAP by writing, on the unit specified by IFNO, the current values of all the user-settable parameters.

No example is available for MDPSAV.


IFNO (an input expression, of type INTEGER) is the number of a unit to which a single unformatted record is to be written. It is the user's responsibility to position this unit. MDPSAV does not rewind it, either before or after writing the record.


(Note that these routines are equivalent; MAPRST just calls MDPRST with the specified argument.)

Restores the state of EZMAP saved by an earlier call to MDPSAV.


The statement

restores EZMAP to a previously saved state by reading, from the unit specified by IFNO, values of all user-settable parameters, and then executing MDPINT.

No example is available for MDPRST.


IFNO (an input expression, of type INTEGER) is the number of a unit from which a single unformatted record is to be read. It is the user's responsibility to position this unit. MDPRST does not rewind it, either before or after reading the record.



(Note that MAPTRN has arguments of type REAL and MDPTRN has arguments of type DOUBLE PRECISION; MAPTRN is actually implemented by calling MDPTRN.)

The routines MAQTRN and MDQTRN were added in April, 2008, to support the use of alternate transformations. They are just like MAPTRN and MDPTRN, respectively, but use the transformation saved by the last call to MAQINI or MDQINI.

To project points.


The statement

may be used to find the projection in the u/v plane of a point whose latitude and longitude are known. MDPTRN may be called at any time after EZMAP has been initialized (by calling MDPINT or otherwise).

See the example named "mpex09".


RLAT and RLON (input expressions, of type REAL or DOUBLE PRECISION, depending on which routine is called) are the latitude and longitude, respectively, of a point on the globe. RLAT must be between -90. and +90., inclusive; RLON must be between -540. and +540., inclusive.

UVAL and VVAL (output variables, of type REAL or DOUBLE PRECISION, depending on which routine is called) define the point (UVAL,VVAL) that is the projection in the u/v plane of (RLAT,RLON). The units of UVAL and VVAL depend on the projection.

If the point is not projectable, UVAL is returned equal to 1.E12 or 1.D12, depending on which routine is called. Note that, if the point is projectable, but outside the boundary of the map, as defined by the last call to MDPSET, its u and v coordinates are still returned by MDPTRN. The user must do the test required to determine if the point is within limits, if that is necessary.


(Note that MAPTRA has arguments of type REAL and MDPTRA has arguments of type DOUBLE PRECISION; MAPTRA is actually implemented by calling MDPTRA.)

To project points.

MDPTRA is just like MDPTRN except that, if a point being projected is outside the boundary of the map (as defined by the last call to MDPSET and by the value of the internal parameter 'EL'), a special value is returned to signal this condition; see the sub-section named "Arguments", below. (The default version of the CONPACK routine named CPMPXY now calls MAPTRA, rather than MAPTRN; it was for this purpose that MAPTRA and MDPTRA were created, but users may wish to call them, as well.)

The routines MAQTRA and MDQTRA were added in April, 2008, to support the use of alternate transformations. They are just like MAPTRA and MDPTRA, respectively, but use the transformation saved by the last call to MAQINI or MDQINI.


The statement

may be used to find the projection in the u/v plane of a point whose latitude and longitude are known. MDPTRA may be called at any time after EZMAP has been initialized (by calling MDPINT or otherwise).

Currently, no example is available for MDPTRA.


RLAT and RLON (input expressions, of type REAL or DOUBLE PRECISION, depending on which routine is called) are the latitude and longitude, respectively, of a point on the globe. RLAT must be between -90. and +90., inclusive; RLON must be between -540. and +540., inclusive.

UVAL and VVAL (output variables, of type REAL or DOUBLE PRECISION, depending on which routine is called) define the point (UVAL,VVAL) that is the projection in the u/v plane of (RLAT,RLON). The units of UVAL and VVAL depend on the projection.

If the point is not projectable or if it is outside the boundary of the map, as defined by the last call to MDPSET and by the value of the parameter 'EL', UVAL is returned equal to 1.E12 or 1.D12, depending on which routine is called.


(Note that MAPTRI has arguments of type REAL and MDPTRI has arguments of type DOUBLE PRECISION; MAPTRI is actually implemented by calling MDPTRI.)

The routines MAQTRI and MDQTRI were added in April, 2008, to support the use of alternate transformations. They are just like MAPTRI and MDPTRI, respectively, but use the transformation saved by the last call to MAQINI or MDQINI.

To perform inverse transformations.


The statement

is used to find the latitude and longitude of a point whose projection in the u/v plane is known. MDPTRI may be called at any time after EZMAP has been initialized (by calling MDPINT or otherwise).

See the example named "mpex10".


UVAL and VVAL (input expressions, of type REAL or DOUBLE PRECISION, depending on which routine is called) define the point (UVAL,VVAL) that is the projection in the u/v plane of the point whose latitude and longitude are desired. The units of UVAL and VVAL depend on the projection.

RLAT and RLON (output variables, of type REAL or DOUBLE PRECISION ) are the latitude and longitude, respectively, of the point, in degrees. RLAT will be between -90. and +90., inclusive; RLON will be between -180. and +180., inclusive.

If the point (UVAL,VVAL) is not the projection of some point of the globe or is outside the boundary of the map, RLAT and RLON are returned equal to 1.E12 or 1.D12, depending on which routine is called.



(Note that MAPFST has lat/lon arguments of type REAL and MDPFST has lat/lon arguments of type DOUBLE PRECISION. Both are implemented by calling MDPIT.)

Draws lines on a map - used in conjunction with MDPVEC.


The statement

is equivalent to the statement

See the description of MDPIT.


RLAT and RLON (input expressions of type REAL or DOUBLE PRECISION, depending on which routine is called) are defined in the same way as for MDPIT.


(Note that both of these routines are implemented by calling MDPIT, and that there may be some advantage in calling that routine directly.)

Draws lines on a map - used in conjunction with MDPFST.


The statement

is equivalent to the statement

See the description of MDPIT.


RLAT and RLON (input expressions, of type REAL or DOUBLE PRECISION, depending on which routine is called) are defined as for MDPIT.


(Note that MAPIT has lat/lon arguments of type REAL and MDPIT has lat/lon arguments of type DOUBLE PRECISION; MAPIT is actually implemented by calling MDPIT.)

Draws lines on a map.


MDPIT is used to draw lines on a map; it is called by various EZMAP routines (MDPLOT, MDPGRD, MDPVEC, and MDLNDR) and may also be called directly by the user. MDPIT attempts to omit non-visible portions of lines and to handle "cross-over" - a jump from one end of the map to the other caused by the projection's having slit the globe along some half of a great circle and laid it open with the two sides of the slit at opposite ends of the map. Cross-over can occur on cylindrical and conical projections; MDPIT handles it gracefully on the former and not quite so well on the latter.

The EZMAP parameter 'DL' determines whether MDPIT draws solid lines or dotted lines. Dotted lines are drawn using calls to POINTS. Solid lines are drawn using calls to DASHD, FRSTD, and VECTD. The EZMAP parameters 'DD' and 'MV' also affect MDPIT's behavior. See the description of these parameters in the section "INTERNAL PARAMETERS".

A sequence of calls to MDPIT should be followed by a call to MDPIQ to flush its buffers before a STOP, a CALL FRAME, or a call to change the color index, line width, dash pattern, or the like.

Beware of intermingling calls to MDPIT and calls to MDPITD; the two routines share buffer space and intermingling the calls will have undesirable effects.

Because the entire line segment joining the points in two contiguous pen-down calls to MDPIT is considered visible if both of the points are visible and invisible if both of the points are invisible, such points should not be too far apart on the globe.

See the example named "mpexfi".


RLAT and RLON (input expressions, of type REAL or DOUBLE PRECISION, depending on which routine is called) specify the latitude and longitude of a point to which the "pen" is to be moved. Both are given in degrees. RLAT must be between -90. and +90., inclusive; RLON must be between -540. and +540., inclusive.

IFST (an input expression, of type INTEGER) is 0 to do a "pen-up" move, 1 to do a "pen-down" move only if the distance from the last point to the new point is greater than 'MV' plotter units, and 2 or greater to do a "pen-down" move regardless of the distance from the last point to the new one.


(Note that these routines are equivalent; MAPIQ just calls MDPIQ.)

Terminate a string of calls to MDPIT.


The statement

flushes MDPIT's buffers. It is particularly important that this be done before a STOP or a CALL FRAME and before changing the color index, dash pattern, etc.

See the description of MDPIT.

See the example named "mpexfi".




(Note that the MAPITD has lat/lon arguments of type REAL and MDPITD has lat/lon arguments of type DOUBLE PRECISION; MAPITD is actually implemented by calling MDPITD.)

Draws lines on a map using the new dash package DASHPACK.


MDPITD is used to draw lines on a map; it is not called by any of the EZMAP routines, but is intended to be called directly by the user. MDPITD is just like MDPIT except that it uses the new dash package DASHPACK instead of the old DASHCHAR; it attempts to omit non-visible portions of lines and to handle "cross-over" - a jump from one end of the map to the other caused by the projection's having slit the globe along some half of a great circle and laid it open with the two sides of the slit at opposite ends of the map. Cross-over can occur on cylindrical and conical projections; MDPITD handles it gracefully on the former and not quite so well on the latter.

The EZMAP parameter 'DL' determines whether MDPITD draws solid lines or dotted lines. Dotted lines are drawn using calls to POINTS. Solid lines are drawn using calls to DPFRST, DPVECT, and DPLAST. The EZMAP parameters 'DD' and 'MV' also affect MDPITD's behavior. See the descriptions of these parameters in the section "INTERNAL PARAMETERS".

A sequence of calls to MDPITD should be followed by a call to MDPIQD to flush its buffers before a STOP, a CALL FRAME, or a call to change the color index, line width, dash pattern, or the like.

Beware of intermingling calls to MDPIT and calls to MDPITD; the two routines share buffer space and intermingling the calls will have undesirable effects.

Because the entire line segment joining the points in two contiguous pen-down calls to MDPITD is considered visible if both of the points are visible and invisible if both of the points are invisible, such points should not be too far apart on the globe.


RLAT and RLON (input expressions, of type REAL or DOUBLE PRECISION, depending on which routine is called) specify the latitude and longitude of a point to which the "pen" is to be moved. Both are given in degrees. RLAT must be between -90. and +90., inclusive; RLON must be between -540. and +540., inclusive.

IFST (an input expression, of type INTEGER) is 0 to do a "pen-up" move, 1 to do a "pen-down" move only if the distance from the last point to the new point is greater than 'MV' plotter units, and 2 or greater to do a "pen-down" move regardless of the distance from the last point to the new one.


(Note that these routines are equivalent: MAPIQD just calls MDPIQD.)

Terminate a string of calls to MDPITD.


The statement

flushes MDPITD's buffers. It is particularly important that this be done before a STOP or a CALL FRAME and before changing the color index, dash pattern, etc.

See the description of MDPITD.




(Note that MAPGCI has arguments of type REAL and MDPGCI has arguments of type DOUBLE PRECISION.)

Calculates the latitudes and longitudes of points on the shorter of the great circle routes between two given points on the surface of the globe.


Each of the statements

defines the positions of two points, A and B, on the globe and the number of equally-spaced points, NOPI, to be interpolated along the shorter of the great circle routes from A to B. The latitudes and longitudes of the interpolated points are returned to the caller in the arrays RLTI and RLNI. If the points A and B are exactly opposite one another on the globe, the code does not fail, but the direction of the great circle route will be somewhat unpredictable.


ALAT and ALON (input expressions of type REAL or DOUBLE PRECISION, depending on which routine is called) specify the latitude and longitude of the point A.

BLAT and BLON (input expressions of type REAL or DOUBLE PRECISION, depending on which routine is called) specify the latitude and longitude of the point B.

NOPI (an input expression of type INTEGER) specifies the number of equally-spaced points to be interpolated along the shorter of the great circle route from A to B.

RLTI and RLNI (output arrays of type REAL or DOUBLE PRECISION, depending on which routine is called, each dimensioned at least NOPI) are the latitudes and longitudes of the interpolated points. Each lat/lon pair defines one of the interpolated points; the points are in order of increasing distance from A. The positions of the points A and B themselves are not returned in these arrays; only the positions of the interpolated points are.


(Note that this routine is a double-precision version of the NCAR Graphics routine NGGCOG.)

This routine returns, in the arrays ALAT and ALON, the latitudes and longitudes of NPTS points on the surface of the globe, all of them at the angular distance CRAD from the point (CLAT,CLON), defining a circle. The last point returned is a copy of the first.


Use the FORTRAN statement



CLAT and CLON (input expressions of type DOUBLE PRECISION) are the latitude and longitude of a point on the globe.

CRAD (an input expression of type DOUBLE PRECISION) is the angular distance, in degrees, from (CLAT,CLON) to any point on the desired circle.

ALAT and ALON (output variables of type DOUBLE PRECISION, dimensioned at least NPTS) are arrays in which latitudes and longitudes of the points on the circle are to be returned by MDGCOG.

NTPS (an input expression of type INTEGER) is the desired number of points whose latitudes and longitudes are to be returned in ALAT and ALON. The points will be equally spaced around the circle and the last point will be a copy of the first.


(Note that this routine is a double-precision version of the NCAR Graphics routine NGRITD.)

This routine rotates the point with coordinates (UCRD,VCRD,WCRD) by the angle ANGL about the axis specified by IAXS (1 for the U axis, 2 for the V axis, 3 for the W axis). A right-handed coordinate system is assumed.


Use the FORTRAN statement



IAXS (an input expression of type INTEGER) identifies the axis about which a rotation is to take place. Use 1 for the U axis, 2 for the V axis, and 3 for the W axis. All rotations are defined using the right-hand rule. For example, a 90-degree rotation about the W axis would carry the U axis into the V axis.

ANGL (an input expression of type DOUBLE PRECISION) is the amount of rotation, in degrees.

UCRD, VCRD, and WCRD (input/output variables of type DOUBLE PRECISION) are the U, V, and W coordinates of a point in space prior to the call and the rotated coordinates of that point after the call.


Used to write longitude labels along a specified line on the plotter frame.


Either of the statements

will write longitude labels along the line on the plotter frame joining P and Q. Each label will be positioned at a point where the longitude has some "nice" value.

If MDLBLN is called, each label will be written in standard nautical form by calling PLCHHQ with a character string containing the function codes necessary to create the symbols for degrees, minutes, and seconds, with an "E" or a "W" to indicate whether the point is east or west of the Greenwich meridian.

IF MDLLND is called, each label will be written in a decimal-degree format.

If the point along the line from P to Q that is being labelled has fractional coordinates (X,Y), then the label will be positioned relative to a basepoint (X+OFFX,Y+OFFY) as specified by the values of the arguments ANGL and CENT. SIZE specifies the width of the characters to be used.

Note that, prior to calling MDLBLN, EZMAP must have been initialized by a call to MDPINT in order to establish a mapping from fractional coordinates to lat/lon coordinates and vice-versa and that the values of latitude and longitude must be well-defined at the points P and Q. Also, care should be taken to ensure that the value of longitude is monotonic along the line from P to Q.

See the example named "mpex13".


XCOP and YCOP (input expressions of type REAL) specify the X and Y coordinates, in the fractional coordinate system, of the point P on the plotter frame. Each coordinate must be between 0 and 1, inclusive.

XCOQ and YCOQ (input expressions of type REAL) specify the X and Y coordinates, in the fractional coordinate system, of the point Q on the plotter frame. Each coordinate must be between 0 and 1, inclusive.

OFFX and OFFY (input expressions of type REAL) specify the magnitudes, in the fractional coordinate system, of the offset vector from a point on the line being labelled to the basepoint for its label. Each value must be between 0 and 1, inclusive.

SIZE (an input expression of type REAL) is the desired width to be used for the characters of the labels, stated as a fraction of the width of the plotter frame.

ANGL (an input expression of type REAL) is the desired angle at which the labels are to be written, measured in degrees counterclockwise from the positive X axis.

CENT (an input expression of type REAL) is the desired centering option for the labels. CENT = -1. means that the center of the left edge of the first character of the label will be placed on the basepoint for the label, CENT = 0. means that the center of the whole label will be on the basepoint for the label, and CENT = +1. means that the center of the right edge of the last character of the label will be placed on the basepoint of the label.


Used to write latitude labels along a specified line on the plotter frame.


Either of the statements

will write latitude labels along the line on the plotter frame joining P and Q. Each label will be positioned at a point where the latitude has some "nice" value.

