Table of Fitgrid control parameters

The following table summarizes all of the parameters used for controlling the behavior of Fitgrid. These parameters apply only to the C and NCL interfaces.

For C, the values for these parameters can be set by using the procedures c_ftseti, c_ftsetr, c_ftsetrd, c_ftsetc, c_ftsetfa, and and c_ftsetda. For NCL programs, the parameters can be set using the NCL procedure ftsetp.

          |            |                     |               |                 
Parameter | parameter  |                     |               |
  name    |   type     |  description        | legal values  | default value
          |            |                     |               |                 
  eps     | float or   | smoothing parameter | 0. <= eps and | none
          | double     | for ftcurvs and     | 1. >= eps     |
          |            | ftcurvps            |               |
  sig     | float or   | the value of the    | >= 0., <= 40. | 1.
          | double     | tension factor      |               |
  sl1     | float or   | the slope of the    | any float or  | 0.         
          | double     | curve at the first  | double        |
          |            | point (see parameter|               |
          |            | sf1).               |               |
  sln     | float or   | the slope of the    | any float or  | 0.         
          | double     | curve at the final  | double        |
          |            | point (see parameter|               |
          |            | sf1).               |               |
  sf1     | int        | controls the use of | 0=use both    | 3          
          |            | parameters sl1 and  | 1=use sl1 only|
          |            | sln                 | 2=use sln only|
          |            |                     | 3=use neither |
  sf2     | int        | controls the use of | 0=use neither | 3          
          |            | parameters smt and  | 1=use both    |
          |            | eps                 | 2=use smt only|
          |            |                     | 3=use eps only|
  smt     | float or   | smoothing parameter | > 0.          | none
          | double     | for ftcurvs and     |               |
          |            | ftcurvps            |               |
  zx1     | float or   | X partials at left  | any floats or | none
          |double array| for ftsurf          | doubles       | 
  zxm     | float or   | X partials at right | any floats or | none
          |double array| for ftsurf          | doubles       | 
  zy1     | float or   | Y partials at bottom| any floats or | none
          |double array| for ftsurf          | doubles       | 
  zyn     | float or   | Y partials at top   | any floats or | none
          |double array| for ftsurf          | doubles       | 
  z11     | float or   | X-Y partial at lower| any float or  | none
          | double     | left for ftsurf     | double        | 
  zm1     | float or   | X-Y partial at lower| any float or  | none
          | double     | right for ftsurf    | double        | 
  z1n     | float or   | X-Y partial at upper| any float or  | none
          | double     | left for ftsurf     | double        | 
  zmn     | float or   | X-Y partial at upper| any float or  | none
          | double     | right for ftsurf    | double        | 
  df1     | int        | flag indicating if  | 0 = yes       | 1
          |            | zx1 is user supplied| 1 = no        |
  df2     | int        | flag indicating if  | 0 = yes       | 1
          |            | zxm is user supplied| 1 = no        |
  df3     | int        | flag indicating if  | 0 = yes       | 1
          |            | zy1 is user supplied| 1 = no        |
  df4     | int        | flag indicating if  | 0 = yes       | 1
          |            | zyn is user supplied| 1 = no        |
  df5     | int        | flag indicating if  | 0 = yes       | 1
          |            | z11 is user supplied| 1 = no        |
  df6     | int        | flag indicating if  | 0 = yes       | 1
          |            | zm1 is user supplied| 1 = no        |
  df7     | int        | flag indicating if  | 0 = yes       | 1
          |            | z1n is user supplied| 1 = no        |
  df8     | int        | flag indicating if  | 0 = yes       | 1
          |            | zmn is user supplied| 1 = no        |

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