Detailed description of the procedures for cssgrid
CSSGRID - interpolation on a sphere
CSSGRID is called to
data randomly spaced on a sphere.
CSSGRID uses tension splines
to construct an interpolatory surface.
As a first step, CSSGRID creates a
triangulation of the input data points; the companion entry
CSSTRI is provided only for those
times when you want to calculate the triangulation for independent
Various aspects of the interpolation algorithm can be changed
by using the parmater access routines
to change values for the cssgrid control
Argument | Type | Mode | Dimension
CALL CSSGRID N, | Integer | Input |
RLAT, | Real | Input | N
RLON, | Real | Input | N
F, | Real | Input | N
NI, | Integer | Input |
NJ, | Integer | Input |
PLAT, | Real | Input | NI
PLON, | Real | Input | NJ
FF, | Real | Output | NI x NJ
IWK, | Integer | Input | 27*N
RWK, | Double precision | Input | 13*N
IER) | Integer | Output |
- N
- The number of input data points (N > 2).
- Arrays containing latitude and longitude coordinates, expressed
in degrees, of the input data.
The first three points must not be collinear (lie on a common
great circle).
- F
- Array containing data values. F(I) is a functional value at
(RLAT(I),RLON(I)) for I = 1 to N.
- NI
- The number of rows in the
uniform output grid.
NI can be 1.
- NJ
- The number of columns in the
uniform output grid. NJ can be 1.
- Arrays of length NI and NJ, respectively, containing
the latitudes and longitudes of the grid lines. The values
for PLAT and PLON should be in degrees.
- FF
- An NI by NJ array containing the desired interpolated values.
FF(I,J) is the interpolated value at the coordinate specified
by PLAT(I) and PLON(J) for I = 1 to NI and J = 1 to NJ.
- An integer workspace of length 27*N.
- A DOUBLE PRECISION workspace of length at least 13*N.
A common source of error in using CSSGRID is failing to
type RWK as double precision.
- An error return value. If IER is returned as 0, then no
errors were detected. If IER is non-zero, then refer to the
error list in
the error table for details.
CSSTRI - calculates a Delaunay triangulation
CSSTRI is called to find a
triangulation of data randomly positioned on the surface of a sphere.
Argument | Type | Mode | Dimension
CALL CSSTRI (N, | Integer | Input |
RLAT, | Real | Input | N
RLON, | Real | Input | N
NT, | Integer | Output |
NTRI, | Integer | Output | 3 x NT where NT=2*N
IWK, | Integer | Input | 27*N
RWK, | Double precision | Input | 13*N
IER) | Integer | Output |
- N
- The number of input data points (N > 2).
- Arrays containing latitude and longitude coordinates, expressed
in degrees, of the input data.
The first three points must not be collinear (lie on a common
great circle).
- NT
- The number of triangles in the triangulation, unless
IER .NE. 0, in which case NT = 0.
Let NB be the number of boundary points on the
convex hull of the data.
If NB .GE. 3, then NT = 2N-NB-2, otherwise NT=2N-4.
- A two-dimensional integer array dimensioned
for 3 x NT where NT is the number of triangles
in the triangulation (NT is at most 2*N).
NTRI contains the triangulation data. The vertices of the Kth
triangle are:
- An integer workspace of length 27*N.
- A DOUBLE PRECISION workspace of length at least 13*N.
A common source of error in using CSSTRI is failing to
type RWK as double precision.
- An error return value. If IER is returned as 0, then no
errors were detected. If IER is non-zero, then refer to the
error list in
the error table for details.
CSS2C - convert from lat/lon coordinates to Cartesian coordinates.
CSS2C is called to find the equivalent Cartesian coordinates on a unit
sphere to specified
latitude and longitude coordinates. The coordinate of 0.
latitude and 0. longitude is converted to Cartesian coordinate
(1.,0.,0.). Latitudes and longitudes are assumed to be in degrees.
Argument | Type | Mode | Dimension
CALL CSS2C (N, | Integer | Input |
RLAT, | Real | Input | N
RLON, | Real | Input | N
X, | Real | Output | N
Y, | Real | Output | N
Z) | Real | Output | N
- N
- The number of input lat/lon coordinates.
- An array containing the latitudes of the input coordinates,
expressed in degrees.
- An array containing the longitudes of the input coordinates,
expressed in degrees.
- X,Y,Z
- Arrays containing the Cartesian coordinates of the output points.