If MDLBLT is called, each label will be written in standard nautical form by calling PLCHHQ with a character string containing the function codes necessary to create the symbols for degrees, minutes, and seconds, with an N or an S to indicate whether the point is north or south of the equator.

IF MDLLTD is called, each label will be written in a decimal-degree format.

If the point along the line from P to Q that is being labelled has fractional coordinates (X,Y), then the label will be positioned relative to a basepoint (X+OFFX,Y+OFFY) as specified by the values of the arguments ANGL and CENT. SIZE specifies the width of the characters to be used.

Note that, prior to calling MDLBLT, EZMAP must have been initialized by a call to MDPINT in order to establish a mapping from fractional coordinates to lat/lon coordinates and vice-versa and that the values of latitude and longitude must be well-defined at the points P and Q. Also, care should be taken to ensure that the value of latitude is monotonic along the line from P to Q.

See the example named "mpex13".


XCOP and YCOP (input expressions of type REAL) specify the X and Y coordinates, in the fractional coordinate system, of the point P on the plotter frame. Each coordinate must be between 0 and 1, inclusive.

XCOQ and YCOQ (input expressions of type REAL) specify the X and Y coordinates, in the fractional coordinate system, of the point Q on the plotter frame. Each coordinate must be between 0 and 1, inclusive.

OFFX and OFFY (input expressions of type REAL) specify the magnitudes, in the fractional coordinate system, of the offset vector from a point on the line being labelled to the basepoint for its label. Each value must be between 0 and 1, inclusive.

SIZE (an input expression of type REAL) is the desired width to be used for the characters of the labels, stated as a fraction of the width of the plotter frame.

ANGL (an input expression of type REAL) is the desired angle at which the labels are to be written, measured in degrees counterclockwise from the positive X axis.

CENT (an input expression of type REAL) is the desired centering option for the labels. CENT = -1. means that the center of the left edge of the first character of the label will be placed on the basepoint for the label, CENT = 0. means that the center of the whole label will be on the basepoint for the label, and CENT = +1. means that the center of the right edge of the last character of the label will be placed on the basepoint of the label.


(Note that these routines are equivalent; MAPLMB just calls MDPLMB.)

MDPLMB may be called to draw the limb line of the current projection (if any). Originally, it was intended that this should be done automatically and, usually, that's what happens, but there are a few situations in which the user may need to call the routine directly.

The simple grid- and outline-drawing routines, MDPGRD and MDPLOT, cooperate in drawing the limb line: if the internal parameter 'GR' has a value greater than zero, MDPGRD does it; otherwise, MDPLOT does it. If, for some reason, the user does not call the routine that would have drawn the limb line or changes the value of 'GR' on the fly in such a way as to prevent either one from drawing it, then it may be necessary to call MDPLMB directly.

Originally, the outline-drawing routine MDLNDR never drew the limb line, but in April, 2005, it was made to work just like MDPLOT, so that it now cooperates with MDPGRD, too.

The "masked" version of the grid-drawing routine, MDPGRM, never draws a masked limb line. This is because it does not know what is in the area map being used for the masking. If the objective is to draw the grid over land only or over ocean only, then the area map will have been constructed by MDPBLA and will contain the limb line, so it would be inappropriate for MDPGRM to draw the limb line masked against it. In this case, the user will almost certainly wish to call MAPLMB directly to draw an unmasked limb line.

The "masked" versions of the outline-drawing routines, MDPBLM and MDLNDM, on the other hand, always draw a masked limb line. The logic goes like this: These routines will never (or at least should never) be called to mask against an area map that was constructed by MAPBLA and therefore already contains the outlines and the limb line; the user's probable objective in calling one of them is to clip the map against some polygon of interest described by the area map. MDPGRM, even if called, will not have drawn the limb line, so they might as well go ahead and do it. If, for some reason, in a case like this, the grid is being drawn but the outline is not, then the user will almost certainly wish to call the routine MDPLMM directly to draw a masked limb line.


Just call it.




(The remaining arguments are IAAI, IAGI, NOGI, and ULPR. Note that these routines are equivalent; MAPLMM just calls MDPLMM with the given arguments.)

MDPLMM may be called to draw a limb line, masked by an area map. See the comments for the routine MDPLMB, above.


Just call it.


IAMA (an input/output array of type INTEGER, dimensioned as specified in a call to the AREAS routine ARINAM) is the array containing the area map against which boundary lines are to be masked. The area map must have been initialized by a call to ARINAM; it should contain the edges required to create a desired effect. For example, an area map might be created that defines a region of interest, within which user data is available and within which the limb line is to be drawn. For more details, see the reference document for the package named AREAS and, in particular, the description of the subroutine ARDRLN.

XCRA and YCRA (scratch arrays, dimensioned at least MCRA, of type REAL) are to be used by MDPLMM in calls to the AREAS routine ARDRLN; they will eventually be used in calls to the user-provided line-processing routine ULPR.

MCRA (an input expression of type INTEGER) is the dimension of the arrays XCRA and YCRA.

IAAI and IAGI (scratch arrays, dimensioned at least NOGI, of type INTEGER) are to be used by MDPLMM in calls to the AREAS routine ARDRLN; they will eventually be used in calls to the user-provided line-processing routine ULPR. The mnemonics stand for "Integer Array of Area Identifiers" and "Integer Array of Group Identifiers", respectively.

NOGI (an input expression of type INTEGER) is the dimension of the arrays IAAI and IAGI. The mnemonic stands for "Number Of Group Identifiers (of edges in the area map)", which determines the required dimension of IAAI and IAGI.

ULPR is the name of the user-supplied line-processing routine. It must be declared EXTERNAL in the routine that calls MDPLMM, so that the compiler and loader will know that it is the name of a routine to be called instead of a variable. The user routine ULPR will be called once for each piece of a boundary line resulting from the masking process; it may decide to draw (or to not draw) each such piece. ULPR will be called using a FORTRAN statement like

where XCRA and YCRA are real arrays holding the normalized device coordinates of NCRA points defining a polyline which is part of some boundary line and IAAI and IAGI are integer arrays holding NGPS area-identifier/group-identifier pairs for the area within which that piece of the line lies. In writing ULPR, the user may rely upon a SET call's having been done which makes it possible to use normalized device coordinates in calls to routines like CURVE, CURVED, GPL, etc. For more details, see the reference document for the package named AREAS and, in particular, the description of the subroutine ARDRLN.


MDLACH, given a latitude RLAT and a character buffer CHRS, returns CHRS and NCHR such that CHRS(1:NCHR), when written by PLCHHQ, will yield the nautical representation of RLAT, in degrees, minutes, and seconds north or south of the equator.

(The routine MDLACD is similar, but returns a latitude in decimal form.)


Use the FORTRAN statement



RLAT (an input expression of type DOUBLE PRECISION) is a value of latitude, negative in the southern hemisphere, positive in the northern hemisphere.

CHRS (an output variable of type CHARACTER*n, where "n" is at least 46), in which the character string representing the latitude will be returned. The reason this character variable has to be so large is that the character string returned in it will include a lot of function codes to draw reasonable-looking symbols representing degrees, minutes, and seconds. Note that MDLACH does not check the length of this variable, but just assumes that it's big enough.

NCHR (an output variable of type INTEGER) is the number of characters returned in CHRS by MDLACH.


MDLOCH, given a longitude RLON and a character buffer CHRS, returns CHRS and NCHR such that CHRS(1:NCHR), when written by PLCHHQ, will yield the nautical representation of RLON, in degrees, minutes, and seconds east or west of the prime meridian.

(The routine MDLOCD is similar, but returns a longitude in decimal form.)


Use the FORTRAN statement



RLON (an input expression of type DOUBLE PRECISION) is a value of longitude, negative in the western hemisphere, positive in the eastern hemisphere.

CHRS (an output variable of type CHARACTER*n, where "n" is at least 46), in which the character string representing the longitude will be returned. The reason this character variable has to be so large is that the character string returned in it will include a lot of function codes to draw reasonable-looking symbols representing degrees, minutes, and seconds. Note that MDLOCH does not check the length of this variable, but just assumes that it's big enough.

NCHR (an output variable of type INTEGER) is the number of characters returned in CHRS by MDLOCH.



(Note that these routines are equivalent; MAPBLA just calls MDPBLA with the given argument.)

MDPBLA adds to the area map in the array IAMA the set of boundary lines, of projected geographical entities, determined by the current state of the internal parameters of EZMAP. Note that this routine uses whichever old outline dataset is selected by the value of the internal parameter 'OU'; to access the new map databases "Earth..1", "Earth..2", "Earth..3", and "Earth..4", one must call instead the EZMAPB routine MDLNAM.


The statement

adds boundary lines to the area map in the array IAMA. The area map must previously have been initialized by calling the routine ARINAM, in the package AREAS, using a statement like "CALL ARINAM (IAMA,LAMA)", where LAMA is the length of the array IAMA. The area map may subsequently be used in various ways; for example, one may call the AREAS routine ARSCAM to draw a solid-filled map.

One or two groups of boundary lines are added to the area map by a call to MDPBLA. The first, having group identifier 'G1' (default value 1), consists of a perimeter (either rectangular or elliptical, depending on the value of the internal parameter 'EL') and the set of projected boundary lines implied by the user's selection of an outline dataset (some combination of continental, U.S., and world political outlines). For certain projections, a limb line may also be included.

If the parameter 'VS' has a value greater than zero, the group 'G2' is added to the area map; it consists of a copy of the perimeter and the limb line (if any) plus a set of vertical lines splitting the area inside the perimeter into 'VS' vertical strips. (By default, the value of 'VS' is 1.) The object of the group 'G2' is to split areas up, reducing the number of points required to define a typical area below the level at which some target hardware device begins to fail.

See the example named "eezmpa".


IAMA (an input/output array of type INTEGER) is the area map array to which boundary lines are to be added.


(The remaining arguments are IAAI, IAGI, NOGI, and ULPR. Note that these routines are equivalent; MAPBLM just calls MDPBLM with the given arguments.)

Draws geographical outlines masked by the contents of a specified area map. Note that this routine uses whichever old outline dataset is selected by the value of the internal parameter 'OU'; to access the new map databases "Earth..1", "Earth..2", "Earth..3", and "Earth..4", one must call instead the EZMAPB routine MDLNDM.


The FORTRAN statement

is used to draw the set of boundary lines of projected geographical entities determined by the current state of the internal parameters of EZMAP, masked against the area map in the array IAMA.

MDPBLM is much like MDPLOT, except that the boundary lines are drawn using calls to MAPITM and MAPIQM, which call MDPITM and MDPIQM, respectively, to mask the lines against an area map and pass the pieces resulting from the masking process along to a user-provided line-drawing routine.

This routine always draws the limb line, if any, of the projection. For more information, see the description of the routine MDPLMB.

See the example named "cpex10".


IAMA (an input/output array of type INTEGER, dimensioned as specified in a call to the AREAS routine ARINAM) is the array containing the area map against which boundary lines are to be masked. The area map must have been initialized by a call to ARINAM; it should contain the edges required to create a desired effect. For example, an area map might be created that defines a region of interest, within which user data is available and within which boundary lines are to be drawn. For more details, see the reference document for the package named AREAS and, in particular, the description of the subroutine ARDRLN.

XCRA and YCRA (scratch arrays, dimensioned at least MCRA, of type REAL) are to be used by MDPBLM in calls to the AREAS routine ARDRLN; they will eventually be used in calls to the user-provided line-processing routine ULPR.

MCRA (an input expression of type INTEGER) is the dimension of the arrays XCRA and YCRA.

IAAI and IAGI (scratch arrays, dimensioned at least NOGI, of type INTEGER) are to be used by MDPBLM in calls to the AREAS routine ARDRLN; they will eventually be used in calls to the user-provided line-processing routine ULPR. The mnemonics stand for "Integer Array of Area Identifiers" and "Integer Array of Group Identifiers", respectively.

NOGI (an input expression of type INTEGER) is the dimension of the arrays IAAI and IAGI. The mnemonic stands for "Number Of Group Identifiers (of edges in the area map)", which determines the required dimension of IAAI and IAGI.

ULPR is the name of the user-supplied line-processing routine. It must be declared EXTERNAL in the routine that calls MDPBLM, so that the compiler and loader will know that it is the name of a routine to be called instead of a variable. The user routine ULPR will be called once for each piece of a boundary line resulting from the masking process; it may decide to draw (or to not draw) each such piece. ULPR will be called using a FORTRAN statement like

where XCRA and YCRA are real arrays holding the normalized device coordinates of NCRA points defining a polyline which is part of some boundary line and IAAI and IAGI are integer arrays holding NGPS area-identifier/group-identifier pairs for the area within which that piece of the line lies. In writing ULPR, the user may rely upon a SET call's having been done which makes it possible to use normalized device coordinates in calls to routines like CURVE, CURVED, GPL, etc. For more details, see the reference document for the package named AREAS and, in particular, the description of the subroutine ARDRLN.


(The remaining arguments are IAAI, IAGI, NOGI, and ULPR. Note that these routines are equivalent; MAPGRM just calls MDPGRM with the given arguments.)

Draws lines of latitude and longitude masked against an existing area map. The example "eezmpa" described in the section "EXAMPLES" shows how MDPGRM may be used to limit the drawing of these lines to areas over ocean, but there are other possible uses.


The FORTRAN statement

is used to draw lines of latitude and longitude masked against the existing area map in the array IAMA.

MDPGRM is just like MDPGRD, except that the grid lines are drawn using calls to MDPITM and MDPIQM, which mask the lines against an area map and pass the pieces resulting from the masking process on to a user-provided line-drawing routine.

This routine does not draw the limb line, if any, of the projection. For more information, see the description of the routine MDPLMB.

See the examples named "eezmpa", "tezmpa", and "tezmpb".


IAMA (an input/output array, dimensioned as specified in a call to the AREAS routine ARINAM, of type INTEGER) is the array containing the area map against which lines of latitude and longitude are to be masked. The area map must have been initialized by a call to ARINAM; it may contain edges added to it by calling MDPBLA, as is the case in the example named "eezmpa", or it may contain a different set of edges to create some other desired effect. For example, an area map might be created that defines a region of interest, within which user data is available and within which lines of latitude and longitude are to be drawn. For more details, see the reference document for the package named AREAS.

XCRA and YCRA (scratch arrays, dimensioned at least MCRA, of type REAL) are to be used by MDPGRM in calls to the AREAS routine ARDRLN; they will eventually be used in calls to the user-provided line-processing routine ULPR.

MCRA (an input expression of type INTEGER) is the dimension of the arrays XCRA and YCRA.

IAAI and IAGI (scratch arrays, dimensioned at least NOGI, of type INTEGER) are to be used by MDPGRM in calls to the AREAS routine ARDRLN; they will eventually be used in calls to the user-provided line-processing routine ULPR. The mnemonics stand for "Integer Array of Area Identifiers" and "Integer Array of Group Identifiers", respectively.

NOGI (an input expression of type INTEGER) is the dimension of the arrays IAAI and IAGI. The mnemonic stands for "Number Of Group Identifiers (of edges in the area map)", which determines the required dimension of IAAI and IAGI.

ULPR is the name of the user-supplied line-processing routine. It must be declared EXTERNAL in the routine that calls MDPGRM, so that the compiler and loader will know that it is the name of a routine to be called instead of a variable. The user routine ULPR will be called once for each piece of a latitude/longitude line resulting from the masking process; it may decide to draw (or to not draw) each such piece. ULPR will be called using a FORTRAN statement like

where XCRA and YCRA are real arrays holding the normalized device coordinates of NCRA points defining a polyline which is part of some latitude/longitude line and IAAI and IAGI are integer arrays holding NGPS area-identifier/group-identifier pairs for the area within which that piece of the line lies. In writing ULPR, the user may rely upon a SET call's having been done which makes it possible to use normalized device coordinates in calls to routines like CURVE, CURVED, GPL, etc. For more details, see the reference document for the package named AREAS and, in particular, the description of the subroutine ARDRLN.


(Note that MAPITA has lat/lon arguments of type REAL and MDPITA has lat/lon arguments of type DOUBLE PRECISION; MAPITA is is actually implemented by calling MDPITA.)


The routines MDPITA and MDPIQA may be used to add lines defined by a set of user-specified latitudes and longitudes to an area map; they attempt to omit non-visible portions of lines and to handle "cross-over", in the same way that MDPIT does.

