#include <stdio.h>
#include <ncarg/ngmath.h>
* This example shows how to use the double precision C routines in
* Fitgrid. In order to plot this double precision data using NCAR
* Graphics, you must link with a double precision version of NCAR
* Graphics.
* This program illustrates the use of c_ftcurvs1dp to
* interpolate a smoothing tension spline for data
* in the plane.
* Specify the number of original data points and number of points
* in the interpoaltion.
#define IDIM 4
#define IOUT 101
* Declare arrays.
double xinc, xo[IOUT], yo[IOUT], xoo[IOUT], yoo[IOUT];
double d, sigma;
int dflg, ier;
* Specify the original data points in the plane.
double x[] = { 0.5, -1.5, 0.5, 1.5};
double y[] = { 1.5, 0.0, -2.5, -1.0};
* Specify a uniform observational weight.
dflg = 1;
d = 0.2;
* Tension factor.
* Smoothing factor (larger values result in smoother curves).
c_ftseti("sf2",1); /* Flags use of user-set smoothing and eps. */
c_ftsetr("smt",(double) IDIM);
* Computational tolerance value.
* Compute a smoothing spline.
ier = c_ftcurvs1dp(IDIM, x, y, dflg, &d, IOUT, 0., 1., xo, yo);
if (ier != 0) {
printf("\nc_ftcurvs1dp - error %d in smoothing spline calculation",ier);
* Now use c_ftcurvs1dp to compute an interpolating tension
* spline by setting the smoothing parameter to zero.
ier = c_ftcurvs1dp(IDIM, x, y, dflg, &d, IOUT, 0., 1., xoo, yoo);
if (ier != 0) {
printf("\nc_ftcurvs1dp - error %d in tension spline calculation",ier);
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