MDPITA is called like the EZMAP routine MDPIT, but has some additional arguments:

Additional arguments are the area map array IAMA, a group identifier IGID, and left and right area identifiers IAIL and IAIR. MDPIQA is called like the EZMAP routine MDPIQ, to terminate a series of calls to MDPITA and to flush the buffers; it has the same additional arguments:

The additional arguments are passed by MDPITA and MDPIQA to the routine AREDAM, in the package named AREAS, for which a reference document is available.

See the example named "cpex08", which is described in the reference document for the package named CONPACK.


RLAT and RLON (input expressions, of type REAL or DOUBLE PRECISION, depending on which routine is called) specify the latitude and longitude of a point to which the "pen" is to be moved. Both are given in degrees. RLAT must be between -90. and +90., inclusive; RLON must be between -540. and +540., inclusive.

IFST (an input expression, of type INTEGER) is 0 to do a "pen-up" move, 1 to do a "pen-down" move only if the distance from the last point to the new point is greater than 'MV' plotter units, and 2 or greater to do a "pen-down" move regardless of the distance from the last point to the new one.

IAMA (an input/output array of type INTEGER, dimensioned as specified in a call to the AREAS initialization routine ARINAM) is the area map to which lines in MDPITA's buffer are to be added.

IGID (an input expression of type INTEGER) is the group identifier to be passed to the AREAS routine AREDAM when the lines in MDPITA's buffer are added to the area map in IAMA.

IAIL (an input expression of type INTEGER) is the left area identifier to be passed to the AREAS routine AREDAM when the lines in MDPITA's buffer are added to the area map in IAMA.

IAIR (an input expression of type INTEGER) is the right area identifier to be passed to the AREAS routine AREDAM when the lines in MDPITA's buffer are added to the area map in IAMA.


(Note that these routines are equivalent; MAPIQA just calls MDPIQA with the specified arguments.)

Terminate a string of calls to MDPITA.


The statement

flushes MDPITA's buffers. It is particularly important that this be done before attempting to use the area map in the array IAMA for something.

See the description of MDPITA.

See the example named "cpex08", which is descibed in the reference document for the package named CONPACK.


IAMA, IGID, IAIL, and IAIR are all as described for the routine MDPITA.


(The remaining arguments are IAAI, IAGI, NOGI, and ULPR. Note that MAPITM has lat/lon arguments of type REAL and MDPITM has lat/lon arguments of type DOUBLE PRECISION; MAPITM is actually implemented by calling MDPITM.)


The routines MDPITM and MDPIQM may be used to draw lines defined by a set of user-specified latitudes and longitudes on a map, masked by the areas defined by an area map (perhaps one created by a call to MDPBLA or perhaps one created by a set of calls to routines in the package AREAS); like MDPIT and MDPIQ, they attempt to omit non-visible portions of lines and to handle "cross-over".

MDPITM is called like the EZMAP routine MDPIT, but has some additional arguments:

Additional arguments are the area-map array IAMA, coordinate arrays XCRA and YCRA, dimensioned MCRA, integer arrays IAAI and IAGI, dimensioned NOGI, and a user-provided line-processing routine named ULPR. MDPIQM is called like the EZMAP routine MDPIQ, to terminate a series of calls to MDPITM and to flush the buffers; it has the same additional arguments:

The additional arguments are passed by MDPITM and MDPIQM to the routine ARDRLN, in the package named AREAS, for which a reference document is available.

No example is currently available for MDPITM.


RLAT and RLON (input expressions, of type REAL or DOUBLE PRECISION, depending on which routine is called) specify the latitude and longitude of a point to which the "pen" is to be moved. Both are given in degrees. RLAT must be between -90. and +90., inclusive; RLON must be between -540. and +540., inclusive.

IFST (an input expression, of type INTEGER) is 0 to do a "pen-up" move, 1 to do a "pen-down" move only if the distance from the last point to the new point is greater than 'MV' plotter units, and 2 or greater to do a "pen-down" move regardless of the distance from the last point to the new one.

IAMA (an input/output array of type INTEGER, dimensioned as specified in a call to the AREAS initialization routine ARINAM) is the array containing the area map against which lines drawn by MDPIQM will be masked.

XCRA and YCRA (scratch arrays of type REAL, each dimensioned MCRA) are to be passed by MDPIQM to the AREAS routine ARDRLN, which uses them in calls to the user line-processing routine ULPR. They will hold the X and Y coordinates of points in the fractional coordinate system defining some portion of the projection of a user-defined polyline on the globe.

MCRA (an input expression of type INTEGER) is the size of each of the arrays XCRA and YCRA. The value of MCRA must be at least two. For most applications, the value 100 works nicely.

IAAI and IAGI (scratch arrays of type INTEGER, each dimensioned NOGI) are to be passed by MDPIQM to the AREAS routine ARDRLN, which uses them in calls to the user line-processing routine ULPR. They will hold area identifier/group identifier pairs for the area containing the polyline fragment defined by XCRA and YCRA.

NOGI (an input expression of type INTEGER) is the size of each of the arrays IAAI and IAGI. The value of NOGI must be greater than or equal to the number of groups of edges placed in the area map in IAMA.

ULPR is the name of a user-provided line-processing routine. This name must appear in an EXTERNAL statement in the routine that calls MDPITM, so that the compiler and loader will know that it is the name of a routine to be called, rather than the name of a variable.


(The remaining arguments are IAAI, IAGI, NOGI, and ULPR. Note that these routines are equivalent: MAPIQM just calls MDPIQM with the specified arguments.)

Terminates a string of calls to the routine MDPITM.


The statement

flushes MDPITM's buffers. It is particularly important that this be done before a STOP, a CALL FRAME, or a call to change line color, width, dash pattern, etc.

See the description of MDPITM.

There is currently no example available for the routine MDPIQM.


IAMA, XCRA, YCRA, MCRA, IAAI, IAGI, NOGI, and ULPR are all as described for the routine MDPITM.


(Note that these functions are equivalent; MAPACI just calls MDPACI with the given argument and passes back the result.)

The function MDPACI is normally used to pick colors for the areas created by the boundary lines added to an area map by a call to MDPBLA. Note that it should not be used to select color indices for areas defined by the new map databases "Earth..1", "Earth..2", "Earth..3", and "Earth..4"; for that purpose, use EZMAPB functions instead (in particular, MDISCI).


The FORTRAN statement

where IAID is the the area identifier for one of the areas created by the boundary lines in a selected outline dataset, gives ICLR an integer value between 1 and 7. This integer value will normally be used (in a manner determined by the user) to select a color index for that area. It is guaranteed that, if two areas have a portion of their boundaries of non-zero length in common, then MDPACI will return different values for the two areas. For a complete list of area identifiers and the values that will be returned for each, see the section named "AREA IDENTIFIERS".

See the example named "eezmpa".


IAID (an input expression of type INTEGER) is an area identifier for one of the areas defined by the set of boundary lines added to an area map by a call to MDPBLA.



(Note that these routines are equivalent; MPLNAM just calls MDLNAM with the specified arguments.)

Reads a specified EZMAP database and sends boundary lines from it to a specified area map.


The statement

adds boundary lines to the area map in the array IAMA. The area map must previously have been initialized by calling the routine ARINAM, in the package AREAS, using a statement like "CALL ARINAM (IAMA,LAMA)", where LAMA is the length of the array IAMA. The area map may subsequently be used in various ways; for example, one may call the AREAS routine ARSCAM to draw a solid-filled map.

One or two groups of boundary lines are added to the area map by a call to MDLNAM. The first, having group identifier 'G1' (default value 1), consists of a perimeter (either rectangular or elliptical, depending on the value of the internal parameter 'EL') and the set of projected boundary lines implied by the user's selection of a map database and level. For certain projections, a limb line may also be included.

If the parameter 'VS' has a value greater than zero, the group 'G2' is added to the area map; it consists of a copy of the perimeter and the limb line (if any) plus a set of vertical lines splitting the area inside the perimeter into 'VS' vertical strips. (By default, the value of 'VS' is 1.) The object of the group 'G2' is to split areas up, reducing the number of points required to define a typical area below the level at which some target hardware device begins to fail. (This is more important when using MDLNAM than it was when using MDPBLA because the new database is at a higher resolution.)

See the examples named "mpex11" and "tezmpb".


FLNM is an input expression of type CHARACTER, specifying the name of the database to be used. MDLNAM will first look for the files of the specified database in the current working directory; if the files are not found there, MDLNAM will look for them in the NCAR Graphics database directory. The database created in 1998 and provided as part of Version 4.1 of NCAR Graphics has the name "Earth..1"; an improved version of this created in 1999 has the name "Earth..2"; a somewhat different version created in 2000 has the name "Earth..3"; and a vastly improved version introduced in 2008 has the name "Earth..4".

ILVL (an input expression of type INTEGER) specifies the level at which the database is to be used. The value 1 says to use only land/water boundaries, the value 2 says to add continental boundaries (like the boundary which separates Africa from Eurasia), the value 3 says to add the boundaries of countries, the value 4 says to add states, and the value 5 says to add counties.

IAMA (an input/output array of type INTEGER) is the area map array to which boundary lines are to be added.


(The remaining arguments are IAAI, IAGI, NOGI, and ULPR. Note that these routines are equivalent; MPLNDM just calls MDLNDM with the specified arguments.)

Reads a specified EZMAP database and draws boundary lines from it, masked by a specified area map.


The statement

is used to draw the lines defined by the map database whose name is FLNM, masked against the area map in the array IAMA.

MDLNDM is much like MDLNDR, except that the boundary lines are drawn using calls to MAPITM and MAPIQM, which call MDPITM and MDPIQM, respectively, to mask the lines against an area map and pass the pieces resulting from the masking process along to a user-provided line-drawing routine.

This routine always draws the limb line, if any, of the projection. For more information, see the description of the routine MDPLMB.

See the example named "mpex11".


FLNM is an input expression of type CHARACTER, specifying the name of the database to be used. MDLNDM will first look for the files of the specified database in the current working directory; if the files are not found there, MDLNDM will look for them in the NCAR Graphics database directory. The database created in 1998 and provided as part of Version 4.1 of NCAR Graphics has the name "Earth..1"; an improved version of this created in 1999 has the name "Earth..2"; a somewhat different version created in 2000 has the name "Earth..3"; and a vastly improved version introduced in 2008 has the name "Earth..4".

ILVL (an input expression of type INTEGER) specifies the level at which the database is to be used. The value 1 says to use only land/water boundaries, the value 2 says to add continental boundaries (like the boundary which separates Africa from Eurasia), the value 3 says to add the boundaries of countries, the value 4 says to add states, and the value 5 says to add counties.

IAMA (an input/output array of type INTEGER, dimensioned as specified in a call to the AREAS routine ARINAM) is the array containing the area map against which boundary lines are to be masked. The area map must have been initialized by a call to ARINAM; it should contain the edges required to create a desired effect. For example, an area map might be created that defines a region of interest, within which user data is available and within which boundary lines are to be drawn. For more details, see the reference document for the package named AREAS.

XCRA and YCRA (scratch arrays, dimensioned at least MCRA, of type REAL) are to be used by MDLNDM in calls to the AREAS routine ARDRLN; they will eventually be used in calls to the user-provided line-processing routine ULPR.

MCRA (an input expression of type INTEGER) is the dimension of the arrays XCRA and YCRA.

IAAI and IAGI (scratch arrays, dimensioned at least NOGI, of type INTEGER) are to be used by MDLNDM in calls to the AREAS routine ARDRLN; they will eventually be used in calls to the user-provided line-processing routine ULPR. The mnemonics stand for "Integer Array of Area Identifiers" and "Integer Array of Group Identifiers", respectively.

NOGI (an input expression of type INTEGER) is the dimension of the arrays IAAI and IAGI. The mnemonic stands for "Number Of Group Identifiers (of edges in the area map)", which determines the required dimension of IAAI and IAGI.

ULPR is the name of the user-supplied line-processing routine. It must be declared EXTERNAL in the routine that calls MDLNDM, so that the compiler and loader will know that it is the name of a routine to be called instead of a variable. The user routine ULPR will be called once for each piece of a boundary line resulting from the masking process; it may decide to draw (or to not draw) each such piece. ULPR will be called using a FORTRAN statement like

where XCRA and YCRA are real arrays holding the normalized device coordinates of NCRA points defining a polyline which is part of some boundary line and IAAI and IAGI are integer arrays holding NGPS area-identifier/group-identifier pairs for the area within which that piece of the line lies. In writing ULPR, the user may rely upon a SET call's having been done which makes it possible to use normalized device coordinates in calls to routines like CURVE, CURVED, GPL, etc. For more details, see the reference document for the package named AREAS and, in particular, the description of the subroutine ARDRLN.


(Note that these routines are equivalent; MPLNDR just calls MDLNDR with the specified arguments.)

Reads a specified EZMAP database and draws boundary lines from it.


The FORTRAN statement

draws the lines defined by the map database whose name is FLNM; the EZMAP internal parameter 'DO' determines whether solid lines or dotted lines are used.

If the internal parameter 'GR' has been given a negative value, MDLNDR will also draw the limb line (if any) of the current projection. For more information about limb lines, see the description of the routine MDPLMB.

If EZMAP currently needs initialization or if there is an uncleared NCAR Graphics error, MDLNDR does nothing.

The outlines are drawn using calls to MAPIT and MAPIQ, which call MDPIT and MDPIQ, respectively. By default, MDLNDR forces the value of the internal parameter 'DL' equal to the value of the internal parameter 'DO'; it also supplies the dash package with a solid-line dash pattern. When 'DO' is zero, the outlines are drawn using calls to the routines FRSTD and VECTD, in the dash package, and this gives solid lines. When 'DO' is non-zero, the outlines are drawn using calls to the SPPS routine POINTS, which gives dotted lines. Before returning control to the user, MDLNDR restores the original value of 'DL' and the original dash pattern. A user version of the either of the routines MPCHLN or MDCHLN may be supplied to change the way in which the outlines are drawn.

See the example named "tezmpb".


FLNM is an input expression of type CHARACTER, specifying the name of the database to be used. MDLNDR will first look for the files of the specified database in the current working directory; if the files are not found there, MDLNDR will look for them in the NCAR Graphics database directory. The database created in 1998 and provided as part of Version 4.1 of NCAR Graphics has the name "Earth..1"; an improved version of this created in 1999 has the name "Earth..2"; a somewhat different version created in 2000 has the name "Earth..3"; and a vastly improved version introduced in 2008 has the name "Earth..4".

ILVL (an input expression of type INTEGER) specifies the level at which the database is to be used. The value 1 says to use only land/water boundaries, the value 2 says to add continental boundaries (like the boundary which separates Africa from Eurasia), the value 3 says to add the boundaries of countries, the value 4 says to add states, and the value 5 says to add counties.


(Note that these routines are equivalent; MPLNRI just calls MDLNRI with the specified argument.)

Reads information from a specified EZMAP database.


The statement

causes information about the database whose name is specified by FLNM to be read into EZMAPB common blocks. Subsequent references to functions like MDIATY, MDISCI, and so on, make use of this data.

See the example named "mpex12".


FLNM is an input expression of type CHARACTER, specifying the name of the database to be used. MDLNRI will first look for the files of the specified database in the current working directory; if the files are not found there, MDLNRI will look for them in the NCAR Graphics database directory. The database created in 1998 and provided as part of Version 4.1 of NCAR Graphics has the name "Earth..1"; an improved version of this created in 1999 has the name "Earth..2"; a somewhat different version created in 2000 has the name "Earth..3"; and a vastly improved version introduced in 2008 has the name "Earth..4".


(Note that these routines are intended to be replaced by the user; the default version of MPCHLN calls the default version of MDCHLN and the default version of MDCHLN does nothing.)

The routine MPCHLN is called repeatedly as boundary lines are processed by MDLNAM, MDLNDM, and MDLNDR.


The statement

is executed by each of the routines MDLNAM, MDLNDM, and MDLNDR just before and just after the processing of each boundary line read from a specified map database. The default version of MPCHLN calls MDCHLN and the default version of MDCHLN does nothing. A user-supplied version of either will replace the default version and may take action to change various characteristics of the lines. For example, the area identifiers to be used for the line can be changed, the line can be deleted entirely, and line styles, colors, and widths can be set.

See the example named "mpex11".


IACT (an input expression of type INTEGER) specifies which of the EZMAPB routines has called MPCHLN and what that routine is doing or has done with the boundary line defined by the arguments NPTS and PNTS. IACT is positive if the line is about to be processed, negative if the line was just processed; its absolute value is 1 if the call comes from MDLNAM (which puts lines into an area map), 2 if the call comes from MDLNDM (which draws lines masked by some area map), and 3 if the call comes from MDLNDR (which just draws lines).

ILTY (an input expression of type INTEGER) specifies the type of the line: 1 => a line separating land from water, 2 => a line separating one "continent" from another (as, for example, Africa from Eurasia, North America from Central America, or Central America from South America), 3 => a line separating one country from another, 4 => a line separating one state from another, and 5 => a line separating one county from another.

IOAL and IOAR (input/output variables of type INTEGER) are the identifiers of the areas to the left and right, respectively, of the line. (Left and right are defined from the standpoint of a viewer standing at point 1 of the line and looking toward point 2.) The values of IOAL and IOAR may be changed by a knowledgeable user.

NPTS (an input/output variable of type INTEGER), on entry, is the number of points defining the line. NPTS may be zeroed by MPCHLN or MDCHLN to suppress any use of the line by the calling routine.

PNTS (an input/output array, dimensioned 2*NPTS, of type REAL) is an array of point coordinates. PNTS(1) and PNTS(2) are the latitude and longitude of the first point, PNTS(3) and PNTS(4) the latitude and longitude of the second point, ... PNTS(2*NPTS-1) and PNTS(2*NPTS) the latitude and longitude of the last point. All values are in degrees. Longitudes are all between -180 and +180; no segment crosses the meridian at -180 (+180) degrees.


(Note that these functions are equivalent; MPGLTY just calls MDGLTY with the specified argument and passes back the resulting value.)

Retrieve the type of the line currently being drawn by MDLNDM.


The statement

may be placed inside a line-processing routine whose name is used in a call to MDLNDM to retrieve, in ILTY, the type of the line being processed. This information may be used to determine how the line is to be drawn.

See the example named "mpex11".


ILTY (an output variable of type INTEGER) is the type of the line: 1 => a line separating land from water, 2 => a line separating one "continent" from another (as, for example, Africa from Eurasia, North America from Central America, or Central America from South America), 3 => a line separating one country from another, 4 => a line separating one state from another, and 5 => a line separating one county from another. If the current line is used on more than one level (as, for example, a portion of the California coastline, which is used on all five levels), then the value of ILTY will be the smallest of the numerical values that apply.


(Note that these functions are equivalent; MPIPAI just calls MDIPAI with the specified arguments and passes back the resulting value.)

(The name MDIPAI stands for "Map, Double, Is Part of Area with Identifier ...".)

Given the area identifiers of two of the areas defined by whatever database was last read by the EZMAPB routines MDLNAM, MDLNDM, MDLNDR, and MDLNRI, this function has a non-zero value if and only if the first area is part of the second area. For example, if IMAD is the area identifier of the little island in Lake Superior called "Lake Madeline", ICUS is the area identifier of the area called 'Conterminous US', and IRUS is the area identifier of the area called 'Russia', then MDIPAI(IMAD,ICUS) has a non-zero value, but MDIPAI(IMAD,IRUS) does not.


The statement

sets IPRT non-zero if and only if the area having area identifier IAIN is a part of the area having area identifier IAIP.


IAIN is an input expression of type INTEGER, specifying the area identifier of a first area of interest.

IAIP is an input expression of type INTEGER, specifying the area identifier of a second area of interest.


(Note that these functions are equivalent; MPIPAN just calls MDIPAN with the specified arguments and passes back the resulting value.)

(The name MDIPAN stands for "Map, Double, Is Part of Area with Name ... ".)

Given the area identifier of one of the areas defined by whatever database was last read by the EZMAPB routines MDLNAM, MDLNDM, MDLNDR, and MDLNRI and a name, this function has a non-zero value if and only if the area with the specified area identifier is part of some area with the specified name. For example, if IMAD is the area identifier of the little island in Lake Superior called "Lake Madeline", then MDIPAN(IMAD,'Conterminous US') has a non-zero value, but MDIPAN(IMAD,'Russia') does not.


The statement

sets IPRT non-zero if and only if the area having area identifier IAIN is a part of some area having the name ANME.


IAIN is an input expression of type INTEGER, specifying the area identifier of a particular area of interest.

ANME is an input expression of type CHARACTER, specifying a name of interest.


(Note that these functions are equivalent; MPIOLA just calls MDIOLA with the specified arguments and passes back the resulting value.)

Given the area identifier of one of the areas defined by whatever database was last read by one of the EZMAPB routines MDLNAM, MDLNDM, MDLNDR, and MDLNRI, this function returns the area identifier of the largest area, at a specified level, that contains it. For example, if IMAD is the area identifier of the little island in Lake Superior called "Lake Madeline", then MDIOLA(IMAD,3) is the area identifier of an area called "United States".


The statement

retrieves in IOLA the area identifier of the largest area, at level ILVL, that contains the area with area identifier IAIN.

See the examples named "mpex11", "mpex11", and "tezmpb".


IAIN is an input expression of type INTEGER, specifying the area identifier of a particular area of interest.

ILVL is an input expression of type INTEGER, specifying the level of the containing area to be found.


(Note that these functions are equivalent; MPIOSA just calls MDIOSA with the specified arguments and passes back the resulting value.)

Given the area identifier of one of the areas defined by whatever database was last read by one of the EZMAPB routines MDLNAM, MDLNDM, MDLNDR, and MDLNRI, this function returns the area identifier of the smallest area, at a specified level, that contains it. For example, if IMAD is the area identifier of the little island in Lake Superior called "Lake Madeline", then MDIOSA(IMAD,3) is the area identifier of the area called "Conterminous US".


The statement

retrieves in IOSA the area identifier of the smallest area, at level ILVL, that contains the area with area identifier IAIN.

See the examples named "mpex11", "mpex11", and "tezmpb".


IAIN is an input expression of type INTEGER, specifying the area identifier of a particular area of interest.

ILVL is an input expression of type INTEGER, specifying the level of the containing area to be found.


(Note that these functions are equivalent; MPIATY just calls MDIATY with the specified argument and passes back the resulting value.)

Given the area identifier of one of the areas defined by whatever database was last read by one of the EZMAPB routines MDLNAM, MDLNDM, MDLNDR, and MDLNRI, this function returns the area type of the area. For example, if IMAD is the area identifier of the little island in Lake Superior called "Lake Madeline", then MDIATY(IMAD) is 4, implying that this island is a portion of a state.


The statement

retrieves in IATY the area type of the area with area identifier IAIN.

See the example named "mpex12".


IAIN is an input expression of type INTEGER, specifying the area identifier of a particular area of interest.


(Note that these functions are equivalent; MPIPAR just calls MDIPAR with the specified arguments and passes back the resulting value.)

Given the area identifier of one of the areas defined by whatever database was last read by one of the EZMAPB routines MDLNAM, MDLNDM, MDLNDR, and MDLNRI, this function returns the area identifier of that area's containing (parent) area. For example, if IMAD is the area identifier of the little island in Lake Superior called "Lake Madeline", then MDIPAR(IMAD) is the area identifier of the area called "Wisconsin".


The statement

retrieves in IPAR the area identifier of the parent of the area with area identifier IAIN.

See the example named "mpex12".


IAIN is an input expression of type INTEGER, specifying the area identifier of a particular area of interest.


(Note that these functions are equivalent; MPISCI just calls MDISCI with the specified argument and passes back the resulting value.)

Given the area identifier of one of the areas defined by whatever database was last read by one of the EZMAPB routines MDLNAM, MDLNDM, MDLNDR, and MDLNRI, this function returns a suggested color index for that area. For example, if IMAD is the area identifier of the little island in Lake Superior called "Lake Madeline", then MDISCI(IMAD) has the value 6. The suggested color indices are defined in such a way as to ensure that areas that touch each other have different color indices.

To get a suggested color index for the area, at a specified level, that contains the area with a specified area identifier, use MDISCI in combination with MDIOSA. For example,

    MDISCI(MDIOSA(IMAD,5)) = 6 (color index for "Wisconsin" or a part thereof)
    MDISCI(MDIOSA(IMAD,4)) = 6 (color index for "Wisconsin" or a part thereof)
    MDISCI(MDIOSA(IMAD,3)) = 3 (color index for "Conterminous US")
    MDISCI(MDIOSA(IMAD,2)) = 5 (color index for "North America")
    MDISCI(MDIOSA(IMAD,1)) = 2 (color index for "Land")


The statement

retrieves in ISCI the suggested color index for the area with area identifier IAIN.

See the examples named "mpex11", "mpex12", and "tezmpb".


IAIN is an input expression of type INTEGER, specifying the area identifier of a particular area of interest.


(Note that these functions are equivalent; MPNAME just calls MDNAME with the specified argument and passes back the resulting value.)

Given the area identifier of one of the areas defined by whatever database was last read by one of the EZMAPB routines MDLNAM, MDLNDM, MDLNDR, and MDLNRI, this function returns the name of the area. For example, if IMAD is the area identifier of the little island in Lake Superior called "Lake Madeline", then MDNAME(IMAD) = 'Madeline Island (Lake Superior)'.

To get the name of the area, at a specified level, that contains an area with a specified area identifier, use MDNAME in combination with MDIOSA and/or MDIOLA. For example,

    MDNAME(MDIOLA(IMAD,5)) = Madeline Island (Lake Superior)
    MDNAME(MDIOLA(IMAD,4)) = Wisconsin
    MDNAME(MDIOLA(IMAD,3)) = United States
    MDNAME(MDIOLA(IMAD,2)) = North America
    MDNAME(MDIOSA(IMAD,5)) = Madeline Island (Lake Superior)
    MDNAME(MDIOSA(IMAD,4)) = Madeline Island (Lake Superior)
    MDNAME(MDIOSA(IMAD,3)) = Conterminous US
    MDNAME(MDIOSA(IMAD,2)) = North America


The statements


retrieve in NAME the name of the area with area identifier IAIN.

See the examples named "mpex11" and "mpex12".


IAIN is an input expression of type INTEGER, specifying the area identifier of a particular area of interest.


(Note that these functions are equivalent; MPFNME just calls MDFNME with the specified arguments and passes back the resulting value.)

Given the area identifier of one of the areas defined by whatever database was last read by one of the EZMAPB routines MDLNAM, MDLNDM, MDLNDR, and MDLNRI, this function returns the full name of the area, including the prepended names of all containing (parent) areas, up to and including a specified level. For example, if IMAD is the area identifier of the little island in Lake Superior called "Lake Madeline", then the following are true:

    MDFNME(IMAD,5) = 'Madeline Island (Lake Superior)'
    MDFNME(IMAD,4) = 'Wisconsin - Madeline Island (Lake Superior)'
    MDFNME(IMAD,3) = 'United States - Conterminous US - Wisconsin -
                                            Madeline Island (Lake Superior)'
    MDFNME(IMAD,2) = 'North America - United States - Conterminous US -
                                Wisconsin - Madeline Island (Lake Superior)'
    MDFNME(IMAD,1) = 'Land - North America - United States - Conterminous
                           US - Wisconsin - Madeline Island (Lake Superior)'
To get the full name of the area, at a specified level, that contains the area having a specified area identifier, use MDFNME in combination with MDIOSA. For example,

    MDFNME(MDIOSA(IMAD,5),5) = 'Madeline Island (Lake Superior)'
    MDFNME(MDIOSA(IMAD,4),4) = 'Wisconsin - Madeline Island (Lake Superior)'
    MDFNME(MDIOSA(IMAD,3),3) = 'United States - Conterminous US'
    MDFNME(MDIOSA(IMAD,2),2) = 'North America'
    MDFNME(MDIOSA(IMAD,1),1) = 'Land'


The statements


retrieve in FNME the full name of the area with area identifier IAIN, including the prepended names of containing (parent) areas, up to the level ILVL.

See the example named "mpex12".


IAIN is an input expression of type INTEGER, specifying the area identifier of a particular area of interest.

ILVL is an input expression of type INTEGER, specifying the highest level of containing (parent) name to be included in the returned full name.


(Note that these functions are equivalent; MPIFNB just calls MDIFNB with the specified argument and passes back the resulting value.)

This is a simple utility function that finds the index of the first non-blank character in a character string.


The statement

sets the value of IFNB to the index (between 1 and LEN(CHRS)) of the first non-blank character in the character string CHRS.


CHRS is an input expression of type CHARACTER.


(Note that these functions are equivalent; MPILNB just calls MDILNB with the specified argument and passes back the resulting value.)

This is a simple utility function that finds the index of the last non-blank character in a character string.


The statement

sets the value of ILNB to the index (between 1 and LEN(CHRS)) of the last non-blank character in the character string CHRS.


CHRS is an input expression of type CHARACTER.



(The remaining arguments are UMIN, UMAX, VMIN, and VMAX. Note that these routines are equivalent; MPUTIN just calls MDUTIN with the specified arguments.)


The statement

initializes the USGS package of transformations and calls the initialization routine MDPINT. The user is expected to have previously called MDPROJ with first argument 'UT'.


IPRJ is an input expression of type INTEGER having a value between 1 and 23, inclusive, specifying the number of the desired transformation, as shown in the following table:

IPRJProjection Name IPRJProjection Name
01UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator)13Gnomonic
02State Plane 14Orthographic
03Albers Equal-Area Conic 15Perspective
04Lambert Conformal Conic 16Sinusoidal
05Mercator 17Equirectangular
06Polar Stereographic 18Miller Cylindrical
07Polyconic 19Van der Grinten I
08Equidistant Conic 20Oblique Mercator (Hotine)
09Transverse Mercator 21Robinson
10Stereographic 22Space Oblique Mercator
11Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area 23Modified Stereographic for Alaska
12Azimuthal Equidistant

IZON is an input expression of type INTEGER which has meaning only when IPRJ = 1 or 2; it specifies the desired "zone number".

Zone name Z0 Z8 PT Zone name Z0 Z8 PT
Alabama East 01010101TMMississippi East 23012301TM
Alabama West 01020102TMMississippi West 23022302TM
Alaska 01 50015001OMMissouri East 24012401TM
Alaska 02 50025002TMMissouri Central 24022402TM
Alaska 03 50035003TMMissouri West 24032403TM
Alaska 04 50045004TMMontana ----2500LC
Alaska 05 50055005TMMontana North 2501----LC
Alaska 06 50065006TMMontana Central 2502----LC
Alaska 07 50075007TMMontana South 2503----LC
Alaska 08 50085008TMNebraska ----2600LC
Alaska 09 50095009TMNebraska North 2601----LC
Alaska 10 50105010LCNebraska South 2602----LC
Arizona East 02010201TMNevada East 27012701TM
Arizona Central 02020202TMNevada Central 27022702TM
Arizona West 02030203TMNevada West 27032703TM
Arkansas North 03010301LCNew Hampshire 28002800TM
Arkansas South 03020302LCNew Jersey 29002900TM
California 01 04010401LCNew Mexico East 30013001TM
California 02 04020402LCNew Mexico Central 30023002TM
California 03 04030403LCNew Mexico West 30033003TM
California 04 04040404LCNew York East 31013101TM
California 05 04050405LCNew York Central 31023102TM
California 06 04060406LCNew York West 31033103TM
California 07 0407----LCNew York Long Island 31043104LC
Colorado North 05010501LCNorth Carolina 32003200LC
Colorado Central 05020502LCNorth Dakota North 33013301LC
Colorado South 05030503LCNorth Dakota South 33023302LC
Connecticut 06000600LCOhio North 34013401LC
Delaware 07000700TMOhio South 34023402LC
District of Columbia 19011901LCOklahoma North 35013501LC
Florida East 09010901TMOklahoma South 35023502LC
Florida West 09020902TMOregon North 36013601LC
Florida North 09030903LCOregon South 36023602LC
Georgia East 10011001TMPennsylvania North 37013701LC
Georgia West 10021002TMPennsylvania South 37023702LC
Hawaii 01 51015101TMRhode Island 38003800TM
Hawaii 02 51025102TMSouth Carolina ----3900LC
Hawaii 03 51035103TMSouth Carolina North 3901----LC
Hawaii 04 51045104TMSouth Carolina South 3902----LC
Hawaii 05 51055105TMSouth Dakota North 40014001LC
Idaho East 11011101TMSouth Dakota South 40024002LC
Idaho Central 11021102TMTennessee 41004100LC
Idaho West 11031103TMTexas North 42014201LC
Illinois East 12011201TMTexas North Central 42024202LC
Illinois West 12021202TMTexas Central 42034203LC
Indiana East 13011301TMTexas South Central 42044204LC
Indiana West 13021302TMTexas South 42054205LC
Iowa North 14011401LCUtah North 43014301LC
Iowa South 14021402LCUtah Central 43024302LC
Kansas North 15011501LCUtah South 43034303LC
Kansas South 15021502LCVermont 44004400TM
Kentucky North 16011601LCVirginia North 45014501LC
Kentucky South 16021602LCVirginia South 45024502LC
Louisiana North 17011701LCWashington North 46014601LC
Louisiana South 17021702LCWashington South 46024602LC
Louisiana Offshore 17031703LCWest Virginia North 47014701LC
Maine East 18011801TMWest Virginia South 47024702LC
Maine West 18021802TMWisconsin North 48014801LC
Maryland 19001900LCWisconsin Central 48024802LC
Massachusetts Mainland 20012001LCWisconsin South 48034803LC
Massachusetts Island 20022002LCWyoming East (01) 49014901TM
Michigan East (Obsolete) 2101----TMWyoming East Central (02) 49024902TM
Michigan Central (Obsolete)2102----TMWyoming West Central (03) 49034903TM
Michigan West (Obsolete) 2103----TMWyoming West (04) 49044904TM
Michigan North 21112111LCPuerto Rico 52015200LC
Michigan Central 21122112LCVirgin Islands 52015200LC
Michigan South 21132113LCVirgin Islands St. Croix 52025200LC
Minnesota North 22012201LCAmerican Samoa 5300----LC
Minnesota Central 22022202LCGuam 5400----PC
Minnesota South 22032203LC

ISPH is an input expression of type INTEGER whose value determines the spheroid (actually an ellipsoid) to be used to approximate the shape of the earth.

Note the following:

ISPH Ellipsoid Name a (meters) b (meters) e2 e
-1(none) PARA(1) --- PARA(2) ---
00Clarke 1866 6378206.4000006356583.800000.0067686579973.0822718542230
01Clarke 1880 6378249.1450006356514.869550.0068035112828.0824834000438
02Bessel 6377397.1550006356078.962840.0066743722250.0816968311808
03New International 19676378157.5000006356772.200000.0066945504731.0818202326634
04International 1909 6378388.0000006356911.946130.0067226700217.0819918899751
05WGS 72 6378135.0000006356750.519915.0066943178099.0818188108558
06Everest 6377276.3452006356075.413300.0066378466426.0814729810586
07WGS 66 6378145.0000006356759.769356.0066945418961.0818201802495
08GRS 1980 6378137.0000006356752.314140.0066943800230.0818191910435
09Airy 6377563.3960006356256.910000.0066705397616.0816733724147
10Modified Everest 6377304.0630006356103.039000.0066378466281.0814729809695
11Modified Airy 6377340.1890006356034.448000.0066705399808.0816733737565
12WGS 84 6378137.0000006356752.314245.0066943799902.0818191908430
13Southeast Asia 6378155.0000006356773.320500.0066934216176.0818133339840
14Australian National 6378160.0000006356774.719000.0066945419156.0818201803691
15Krassovsky 6378245.0000006356863.018800.0066934216145.0818133339655
16Hough 6378270.0000006356794.343479.0067226700084.0819918898939
17Mercury 1960 6378166.0000006356784.283666.0066934216046.0818133339044
18Modified Mercury 1968 6378150.0000006356768.337303.0066934216046.0818133339050
19Normal Sphere 6370997.0000006370997.000000.0000000000000.0000000000000

PARA is an input/output array, dimensioned 15, of type DOUBLE PRECISION; it is used to pass required projection parameters to MDUTIN and, in some cases, to retrieve values from the routine. Which values must be tendered to MDUTIN in PARA on input depends on the values of IPRJ and ISPH; see the table below. Values enclosed in parentheses may need to be specified on input or may be returned by MDUTIN, depending on other conditions. Values enclosed in square brackets are those returned by MDUTIN. The following notes apply:

All angles are in degrees and all distances are in meters.

IPRJProjection Type Model P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8
01UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) ellipsoid (a) (e2) [scale factor at central meridian] - [lonc] [lato] [xo] [yo]
02State Plane ellipsoid (Clarke 1866 or GRS 1980) (a) (e2) [depends on zone] [depends on zone] [depends on zone] [lato] [xo] [yo]
03Albers Equal-Area Conic ellipsoid (a) (e2) lat1 lat2 lonc lato xo yo
04Lambert Conformal Conic ellipsoid (a) (e2) lat1 lat2 lonc lato xo yo
05Mercator ellipsoid (a) (e2) - - lonc latt xo yo
06Polar Stereographic ellipsoid (a) (e2) - - lonv latt xo yo
07Polyconic ellipsoid (a) (e2) - - lonc lato xo yo
08Equidistant Conic, Type A (P9 = 0.D0) ellipsoid (a) (e2) lats - lonc lato xo yo
08Equidistant Conic, Type B (P9 = 1.D0) ellipsoid (a) (e2) lat1 lat2 lonc lato xo yo
09Transverse Mercator ellipsoid (a) (e2) scale factor at central meridian - lonc lato xo yo
10Stereographic sphere (r) - - - lonc latc xo yo
11Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area sphere (r) - - - lonc latc xo yo
12Azimuthal Equidistant sphere (r) - - - lonc latc xo yo
13Gnomonic sphere (r) - - - lonc latc xo yo
14Orthographic sphere (r) - - - lonc latc xo yo
15Vertical Perspective (Satellite View) sphere (r) - height of perspective point above surface - lonc latc xo yo
16Sinusoidal sphere (r) - - - lonc - xo yo
17Equirectangular (Cylindrical Equidistant) sphere (r) - - - lonc latt xo yo
18Miller Cylindrical sphere (r) - - - lonc - xo yo
19Van der Grinten I sphere (r) - - - lonc - xo yo
20Oblique Mercator, Type A (P13 = 0.D0) P9-12 are also set. ellipsoid (a) (e2) scale factor at center of projection - - lato xo yo
20Oblique Mercator, Type B (P13 = 1.D0) ellipsoid (a) (e2) scale factor at center of projection azimuth angle (east of north of center line) longitude of point on line where azimuth is measured lato xo yo
21Robinson sphere (r) - - - lonc - xo yo
22Space Oblique Mercator ellipsoid (a) (e2) Landsat number (1-5) Path number (1-251 for Landsat 1-3, 1-233 for Landsat 4-5) - - xo yo
23Modified Stereographic for Alaska ellipsoid (Clarke 1866) (a) (e2) - - - - xo yo

UMIN, UMAX, VMIN, and VMAX are input expressions of type DOUBLE PRECISION, defining minimum and maximum values of U and V to be passed to MDPINT for use in setting up the call to SET that defines what portion of the projection space will be mapped to the GKS viewport. Assuming that the current map limits type specifier (set by the last call to MDPSET) is either 'MA' (for "maximal area") or 'AN' (for "angular limits"), then there are two possibilities:

If the current map limits type specifier is 'CO' (for "corners"), 'PO' (for "points"), 'GR' (for "grid"), or 'LI' (for "limits"), then the values of UMIN, UMAX, VMIN, and VMAX in the call to MDUTIN will be ignored and MDPINT will attempt to select the limits as specified. As of this writing (early 1999), not all of this code has been checked out; there may be glitches.


(Note that these routines are equivalent; MPUTFD just calls MDUTFD with the specified arguments.)

This routine may be called to access the double-precision versions of the forward transformations in the USGS package.

Note: This routine is only for use on machines having 32-bit real arithmetic; on machines having 64-bit real arithmetic, it returns UVAL=VVAL=1.D12. You should call MDUTFD only if you actually need the double precision output values; otherwise, you should call MDPTRN or MDPTRA, each of which executes the appropriate underlying routine (MDUTFD or MDUTFS) and returns a single precision result.


The statement

given the latitude, RLAT, and the longitude, RLON, of a point on the globe, returns the coordinates of a point, (UVAL,VVAL), on the USGS transformation selected by the last call to MDUTIN.


RLAT and RLON are input expressions of type DOUBLE PRECISION, specifying the latitude and longitude, in degrees, of a point on the globe.

UVAL and VVAL are output variables of type DOUBLE PRECISION, specifying the U and V coordinates of that point into which the point specified by RLAT and RLON is mapped by the USGS transformation defined by the last call to MDUTIN. If there is no such point, UVAL and VVAL are both returned equal to 1.D12.


(Note that these routines are equivalent; MPUTFS just calls MDUTFS with the specified arguments.)

This routine may be called to access the single-precision versions of the forward transformations in the USGS package.

Note: This routine is only for use on machines having 64-bit real arithmetic; on machines having 32-bit real arithmetic, it returns UVAL=VVAL=1.E12. Usually, it is better to call MDPTRN or MDPTRA, each of which executes the appropriate underlying routine (MDUTFD or MDUTFS) and returns a single precision result.


The statement

given the latitude, RLAT, and the longitude, RLON, of a point on the globe, returns the coordinates of a point, (UVAL,VVAL), on the USGS transformation selected by the last call to MDUTIN.


RLAT and RLON are input expressions of type REAL, specifying the latitude and longitude, in degrees, of a point on the globe.

UVAL and VVAL are output variables of type REAL, specifying the U and V coordinates of that point into which the point specified by RLAT and RLON is mapped by the USGS transformation defined by the last call to MDUTIN. If there is no such point, UVAL and VVAL are both returned equal to 1.E12.


(Note that these routines are equivalent; MPUTID just calls MDUTID with the specified arguments.)

This routine may be called to access the double-precision versions of the inverse transformations in the USGS package.

Note: This routine is only for use on machines having 32-bit real arithmetic; on machines having 64-bit real arithmetic, it returns RLAT=RLON=1.D12. You should call MDUTID only if you actually need the double precision output values; otherwise, you should call MDPTRI, which executes the appropriate underlying routine (MDUTID or MDUTIS) and returns a single precision result.


The statement

given a point (UVAL,VVAL) on the USGS transformation selected by the last call to MDUTIN, returns the latitude, RLAT, and the longitude, RLON, of the point on the globe which that transformation maps into (UVAL,VVAL).


UVAL and VVAL are input expressions of type DOUBLE PRECISION, specifying the U and V coordinates of a point on one of the USGS transformations, as defined by the last call to MDUTIN.

RLAT and RLON are output variables of type DOUBLE PRECISION, specifying the latitude and longitude, in degrees, of that point on the globe, if any, which is mapped into (UVAL,VVAL) by the USGS transformation defined by the last call to MDUTIN. If there is no such point, RLAT and RLON are both returned equal to 1.D12.


(Note that these routines are equivalent; MPUTIS just calls MDUTIS with the specified arguments.)

This routine may be called to access the single-precision versions of the inverse transformations in the USGS package.

Note: This routine is only for use on machines having 64-bit real arithmetic; on machines having 32-bit real arithmetic, it returns RLAT=RLON=1.E12. Usually, it is better to call MDPTRI, which executes the appropriate underlying routine (MDUTID or MDUTIS) and returns a single precision result.


The statement

given a point (UVAL,VVAL) on the USGS transformation selected by the last call to MDUTIN, returns the latitude, RLAT, and the longitude, RLON, of the point on the globe which that transformation maps into (UVAL,VVAL).


UVAL and VVAL are input expressions of type REAL, specifying the U and V coordinates of a point on one of the USGS transformations, as defined by the last call to MDUTIN.

RLAT and RLON are output variables of type REAL, specifying the latitude and longitude, in degrees, of that point on the globe, if any, which is mapped into (UVAL,VVAL) by the USGS transformation defined by the last call to MDUTIN. If there is no such point, RLAT and RLON are both returned equal to 1.E12.



The routine MDRGDI ("MaP RANGS/GSHHS, DIrectory") has a single CHARACTER argument in which is to be returned the path name of the directory containing the RANGS/GSHHS data files. The default version of MDRGDI returns a value obtained by examining the values of various environment variables. If desired, the user may compile a substitute version of MDRGDI that just returns the desired path name.


Each of the EZMAP routines MDRGOL and MDRGSF executes a statement like

to retrieve the name of the directory in which the RANGS/GSHHS files are to be found.

If the RANGS/GSHHS data are in the current directory, the following version of MDRGDI could be supplied:

        CHARACTER*(*) DINM
If the RANGS/GSHHS data are in "/tmp/user_name", then this would work:

        CHARACTER*(*) DINM


DINM is an output variable of type CHARACTER*(*). The directory name will be considered to consist of all characters returned in DINM up to, but not including, the first blank or null (CHAR(0)). It may have a terminating "/" or not, as desired.


The routine MDRGOL ("MaP RANGS/GSHHS, OutLines") may be called by the user at any time after initializing EZMAP. It will draw, on the EZMAP background, the outlines defined by the RANGS/GSHHS dataset at the resolution level specified by IRGL.


Use the FORTRAN statement

Drawing proceeds as follows: All 64,800 (360x180) 1-degree "squares" on the globe (actually, they're only squares on a cylindrical equidistant projection of the globe) are considered, one by one, in a double loop, with longitude running from west to east in the outer loop and latitude running from south to north in the inner loop. A quick test is done to determine which of them are wholly or partially visible and therefore need to be considered further. Within each such square, the drawing proceeds in several steps (to draw land boundaries, then lakes on land, then islands in lakes, and then ponds on islands in lakes).

The outlines are drawn in the colors defined by an internal array, the contents of which may be retrieved by calling MDRGGC and reset by calling MDRGSC. By default, all drawing is done in the current foreground color (as defined by color index 1). Color indices to be used for drawing particular types of entities may be set negative to specify no drawing of entities of that type.

Some of the polygons in the RANGS/GSHHS database are in error and, by default, are edited to fix the errors. Most of the errors are minor and can be ignored, but a couple of them are more serious (both occur when the database is being used for IRGL = 3; one is off the west coast of Chile, at about 48S/75W, and the other is in Russia, at about 58N/82E). Giving the internal parameter 'RP' the value "0" turns off the editing of polygons; in some parts of the globe, this can result in significantly lower execution times for MDRGOL.

Clipping of polylines is not done by EZMAP, but by GKS. Therefore, if you tell EZMAP to use an elliptical boundary, clipping will not be done properly. Also, if any part of a limb line is visible on your map, the drawing may not be done properly. In any case, this routine should only be used for large-scale maps, not for small-scale maps (and certainly not for maps showing the entire globe). (Some of these restrictions may be eased later on, as demand and available time warrant.)


IRGL is an input expression, of type INTEGER, having a value between 0 and 4, inclusive, corresponding to the resolution levels "finest", "fine", "medium", "coarse", and "coarsest", respectively.

RWRK is a scratch array of type REAL, used to hold the X and Y coordinates of polygons or polylines being manipulated by MDRGOL.

LRWK is an input expression, of type INTEGER, specifying the dimension of RWRK. In some areas of the globe, LRWK will need to be at least 122000, but usually it can be much smaller.


The routine MDRGSF ("MaP RANGS/GSHHS, Solid Fill") may be called by the user at any time after initializing EZMAP. It will fill, on the EZMAP background, the outlines defined by the RANGS/GSHHS dataset at the resolution level specified by IRGL.


Use the FORTRAN statement

The fill proceeds as follows: All 64,800 (360x180) 1-degree "squares" on the globe (actually, they're only squares on a cylindrical equidistant projection of the globe) are considered, one by one, in a double loop, with longitude running from west to east in the outer loop and latitude running from south to north in the inner loop. A quick test is done to determine which of them are wholly or partially visible and therefore need to be considered further. Then, within each such square, the fill proceeds in several steps (to paint polygons representing the ocean, then land, then lakes on land, then islands in lakes, and then ponds on islands in lakes). A polygon at one level may fit entirely inside a polygon at a previous level, in which case the interior of that polygon is filled twice.

The polygons are filled in the colors defined by an internal array, the contents of which may be retrieved by calling MDRGGC and reset by calling MDRGSC. By default, the fill is done in the current background and foreground colors (as defined by color indices 0 and 1, respectively); oceans are in the background color, land in the foreground color, lakes in the background color, islands in lakes in the foreground color, and ponds on islands in lakes in the background color.

Color indices to be used for fill of particular types of entities may be set negative to specify no fill (or "transparent" fill) of entities of that type. This can cause a problem; if, for example, you ask for oceans to be filled and for land areas not to be filled, MDRGSF must use a different fill method, involving the use of routines from the package AREAS; such fills will be noticeably slower. Situations in which the use of AREAS is necessary are detected automatically, but the user can request that AREAS always be used by giving the internal parameter 'RP' the value 2.

Some of the polygons in the RANGS/GSHHS database are in error and, by default, are edited to fix the errors. Most of the errors are minor and can be ignored, but a couple of them are more serious (both occur when the database is being used for IRGL = 3; one is off the west coast of Chile, at about 48S/75W, and the other is in Russia, at about 58N/82E). Giving the internal parameter 'RP' the value "0" turns off the editing of polygons; in some parts of the globe, this can result in significantly lower execution times for MDRGSF.

Bccause the projection of the 1-degree "squares" on the globe can have sides that are neither horizontal nor vertical, filling two such shapes adjacent to one another can result in little gaps along the line between the two. To reduce the probability of such gaps, points are interpolated along the edges of the "squares". By default, each edge is subdivided into 32 small segments. The routine MDGETI can be used to retrieve the value of a parameter, called 'II', determining the number of such segments to be used and the routine MDSETI can be used to give 'II' a different value.

Clipping of polygons is not done by EZMAP, but by GKS. Therefore, if you tell EZMAP to use an elliptical boundary, clipping will not be done properly. Also, if any part of a limb line is visible on your map, the fill may not be done properly. In any case, this routine should only be used for large-scale maps, not for small-scale maps (and certainly not for maps showing the entire globe). (Some of these restrictions may be eased later on, as demand and available time warrant.)


IRGL is an input expression, of type INTEGER, having a value between 0 and 4, inclusive, corresponding to the resolution levels "finest", "fine", "medium", "coarse", and "coarsest", respectively.

RWRK is a scratch array of type REAL, used to hold the X and Y coordinates of polygons being manipulated by MDRGSF.

LRWK is an input expression, of type INTEGER, specifying the dimension of RWRK. In some areas of the globe, LRWK will need to be at least 122000, but usually it can be much smaller.

IAMA is a scratch array of type INTEGER, used to hold the area map for each 1-degree lat/lon "square" processed by MDRGSF.

LAMA is an input expression, of type INTEGER, specifying the dimension of IAMA. In some areas of the globe, LAMA will need to be at least 665000, but usually it can be much smaller. If AREAS is not being used by MDRGSF, then the value of LAMA can be 1.


Once EZMAP has been initialized for a particular map, this routine may be called to get a suggested value for the argument of MDRGOL and MDRGSF that specifies the level of resolution of the RANGS/GSHHS data to be used. The value returned is based on the approximate scale of the map at its center point, which is computed by calling the function MDSCAL.


Use the statement

to retrieve a value of IRGL appropriate for the current map.


IRGL is an output variable of type INTEGER. The value returned will be between 0 and 4. The value 0 specifies the highest-resolution data and the value 4 the lowest-resolution data.


The routine MDRGGC ("MaP RANGS/GSHHS, Get Colors") may be called by the user to retrieve the values in two internal arrays of color indices, one of which is used by MDRGOL when drawing outlines, and the other of which is used by MDRGSF when filling the outlines.


Use the FORTRAN statement



LCOL is a output array of type INTEGER and length 5. The values returned in this array are the current color indices to be used for drawing the boundaries of oceans, land, lakes, islands in lakes, and ponds on islands in lakes, respectively.

LCSF is a output array of type INTEGER and length 5. The values returned in this array are the current color indices to be used for filling areas representing oceans, land, lakes, islands in lakes, and ponds on islands in lakes, respectively.


This routine MDRGSC ("MaP RANGS/GSHHS, Set Colors") may be called by the user to set the values in two internal arrays of color indices, one of which is used by MDRGOL when drawing outlines, and the other of which is used by MDRGSF when filling the outlines.


Use the FORTRAN statement



LCOL is an input array of type INTEGER and length 5. The values placed in this array are the current color indices to be used for drawing the boundaries of oceans, land, lakes, islands in lakes, and ponds on islands in lakes, respectively. Use values less than zero to request no drawing of the associated entities.

LCSF is an input array of type INTEGER and length 5. The values placed in this array are the current color indices to be used for filling outlines representing oceans, land, lakes, islands in lakes, and ponds on islands in lakes, respectively. Use values less than zero to request no fill ("transparent" fill) of the associated entities.



(Note that these two routines are equivalent: MAPNGR just calls MDPNGR.)

Extracts data from a specified georeferenced PNG and places it in memory allocated for the purpose.


Either of the statements

reads information from the PNG whose name is specified by FLNM, as well as from an associated georeferencing file, and leaves it in a block of memory allocated for the purpose. The last five characters of FLNM must be ".png" and a null. The name of the georeferencing file is the same, but with ".pngi" in place of ".png".

The ".pngi" is an ASCII file containing information saying how the PNG is to be mapped onto the earth. Its format is defined in a subsection below.

Subsequently, the routine MDPNGD may be called to create and plot a cell array representing some other view of the earth generated from the information in the PNG.

Note that MDPNGR calls the routine MDQINI to initialize a georeferencing transformation defining how the PNG is mapped onto the globe. If you have called that routine to initialize a transformation of your own, your initialization will be lost. Also, you must not call MDQINI until you have done all the calls to MDPNGD that depend on the setup done by a given call to MDPNGR.

As of this writing, because NCAR Graphics does not provide 24-bit color, color information from a PNG is discarded; it is treated as a gray-scale image.

Once all desired views of the earth have been generated, the routine MDPNGQ must be called to deallocate the block of memory allocated by MDPNGR.

See the example named "mpex15".


FLNM (input expression, of type CHARACTER) is the null-terminated name of the PNG to be read; the final characters of the name, before the null, must be ".png". The name of the ASCII georeferencing file is identical, but with ".pngi" in place of ".png".

Note: If you know the exact name of the file to be read, you can supply the required null terminator by concatenating it with CHAR(0); for example, if the actual name is "Iowa.png", you can use FLNM = 'Iowa.png'//CHAR(0). On the other hand, if you have a blank-terminated name in a character variable - call it NAME - you will have to search for the index of the last non-blank in NAME - call it ILNB - and then use FLNM = NAME(1:ILNB)//CHAR(0).

LCFA (input expression, of type INTEGER), if non-zero, says that two-dimensional arrays are to be used to approximate the correction function that is constructed when the ".pngi" contains at least four "reference points". The actual amount of space used for each of the arrays will be no more than MAX(100,MIN(10000,LCFA)) and exactly equal to MCFAxNCFA, where the values of MCFA and NCFA are picked so that the ratio of MCFA to NCFA is approximately equal to the ratio of the width of the PNG to its height.

Format of a Georeferencing File

The ".pngi" file that provides georeferencing information for a ".png" file is an ASCII file having a specific format. Here's a typical ".pngi", for a map of Alaska that was acquired on a Mac by screen-capturing part of a Wikimapia map:

File name:          PngFiles/Alaska.png
Projection:         ME  0.000000E+00 -0.140000E+03  0.000000E+00
Limits:             LI -0.524589E+00  0.584140E+00  0.108798E+01  0.181337E+01
Reference points:    2
                     1  0.688873E+02 -0.166216E+03  0.873705E+02  0.773009E+03
                     2  0.600000E+02 -0.110000E+03  0.136610E+04  0.298937E+03
To create a ".pngi" for a ".png" of your own, you can make a copy of the above and edit it according to the description below. (There is another way, actually: such files can be written from the editor that is used to prepare Ezmap databases. That's how the one above was created.)

The first line has the string "File name:" in columns 1-10, blanks in columns 11-20, and a file name in columns 21-80. The name can actually be anything you want, since it's ignored by MDPNGR.

The second line has the string "Projection:" in columns 1-11, blanks in columns 12-20, a two-character projection-type mnemonic in columns 21-22, and three floating-point numbers (Fortran format 3E14.6) in columns 23-64. The four values thus defined are to be used as the arguments JPRJ, PLAT, PLON, and ROTA in a call to the EZMAP routine MDPROJ; they specify a projection type, the latitude and longitude of the projection's center, and its rotation angle.

Note: If the chosen projection type were "SV" (for "Satellite View"), then another line would have to be inserted, following the second line, defining satellite parameters. For example:

Satellite values:       0.603360E+02  0.000000E+00  0.000000E+00
This extra line would have "Satellite values:" in columns 1-17, blanks in columns 18-22, and three floating-point numbers (Fortran format 3E14.6) in columns 23-64. These are the desired values of the internal parameters 'SA', 'S1', and 'S2' - the satellite altitude and the two angles that specify in what direction it was looking.

The third line has the string "Limits:" in columns 1-7, blanks in columns 8-20, a two-character limit-type mnemonic in columns 21-22, and four floating-point numbers (Fortran format 4E14.6) in columns 23-78. The five values thus defined are to be used as the arguments JLTS, PLM1(1), PLM2(1), PLM3(1), and PLM4(1) in a call to the EZMAP routine MDPSET; they specify a limit type and the four numbers that are usually all that's needed to completely determine the limits of a map.

Note: If the specified limit type were "PO" (for "POints"), then line three would be followed by another line having blanks in columns 1-22 and four additional floating point numbers (Fortran format 4E14.6) in columns 23-78, to specify the required values of PLM1(2), PLM2(2), PLM3(2), and PLM4(2).

Many ".pngi"s would end here, but, in this case, there is a fourth line, which has the string "Reference points:" in columns 1-17, blanks in columns 18-20, and a two-digit integer (Fortran format I2) in columns 21-22. This line specifies how many "reference points" are to follow.

The remaining lines specify "reference points", one per line. Each line has blanks in columns 1-20, a two-digit integer (Fortran format I2) in columns 21-22, and four floating point numbers (Fortran format 4E16.6) in columns 23-78. The integer is a reference-point index and is somewhat superfluous in this context (though the database editor actually makes use of it); if you are creating a ".pngi" of your own, just use integers 1, 2, 3, and so on. The first floating-point number is a latitude, the second a longitude, the third a horizontal pixel index, and the fourth a vertical pixel index. If the PNG has dimensions "MxN", then the horizontal pixel index will be between 0 and REAL(M), while the vertical pixel index will be between 0 and REAL(N). Each line specifies a position on the PNG and the latitude and longitude known to be associated with that position. Horizontal pixel indices increase from left to right and vertical pixel indices increase from bottom to top. Thus, the center of the pixel in the lower left corner of the PNG has pixel indices (.5,.5) and the center of the pixel in the upper right corner has pixel indices (REAL(M)-.5,REAL(N)-.5).

Reference points are used in a couple of ways by the database editor, but they are only used by MDPNGR/D/Q if there are four or more of them, in which case they are used to construct a "correction function" that subtly distorts the PNG to more closely fit where it should on the globe.



(Note that these two routines are equivalent: MAPNGD just calls MDPNGD.)

Constructs and draws a cell array background, using data read by MDPNGR.


Either of the statements

makes use of information read by MDPNGR and stored in memory allocated for the purpose to display a PNG on the EZMAP background defined by the current state of EZMAP.

Note that two EZMAP transformations are in use simultaneously: the first, defined by the call to MDPNGR that reads the ".png" and its associated ".pngi", allows one to transform lat/lon coordinates into pixel coordinates on the PNG, while the second, defined by user calls to MDPROJ and MDPSET after the call to MDPNGR, allows one to inverse-transform plotter-frame positions into lat/lon coordinates.

A cell array of a user-specified size is constructed in allocated memory. For each cell of the cell array, the inverse of the user-specified transformation is used to compute a latitude and longitude. Then, the transformation defined by the ".pngi" is used to find out what pixel of the PNG (if any) covers the center of that cell of the cell array. A gray-scale value computed from the RGB values associated with that pixel is retrieved and used to pick a color index for the cell. Once the cell array is complete, it is drawn.

See the example named "mpex15".


LOCA (input expression, of type INTEGER) specifies how much space is to be allocated and used for the cell array. The actual amount used will be no less than 100 and no more than 10,000,000, and the actual dimensions of the cell array will be chosen so as to make its cells approximately square in the viewport defined by the EZMAP transformation currently in effect.

IORC (input expression, of type INTEGER) is the color index to be used for "out-of-range" areas (i. e., areas that are not part of the area into which the PNG is transformed.)

IGSC (input expression, of type INTEGER) is the first of a block of color indices to be used in displaying the transformed PNG.

NGSC (input expression, of type INTEGER) is the number of color indices to be used in displaying the transformed PNG.

Note: The user is responsible for doing the necessary calls to the GKS routine GSCR to define color indices IGSC, IGSC+1, ... IGSC+NGSC-1.


(Note that these two routines are equivalent: MAPNGQ just calls MDPNGQ.)

Deallocates memory allocated by MDPNGR, discarding the data it contained.


Either of the statements

releases all the memory allocated by a call to MDPNGR and used by one or more subsequent calls to MDPNGD.

See the example named "mpex15".




Extracts information from a specified ".png" and places it in memory allocated for the purpose.




FLNM (input expression, of type CHARACTER) is the null-terminated name of the PNG to be read.

Note: If you know the exact name of the file to be read, you can supply the required null terminator by concatenating it with CHAR(0); for example, if the actual name is "Iowa.png", you can use FLNM = 'Iowa.png'//CHAR(0). On the other hand, if you have a blank-terminated name in a character variable - call it NAME - you will have to search for the index of the last non-blank in NAME - call it ILNB - and then use FLNM = NAME(1:ILNB)//CHAR(0).

MGSV and NGSV (output variables, of type INTEGER) are the returned dimensions of the ".png".

IRED and IGRN (input expressions of type INTEGER) are weights to be used in converting RGB triples of the PNG to gray-scale values. (The weight for the red component is REAL(IRED)/100000., that for the green component is REAL(IGRN)/100000., and that for the blue component is REAL(100000-IRED-IGRN)/100000.) The usual values for IRED and IGRN are 21268 and 71514, respectively.

IERR (output variable, of type INTEGER) is an error flag, returned non-zero if an error occurred while trying to open and read the ".png".


Retrieves, for a specified pair of pixel indices, a gray-scale value from among the data read from a ".png" by a call to GSVINI.


The statement

GSVA=GSVINI(IPIX,JPIX) retrieves the gray-scale value GSVA, in the range from 0. to 1., that is associated with the pixel indices IPIX and JPIX.


IPIX (input expression, of type INTEGER) is an integer between 1 and MGSV (as returned by GSVINI), specifying a particular column of the PNG. IPIX increases from left to right across the PNG.

JPIX (input expression, of type INTEGER) is an integer between 1 and NGSV (as returned by GSVINI), specifying a particular row of the PNG. IPIX increases from bottom to top across the PNG.


Terminates use of a ".png" read by a prior call to GSVINI and used by referencing the function GSVALU. It releases memory allocated by GSVINI.







(Note that these routines are intended to be replaced by the user; the default version of MAPEOD calls the default version of MDPEOD and the default version of MDPEOD does nothing.)

To examine each outline-dataset segment and, if desired, to delete it.


MAPEOD is called by MDPLOT to examine each segment in an outline dataset just before it is plotted and by MDPBLA to examine each segment in an outline dataset just before it is added to an area map. A user-supplied version of either MAPEOD or MDPEOD may cause selected segments to be deleted (to reduce the clutter in northern Canada, for example). Note that this routine is not called by any of the EZMAPB routines; for the same purpose, they call the routine MPCHLN, which calls the routine MDCHLN.

See the examples named "mpex03", "mpex05", and "mpex09".


NOUT (an input expression of type INTEGER) is the number of the outline dataset from which the segment comes, as follows:

NOUTDataset from which the segment came
1'CO' - Continental outlines only.
2'US' - U.S. state outlines only.
3'PS' - Continental, U.S. state, and international outlines.
4'PO' - Continental and international outlines.

NSEG (an input expression of type INTEGER) is the number of the segment within the outline dataset. The maps in the example named "mpex09" show segment numbers for the outline dataset 'CO'; the program may be modified to produce maps showing segment numbers for any outline dataset.

IDLS and IDRS (input expressions of type INTEGER) are identifiers for the areas to the left and right, respectively, of the segment. (Left and right are defined from the standpoint of a viewer standing at point 1 of the segment and looking toward point 2.) For a complete list of area identifiers, see the section named "AREA IDENTIFIERS".

NPTS (an input/output variable of type INTEGER), on entry, is the number of points defining the outline segment. NPTS may be zeroed by MAPEOD/MDPEOD to suppress any use of the segment on the map.

PNTS (an input/output array, dimensioned 2*NPTS, of type REAL) is an array of coordinates. PNTS(1) and PNTS(2) are the latitude and longitude of the first point, PNTS(3) and PNTS(4) the latitude and longitude of the second point, ... PNTS(2*NPTS-1) and PNTS(2*NPTS) the latitude and longitude of the last point. All values are in degrees. Longitudes are all between -180 and +180; no segment crosses the meridian at -180 (+180) degrees.


(Note that these routines are intended to be replaced by the user; the default version of MAPUSR calls the default version of MDPUSR and the default version of MDPUSR does nothing.)

This routine is called by EZMAP routines that draw the various parts of a map, to allow for user changes in the appearance of the map. Note, however, that MAPUSR is not called by either of the EZMAPB routines MDLNDM or MDLNDR.


EZMAP routines (with the exception of MDLNDM and MDLNDR, which instead call MDCHLN) execute the statement

just before and just after each portion of a map is drawn. The default version of MAPUSR just calls MDPUSR and the default version of MDPUSR does nothing. A user-supplied version of either MAPUSR or MDPUSR may set/reset the dotting parameter 'DL', the DASHCHAR dash pattern, the color index, etc., so as to achieve a desired effect.

See the example named "mpex08".


IPRT (input expression, of type INTEGER), if positive, says that a particular part of the map is about to be drawn, as follows:

IPRTPart of map about to be drawn
4Limb lines.
5Continental outlines.
6U.S. state outlines.
7International outlines.

If IPRT is negative, it says that drawing of the last part is complete. The absolute value of IPRT will be one of the above values. Changed quantities should be restored.


(Note that these routines are equivalent; MAPRS just calls MDPRS.)

Re-calls SET.


The statement

repeats the SET call last done by the routine MDPINT. This might be used when user lines are to be plotted over a map generated in a different overlay (e.g., using a flash buffer), and when the system plot package does not reside in an outer overlay.

No example is available for MDPRS.




Once EZMAP has been initialized to draw a particular map, this function may be used to retrieve an estimate of the scale of the map at a specified position on it, in units of degrees of arc on the globe per unit distance in the fractional coordinate system.


Use the statements

      . . .
to get a value SCAL which estimates the scale of the map at the position and in the direction specified by the arguments. If (XCOP,YCOP) and (XCOQ,YCOQ) are the fractional coordinates of two points on the map that are the projections (in a manner specified by the current state of EZMAP's internal parameters) of two points, P and Q, on the surface of the globe, then the value of SCAL will be the angular distance, in degrees, between P and Q, divided by the distance, in the fractional coordinate system, between the points on the map. (The angular distance is computed assuming a spherical earth.)

Note that the scale of a map is a unitless quantity representing the ratio of a distance on the map to a distance on the globe and that it is accurate at only a subset of the points on the map (sometimes at a single point, sometimes along one or more lines on the map). Note also that, even at a particular point, the scale may be different in one direction than it is in another.

In any case, because EZMAP has no way of knowing at what size a map will ultimately be displayed, it cannot compute an actual scale. An individual user may obtain an estimate of the actual scale by multiplying the value obtained from MDSCAL by a factor to convert angular distances into inches (pi over 180 times the radius of the earth in inches) and then dividing that by the width of the plotter frame in inches.


XCOP, YCOP, XCOQ, and YCOQ (input expressions, of type REAL) are the fractional X and Y coordinates of two points on the plotter frame - (XCOP,YCOP) and (XCOQ,YCOQ). The two points can be postioned arbitrarily, but, if the latitudes and longitudes of the points on the globe represented by them cannot be computed, the function value returned will be 0. For most purposes, it will probably suffice to use two points close together in the center of the map and having the same "Y" coordinate.


(The remaining arguments are PLM1, PLM2, PLM3, PLM4, JLTS, JGRD, IOUT, IDOT, and IERR.)

An implementation of the routine from which EZMAP grew.


The statement

     +             JGRD,IOUT,IDOT,IERR)
creates a map of a desired portion of the globe, according to a desired projection, with desired outlines drawn in, and with lines of latitude and longitude at desired intervals. An appropriate call to the routine SET is performed, and the routine SUPCON is initialized so that the user may map points of known latitude and longitude to points in the u/v plane and use the u/v coordinates to draw objects on the map produced by SUPMAP.

See the examples named "mpex03", "mpex08", and "mpexfi".


JPRJ (input expression, of type INTEGER) defines the projection type and indicates whether or not continental outlines are to be plotted, as follows:

Using the value 2 causes the EZMAP parameter 'SA' to be zeroed. ('SA', if greater than 1., says that a satellite-view projection, rather than an orthographic projection, is to be used, and specifies the distance of the satellite from the center of the earth, in units of earth radii.)

Using the value 7 causes 'SA' to be examined. If it has a non-zero value, the value is left alone. If it has a zero value, its value is reset to 6.631, which is about right for a satellite in a geosynchronous equatorial orbit.

PLAT, PLON, and ROTA (input expressions, of type REAL) define the origin of the projection and its rotation angle and are used in the same way as they would be in a call to the routine MDPROJ.

JLTS (input expression, of type INTEGER), and PLM1, PLM2, PLM3, and PLM4 (input arrays, dimensioned 2, of type REAL) specify the rectangular limits of the map. These arguments are used in the same way as they would be in a call to MDPSET, except that JLTS is an integer instead of a character string. IABS(JLTS) may take on the values 1 through 6, as follows:

IABS(JLTS)Equivalent character string in a call to MDPSET
1'MA' - maximal area desired.
2'CO' - corner points given in PLM1, PLM2, PLM3, and PLM4.
3'LI' - U/V limits given in PLM1, PLM2, PLM3, and PLM4.
4'AN' - angles given in PLM1, PLM2, PLM3, and PLM4.
5'PO' - edge points given in PLM1, PLM2, PLM3, and PLM4.
6'GR' - min/max lat/lon in PLM1, PLM2, PLM3, and PLM4.

At one time, the sign of JLTS specified whether or not a line of text was to be written at the bottom of the plot produced. This line may no longer be written and the sign of JLTS is therefore ignored.

JGRD (input expression, of type INTEGER) is used in the following way: The value of "MOD(IABS(JGRD),1000)" is the value, in degrees, of the interval at which lines of latitude and longitude are to be plotted. If the given interval is zero, grid lines and labels are not plotted. If JGRD is less than zero, the perimeter is not plotted. Set JGRD to -1000 to suppress both grid lines and perimeter and to +1000 to suppress the grid lines, but leave the perimeter. The value -0 may have a meaning on ones' complement machines, but should be avoided; use -1000 instead.

IOUT (input expression, of type INTEGER) has the value 0 to suppress U.S. state outlines, and the value -1 or +1 to plot U.S. state outlines. In both of these cases, the sign of JPRJ indicates whether continental outlines are to be plotted (JPRJ positive) or not (JPRJ negative). Originally, SUPMAP recognized only these values of IOUT; now, if IOUT is less than 0 or greater than 1, the sign of JPRJ is ignored, and IOUT selects an outline group, as follows:

IOUTOutline group selected
-2 or less'NO' (no outlines)
2'CO' (continental outlines)
3'US' (U.S. state outlines)
4'PS' (continental outlines plus international outlines plus U.S. state outlines)
5'PO' (continental outlines plus international outlines)
100-199outlines from "Earth..1"
200-299outlines from "Earth..2"
300-399outlines from "Earth..3"
400-499outlines from "Earth..4"

When IOUT is 100 or greater, MAX(1,MIN(5,MOD(IOUT,100))) is the level at which the specified database is to be used.

At one time, the sign of IOUT specified whether or not a line of text was to be written on the print output unit. This may no longer be done.

IDOT (input expression, of type INTEGER) is a 0 to get continuous outlines, a 1 to get dotted outlines.

IERR (output variable, of type INTEGER) is the only output parameter. A non-zero value indicates that an error has occurred. The section "ERROR CONDITIONS" lists the possible values of IERR.


An old equivalent of the new routine MAPTRN. Provided for compatibility with earlier versions of EZMAP/SUPMAP. If efficiency is a consideration, bypass this routine and call MAPTRN directly.


The statement

is exactly equivalent to the statement

(Actually, SUPCON calls MDPTRN directly, rather than calling MAPTRN and letting it call MDPTRN, but the effect is the same.)


RLAT, RLON, UVAL, and VVAL are defined as for MAPTRN.


EZMAP has a large group of internal parameters, each of which affects the behavior of one or more of the EZMAP routines. The current values of the internal parameters may be retrieved using the routines MDGETC, MDGETI, MDGETL, MDGETR, and MDGETD. The values of most of the internal parameters may be reset using the routines MDSETC, MDSETI, MDSETL, MDSETR, and MDSETD; some of the parameters are intended for retrieval only and may not be given new values in this way. In the following table are listed, in alphabetical order, all of the internal parameters of EZMAP:

'AR'C For retrieval only. The value of the map limits type specifier JLTS from the last call to MDPSET. The default value is 'MA'.
'Cn'I "n" is an integer between 1 and 8. Each 'Cn', if zero or greater, specifies the color index of some part of the map. The user must do the calls to GKS routines to define the color indices. The default value of each 'Cn' is -1, indicating no change in color index from one part of the map to another.
'C1'I Color index for perimeter. See 'Cn', above.
'C2'I Color index for grid. See 'Cn', above.
'C3'I Color index for labels. See 'Cn', above.
'C4'I Color index for limb lines. See 'Cn', above.
'C5'I Color index for continent outlines. See 'Cn', above.
'C6'I Color index for state outlines. See 'Cn', above.
'C7'I Color index for outlines of countries of the world. See 'Cn', above.
'C8'I Color index for outlines of counties of the world. See 'Cn', above.
'DA'I Dashed-line pattern for the grids. A 16-bit quantity. The default is 21845 (octal 52525 or binary 0101010101010101).
'DD'I,R,DDistance between dots along a dotted line drawn by MDPIT. The default value is 96 (out of 32768; see 'RE', below).
'DL'I,LIf true (non-zero), user calls to MDPIT draw dotted lines. The default is false (zero); lines drawn by MDPIT are solid or dashed, depending on the current state of the DASHCHAR package. 'DL' may be reset by a user version of MAPUSR/MDPUSR or MPCHLN/MDCHLN to change the way in which the perimeter, the grid, the limb lines, and the outlines are drawn.
'DO'I,LIf true (non-zero), outlines are dotted. The default is false (zero); outlines are solid.
'EL'I,LIf true (non-zero), requests an elliptical perimeter: only that part of the map which falls inside an ellipse inscribed within the normal rectangular perimeter is drawn. This is particularly appropriate for use with azimuthal projections and angular limits specifying a square, in which case the ellipse becomes a circle, but it will work for any map. The default value is false (zero).
'GD'R,DThe distance between points used to draw the grid, in degrees. The default value is 1.; user values must fall between .001 and 10.
'GP'I,R,DSpecifies the way in which the grid, if drawn, is to be modified near the poles on projections which map the poles into single points; 'GP' is given a value of the form "1000*GLAT+GLON", where GLAT is an integer between 0 and 90 and GLON is a positive real between 0 and 360.

If GLAT is zero, all the latitude lines of the grid are drawn; if GLAT is non-zero, latitude lines at latitudes from GLAT to 90, inclusive (South or North) are omitted.

If GLON is zero, no longitude lines are drawn near the poles; if GLON is non-zero, only longitude lines of the grid at multiples of GLON are drawn near the poles.

Examples: "'GP'=0" says "draw all the latitude lines of the grid; omit longitude lines of the grid near the poles." "'GP'=1" says "draw entire grid." "'GP'=75045" says "suppress latitude lines of the grid above 75N and below 75S; near the poles, draw the longitude lines of the grid only at multiples of 45 degrees." The default is "'GP'=90", which says "draw all latitude lines of the grid; near the poles, omit longitude lines of the grid except those at multiples of 90 degrees".

'GR'I,R,DThe desired grid spacing, in degrees. (Note that, when 'GT' and/or 'GN' have values greater than zero, they are used in place of 'GR'.) Giving 'GR' a value less than or equal to zero suppresses the grid. The sign of 'GR' also affects the behavior of three routines with respect to the drawing of limb lines; for more information, see the description of the routine MDPLMB. The default value of 'GR' is 10 degrees.
'GT' and 'GN'I,R,DThe desired spacings of latitude and longitude grid lines, respectively (in degrees); if either is less than or equal to zero, the value of 'GR' is used instead.
'G1'I The group identifier to be used by MDPBLA and MDLNAM when putting into the area map the group of edges that define the division of the plotter frame into the projected images of geographic entities. The default value is 1.
'G2'I The group identifier to be used by MDPBLA and MDLNAM when putting into the area map the group of edges that define the division of the plotter frame into vertical strips. The default value is 2.
'II'I 1000*NILT+NILN, where NILT is the number of segments into which a vertical edge of a 1-degree square is to be broken and NILN is the number of segments into which a horizontal edge of a 1-degree square is to be broken by the points MDRGSF interpolates in attempting to circumvent problems that cause edge effects along the seam between the projections of adjacent squares. NILT and NILN may take on positive values between 1 and 999, inclusive. The default value of each is 50.
'IN'I,LFor retrieval only. Initialization flag. If true (non-zero), it says that EZMAP is in need of initialization (by a CALL MDPINT). The default value is true (non-zero).
'LA'I,LIf true (non-zero), label the meridians and the poles. The default is true (non-zero).
'LS'I Controls label size. A character width, to be used in a call to PWRIT. The default value is 1, which gives a character width of 12 plotter units.
'MV'I,R,DMinimum vector length for MDPIT. A point closer to the previous point than this is omitted. The default value is 1 (out of 32768; see 'RE', below).
'OT'R,DAn "offset tolerance": when the absolute value of the difference of the U values at the left and right edges of a map is less than OTOL times the absolute value of their sum, or the absolute value of the difference of the V values at the bottom and top edges of a map is less than OTOL times the absolute value of their sum, MDPINT will initialize the projection to use offset values of U and V, thus avoiding a loss of precision. This feature should be invisible to the user; however, access to 'OT' is provided so that the feature can be effectively turned off, if desired (by setting 'OT' = 0). The default value is .001.
'OU'C Says which set of outline data MDPLOT, MDPBLA, and MDPBLM are to use. The possible values are 'NO' (no outlines), 'CO' (continental outlines), 'US', (U.S. state outlines), 'PS' (continental outlines plus international outlines plus U.S outlines), and 'PO' (continental outlines plus international outlines). The default is 'CO'.
'PE'I,LIf true (non-zero), draw the perimeter (a rectangle or an ellipse, depending on the value of 'EL'). The default is true (non-zero).
'PN'I,R,DFor retrieval only. The value of PLON from the last call to MDPROJ. The default value is zero.
'PR'C For retrieval only. The value of the projection specifier JPRJ from the last call to MDPROJ. The default value is 'CE'.
'PT'I,R,DFor retrieval only. The value of PLAT from the last call to MDPROJ. The default value is zero.
'Pn'I,R,DFor retrieval only. "n" is an integer from 1 to 8, inclusive. Retrieves values from the call to MDPSET. 'P1' through 'P4' specify PLM1(1), PLM2(1), PLM3(1), and PLM4(1), while 'P5' through 'P8' specify PLM1(2), PLM2(2), PLM3(2), and PLM4(2). Default values are all zero.
'RE'I,R,DThe width of the target plotter, in plotter units. The default value is 32768.
'RO'I,R,DFor retrieval only. The value of ROTA from the last call to MDPROJ. The default value is zero.
'RP'I A flag saying how the RANGS/GSHHS database is to be processed by MDRGOL and MDRGSF. The value 0 says that the data are to be used as is, with no editing to remove errors and with no unnecessary use of AREAS for area fills. The value 1 says that the error edits are to be performed, but with no unnecessary use of AREAS for area fills. The value 2 says that error edits are to be performed and that AREAS is always to be used for area fills. See the descriptions of the routines MDRGOL and MDRGSF. The default value of 'RP' is 1.
'SA'I,R,DIf 'SA' is greater than 1., a satellite-view projection replaces the orthographic. The value is the distance of the satellite from the center of the earth, in multiples of the earth's radius. The default value is zero. See also 'S1' and 'S2', below.
'S1' and 'S2'I,R,DUsed only when 'SA' is greater than 1. Both are angles, in degrees. 'S1' measures the angle between the line to the center of the earth and the line of sight (to which the projection plane is perpendicular). If 'S1' is zero, the projection shows the earth as seen by a satellite looking straight down; call this the "basic view". If 'S1' is non-zero, 'S2' measures the angle from the positive u axis of the basic view to the line OP, where O is the origin of the basic view and P is the projection of the desired line of sight on the basic view. 'S2' is positive if measured counter-clockwise.
'SL'R,D The desired value of the standard parallel for the equirectangular, the cylindrical equal-area, and the Winkel tripel projections, in degrees. The default value of this parameter is -1, which allows EZMAP to use a standard parallel appropriate to each of the three projections that it affects (30 degrees for the cylindrical equal-area and acos(2/pi) for the others). If you use a value for 'SL' in a range acceptable for the chosen projection ([0,89.999] for the equirectangular and the cylindrical equal-area and [0,90] for the Winkel tripel), that value will be used instead.
'SR'R,D A search radius, in degrees, used by MDPINT in finding the latitude/longitude range of a map. The default value is 1.; user values must lie between .001 and 10. Should not be changed except by advice of a consultant.
'VS'I The vertical-stripping parameter, which determines whether MDPBLA and MDLNAM put into the area map edge group 'G2', defining a set of vertical strips. A negative or zero value of 'VS' prevents MDPBLA and MDLNAM from doing this. A value greater than zero requests that it be done and specifies the number of vertical strips to be created. The default value of 'VS' is 1.
'XL', 'XR', 'YB', and 'YT'R,DFor retrieval only. The values of the arguments XLOW, XROW, YBOW, and YTOW from the last call to MDPPOS. Defaults are .05, .95, .05, and .95, respectively.


Prior to 1998, there were four EZMAP outline datasets, indexed as follows:

1'CO'Continental outlines only.
2'US'U.S. state outlines only.
3'PS'Continental, U.S. state, and international outlines.
4'PO'Continental and international outlines.

These datasets were accessed by calling one or more of the routines MAPBLA, MAPBLM, and MAPLOT. Associated with each outline segment in the old datasets were two integers identifying, respectively, the areas to the left and right of the outline segment. These "area identifiers" could be used, in a user version of the subroutine MAPEOD, to cull unwanted segments from a map; they also allowed the user to produce solid-color maps. This table shows the association between the old area identifiers and the names of the areas they identified.

In 1998, a new map database was created, called "Earth..1". It has a different structure and is accessed using the EZMAPB routines MDLNAM, MDLNDM, MDLNDR, and MDLNRI. The areas defined by the new database also have numeric area identifiers, but specific numeric values should not be embedded in user programs; instead, area names should be used. The names of the areas defined by the new database are shown in this table.

In 1999, a map database called "Earth..2" was created. It has the same structure as "Earth..1" and is accessed in the same manner. The areas defined by the new database also have numeric area identifiers, but specific numeric values should not be embedded in user programs; instead, area names should be used. The names of the areas defined by the new database are shown in this table.

In 2000, a map database called "Earth..3" was created. It has the same structure as "Earth..2", is accessed in the same manner, and is largely identical to it except that the level-5 subdivisions of the states are not the counties, but a set of climate divisions, as shown at the following site. The names of the areas defined by the new database are shown in this table.

In 2008, a map database called "Earth..4" was introduced. It has the same structure as "Earth..2" and is accessed in the same manner, but has about 10 times as much detail and is much more accurate. Its coastlines are simplified versions of those in the RANGS database and its political outlines match what one finds on a web site such as Wikimapia. It has state/province outlines for Australia, Brazil, China, and India. The ice shelves of Antarctica are included and, with the proper programming, can be made to appear or not, as desired. The names of the areas defined by this new database are shown in this table.


When an EZMAP routine detects an error condition, it calls the routine SETER, which is the principal routine in the error-handling package for NCAR Graphics. (There is a programmer document describing SETER and associated routines; see that document for complete information about error-handling in NCAR Graphics.)

By default, SETER prints a line and STOPs. The line printed will look something like this:

The error number ("3", in the example) may be of use to a consultant (to determine exactly where the error occurred), but is not otherwise meaningful. The actual error message consists of the name of the routine in which the error occurred ("MDPTRN", in the example), a blank, a minus sign, another blank, and, lastly, a short description of the error.

All errors are "recoverable" in the sense that, if the user program puts SETER into "recovery mode", control will be returned to the caller of the EZMAP routine in which the error occurred. In some cases, it is then possible to take remedial action to get around whatever problem has occurred; in any case, the error flag can be cleared and execution of the user's program can continue.

When SETER is in recovery mode (and, occasionally, even when it is not), error messages may have a somewhat more complicated form, like this:

What this particular error message says is that SUPCON called MDPTRN, which detected an error condition and called SETER. Upon getting control back from MDPTRN, SUPCON detected the fact that MDPTRN had logged an error. It augmented the error message by prepending its own name, followed by a slash, and then passed control back to the user. Of course, there can be more than two such levels of routine calls indicated in the error message: in a few cases, seven or eight routine names may be listed, each separated from the next by a slash.

The various error conditions in EZMAP are described in the list below. Each bulleted item includes an error message and a thumb-nail description of the error. The items in the list are arranged in alphabetical order. If you get an error message with one or more prefixed subroutine names, as described above, omit them and look up the result in this list. Note that, since EZMAP routines sometimes call other routines, elsewhere in NCAR Graphics, that can detect error conditions and call SETER, the error message you get by calling an EZMAP routine may not be listed here, but in the programmer document for some other package.

This error message comes from MDPINT. In a preceding call to MDPSET, JLTS = 'AN' was used, and the accompanying values of PLM1, PLM2, PLM3, and/or PLM4 were too large for the selected projection type.

This error message comes from MDPITA. The area-map array tendered to it is too small. Increase the size of the array and change the initialization call to ARINAM to match.

This error message comes from MDPPOS. Either 1) one of the arguments is outside the range from 0. to 1., or 2) argument 1 is greater than or equal to argument 2, or 3) argument 3 is greater than or equal to argument 4.

This error message comes from MDPINT. Somehow, an internal variable that says what projection type to use has been given an illegal value. Under normal conditions, that's pretty hard to do; it may be that memory has been overstored.

This error message comes from MDPNGD and says that it is unable to allocate required space in memory.

This error message comes from MDPNGR and says that it is unable to allocate required space in memory.

This error message comes from MDPNGR and says that it is unable to allocate required space in memory.

This error message comes from MDPNGR and says that it is unable to allocate required space in memory.

This error message comes from MDPNGR and says that it is having problems allocating the space necessary to store the information read from a ".pngi".

This error message comes from MDRGSQ. The condition described should never occur. See a consultant.

This error message comes from MDLNAM, MDLNDM, MDLNDR, or MDLNRI. Either the name of the NCAR Graphics database directory could not be retrieved or it was too long or it was returned in an incorrect form.

This error message comes from MDLNAM, MDLNDM, or MDLNDR. The file named "database_name.lines" (where "database_name" is the value of the argument FLNM) could not be opened, either in the local directory or in the NCAR Graphics database directory. Either it doesn't exist or it has the wrong permissions.

This error message comes from MDLNAM, MDLNDM, MDLNDR, or MDLNRI. The file named "database_name.names" (where "database_name" is the value of the argument FLNM) could not be opened, either in the local directory or in the NCAR Graphics database directory. Either it doesn't exist or it has the wrong permissions.

This error message comes from MDPNGR and should be very difficult to generate, since it says that space cannot be allocated in which to construct the name of a ".pngi".

This error message comes from MDPNGR and probably says that a ".pngi" is missing.

This error message comes from MDPIO. MDPIO is an internal routine that is used to read the geographic outline dataset. Something is wrong with the dataset.

This error message comes from MDPRST. An EOF was encountered while attempting to read back parameter values written by MDPSAV. Remember that the user is responsible for all positioning of the file used.

This error message comes from MDRGOL or MDRGSF. The GKS routine GQCLIP, which is called to get the current setting of the GKS clipping flag, has returned a non-zero error code.

This error message comes from MDRGSF. The GKS routine GQFACI, which is called to get the current value of the fill area color index, has returned a non-zero error code.

This error message comes from MDPCHI, MDPCHM, or MDRGOL. The GKS routine GQPLCI, which is called to get the current value of the polyline color index, has returned a non-zero error code.

This error message comes from MDPCHI or MDPCHM. The GKS routine GQPLCI, which is called to get the current value of the polymarker color index, has returned a non-zero error code.

This error message comes from MDPCHI or MDPCHM. The GKS routine GQTXCI, which is called to get the current value of the text color index, has returned a non-zero error code.

This error message comes from MDPNGR and says that the first of two lines (or the only line) of a ".pngi" specifying the limits of the projection has an incorrect format.

This error message comes from MDPNGR and says that the second of two lines of a ".pngi" specifying the limits of the projection has an incorrect format.

This error message comes from MDPNGR and says that the first line of a ".pngi" has an incorrect format.

This error message comes from MDPNGR and says that the line of a ".pngi" which is supposed to define the projection has an incorrect format.

This error message comes from MDPNGR and says that some line of a ".pngi" which is supposed to define a reference point has an incorrect format.

This error message comes from MDPNGR and says that the line of a ".pngi" which is supposed to define the satellite altitude and angles has an incorrect format.

This error message comes from MDPRST. A FORTRAN read error occurred while attempting to read back parameter values written by MDPSAV. Remember that the user is responsible for all positioning of the file used.

This error message comes from MDPIO. MDPIO is an internal routine that is used to read the geographic outline dataset. Something is wrong with the dataset.

This error message comes from MDPSAV. A FORTRAN write error occurred. This most likely means that the user-provided logical file number is incorrect.

This error message comes from MDPNGR. Most likely, an incorrect PNG file name has been supplied.

This error message comes from MDRGOF. Most likely, the RANGS/GSHHS data files are not where they are supposed to be or have become corrupted.

This error message comes from MDRGOF. Most likely, the RANGS/GSHHS data files are not where they are supposed to be or have become corrupted.

This error message comes from MDPINT. The current settings of the internal parameters specify a map with zero area.

This error message comes from MDPINT. This can happen when you select a Lambert conformal conic projection and then try to use angular limits, which is a no-no. It can also happen when you try to specify the map limits using a point that is not projectable under the current projection.

This error message comes from MDRGOF. The user-supplied version of the routine MDRGDI has returned a directory name that does not contain a blank or a null.

This error message comes from MDPNGD and says that there was no preceding call to MAPNGR/MDPNGR.

This error message comes from MDPIO. An attempt to open one of the EZMAP databases has failed. This probably means the package was installed incorrectly.

This error message comes from MDRGSQ. Most likely, the RANGS/GSHHS data files are not where they are supposed to be or have become corrupted.

This error message comes from MDRGSQ. Most likely, the RANGS/GSHHS data files are not where they are supposed to be or have become corrupted.

This error message comes from MDRGSQ. Most likely, the RANGS/GSHHS data files are not where they are supposed to be or have become corrupted.

This error message comes from MDRGDI. It is meant to tell the user to supply a version of MDRGDI that returns the name of a directory in which the RANGS/GSHHS data have been placed. One only gets this error message if the internal routine GNGPAT gives a bad status, which is unlikely if NCAR Graphics has been properly installed.

This error message comes from MDLNAM, MDLNDM, MDLNDR, or MDLNRI. The file named "database_name.names" (where "database_name" is the value of the argument FLNM) was found and opened and information was read from it, but the information appears to be flawed.

This error message comes from MDLNAM, MDLNDM, or MDLNDR. The file named "database_name.lines" (where "database_name" is the value of the argument FLNM) was found and opened, but attempting to read it returned an error flag.

This error message comes from MDLNAM, MDLNDM, MDLNDR, or MDLNRI. The file named "database_name.names" (where "database_name" is the value of the argument FLNM) was found and opened, but attempting to read it returned an error flag.

This error message comes from MDRGSQ. Most likely, the RANGS/GSHHS data files have become corrupted.

This error message comes from MDRGSQ. Most likely, the RANGS/GSHHS data files have become corrupted.

This error message comes from MDRGSQ. Most likely, the RANGS/GSHHS data files have become corrupted.

This error message can come from almost any EZMAP routine. When the routine was called, there was an unrecovered outstanding error. The routine does not continue: it forces the error message for the outstanding error to be printed and then substitutes this one for it.

This error message comes from MDPSET. The first argument in a call to MDPSET is not recognizable as the name of one of the map area specification methods provided by EZMAP.

This error message comes from MDSETC. The second argument in a call to it is not recognizable as the name of one of the outline datasets provided by EZMAP.

This error message comes from MDGETx or MDSETx. The first argument in a call to MDGETx or MDSETx is not recognizable as the name of an internal parameter of EZMAP.

This error message comes from MDPROJ. The first argument in a call to it is not recognizable as the name of one of the projections provided by EZMAP.

This error message comes from MDPTRN. What is needed is a previous call to MDUTIN.


On a Unix system on which NCAR Graphics has been installed, the command "ezmapdemo" may be used to run an interactive demo program that allows one to access most of the features of EZMAP (including the database "Earth..1", added in 1998, the USGS transformations and the database "Earth..2", added in 1999, the database "Earth..3", added in 2000, and the database "Earth..4", added in 2008). This program is not "point-and-click" interactive; instead, one types simple commands into a dialog window and sees the effect in a display window.

The demo program allows one to access 72 predefined example plots; the first 17 of these illustrate the map projections traditionally available from EZMAP, the next 33 illustrate new map projections available from the USGS package, and the remaining 22 show all of the State Plane zones that are defined by the USGS package as part of the State Plane coordinate system.

One easy way to use the demo is to call up a particular example and then modify it in various ways (as, for example, to make it use a different outline dataset). The following eight plots were produced in this way:


On a Unix system on which NCAR Graphics has been installed, the command "ncargex" may be used to acquire the code for and run the following examples illustrating various capabilities of EZMAP:

Many of the above example programs use a subroutine named BNDARY to draw a boundary line indicating where the edge of the plotter frame is. This subroutine is not a part of EZMAP or of the NCAR plot package. When you run one of these, the code for the subroutine BNDARY will be put in a file named "mpexcc.f".

The following CONPACK example illustrates the use of the satellite-view projection and various routines from the package EZMAPA:



About 1963, R. L. Parker of UCSD wrote the original code, named SUPERMAP, using outline data generated by Hershey. This was adapted for use at NCAR by Lee, in 1968. Revisions occurred in January, 1969, and in May, 1971. The code was put in standard NSSL form in October, 1973. Further revisions occurred in July, 1974, in August, 1976, and in July, 1978. In late 1984 and early 1985, the code was heavily revised to achieve compatibility with FORTRAN-77 and GKS, to remove errors, to augment the outline datasets, and to add enough controls to make user modification of the code unnecessary. In 1987, certain changes were made as part of preparing to introduce the solid-color routine named MAPBLA: A routine named MAPEOS was removed and a routine named MAPEOD was implemented in its place; intensity parameters 'I1', 'I2', etc., were removed and the color-index parameters 'C1', 'C2', etc. were implemented instead. Later in 1987, the routines of EZMAPA were made available. In 1992, an inverse-transformation routine was added to the package. In 1998, the routines of EZMAPB and the new database "Earth..1" were added. In 1999, the routines of EZMAPC and the new database "Earth..2" were added. In 2000, the new database "Earth..3" was added. In 2001, the routines required to access the RANGS/GSHHS data were added and the entire package was converted internally to DOUBLE PRECISION, which necessitated some additions to the user interface. In 2008, the database "Earth..4" was added.

Cicely Ridley, Jay Chalmers, and Dave Kennison (the current curator) have all had a hand in the creation of EZMAP.

Resolution of Datasets

Data points in the continental-outline portions of the 'CO', 'PO', and 'PS' outline datasets are about one degree apart and the coordinates are accurate to .01 degree. Data points in the U.S. state outlines in the 'PS' and 'US' outline datasets and in the new databases "Earth..1" and "Earth..2" are about .05 degrees apart and the coordinates are accurate to .001 degree. Both the spacing and the accuracy of the international boundaries in all the old and new datasets falls somewhere between these two extremes. Coordinates of points from the RANGS/GSHHS data are expressed to an accuracy of .000001 degrees, but the actual accuracy is perhaps somewhat less.


Hershey, A.V., "The Plotting of Maps on a CRT Printer." NWL Report no. 1844, 1963.

Lee, Tso-Hwa, "Students' Summary Reports, Work-Study Program in Scientific Computing". NCAR, 1968.

Parker, R.L., "2UCSD SUPERMAP: World Plotting Package".

Steers, J.A., "An Introduction to the Study of Map Projections". University of London Press, 1962.