(X(I),Y(I),Z(I)) is the Cartesian coordinate corresponding to
the lat/lon coordinate (RLAT(I),RLON(I)) for I=1 to N.
X(I)**2 + Y(I)**2 + Z(I)**2 = 1 for I = 1 to N.
CSC2S - convert from Cartesian coordinates on
a unit sphere to lat/lon coordinates
CSC2S is called to find an equivalent latitude and longitude
coordinates on a sphere to a specified Cartesian coordinate on the
unit sphere.
The coordinate (1.,0.,0.) is mapped to the
latitude/longitude coordinate (0.,0.). The latitude/longitude
coordinates are returned in degrees, latitudes between -90. and
90. (inclusive) and longitudes between -180. and 180. (inclusive).
Argument | Type | Mode | Dimension
CALL CSC2S (N, | Integer | Input |
X, | Real | Input | N
Y, | Real | Input | N
Z, | Real | Input | N
RLAT, | Real | Output | N
RLON) | Real | Output | N
- N
- The number of input (X,Y,Z) coordinates.
- X,Y,Z
- The Cartesian coordinates of the input points,
X(I)**2 + Y(I)**2 + Z(I)**2 = 1 for I = 1 to N.
- The latitudes of the output coordinates, in degrees.
- The longitudes of the output coordinates, in degrees.
CSVORO - calculate Voronoi polygons.
CSVORO is called if you want to determine the
Voronoi polygons
for data randomly positioned on a sphere. Each call to
CSVORO calculates the vertices for the Voronoi polygon surrounding
a specified input point.
Argument | Type | Mode | Dimension
CALL CSVORO (NPTS, | Integer | Input |
RLATI, | Real | Input | N
RLONI, | Real | Input | N
NI, | Integer | Input |
NF, | Integer | Input |
IWK, | Integer | Input | 27*NPTS
RWK, | Double precision | Input | 9*NPTS
NC, | Integer | Input |
RLATO, | Real | Input | NC
RLONO, | Real | Input | NC
RC, | Real | Output | NC
NCA, | Integer | Output |
NUMV, | Integer | Output |
NV, | Integer | Output | NPTS
IER) | Integer | Output |
- The number of input data points (NPTS > 3).
- An array, dimensioned for NPTS, containing the latitudes
of the input coordinates, in degrees.
- An array, dimensioned for NPTS, containing the longitudes
of the input coordinates, in degrees.
- NI
- The index of the input coordinate for which you want
to determine the Voronoi polygon (1 .LE. NI .LE. NPTS).
- NF
- Flag indicating if this is the first call to CSVORO
to retrieve Voronoi polygons for this dataset (1=yes,
0=no). Calls subsequent to the first call for a given
dataset are much faster than the first call.
- Integer work space dimensioned for 27*NPTS.
- DOUBLE PRECISION work space dimensioned for 9*NPTS.
- NC
- The maximum size of the output arrays RLATO, RLONO, and RC.
NC should be 2*NPTS.
- An array of latitude values for the Voronoi indices. These
are circumcenters of circles passing through the Delaunay
triangles. If a coordinate is a boundary point, then
the circle may pass through certain "pseudo points" that
have been added to the original dataset in order to complete
the Voronoi polygon. RLATO is returned in degrees.
- An array of longitude values for the Voronoi indices. These
are circumcenters of circles passing through the Delaunay
triangles. If a coordinate is a boundary point, then
the circle may pass through certain "pseudo points" that
have been added to the original dataset in order to complete
the Voronoi polygon. RLONO is returned in degrees.
- RC
- Array containing circumradii (arc lengths in degrees of the angle
between a circumcenter and its associated triangle vertices).
- The actual number of circumcenters returned in RLATO and RLONO.
This number may be larger than NPTS if the input dataset has
boundary points since certain "pseudo points" may have been
added to the original dataset in order to complete the Voronoi
polygon set.
- The number of vertices in the Voronoi polygon enclosing
the coordinate (RLATI(NI),RLONI(NI)).
- NV
- An array (dimensioned for NPTS) containing NUMV indices for
the Voronoi polygon enclosing the coordinate (RLATI(NI),RLONI(NI)).
The indices returned in this array refer to the coordinates
returned in RLATO, RLONO, and RC. For example, if the integer
"J" is an element of the NV array, then (RLATO(J),RLONO(J))
is a vertex of the Voronoi polygon enclosing (RLATI(NI),RLONI(NI)).
The indices in NV list out the vertices of the Voronoi polygon in
counter-clockwise order.
- An error return value. If IER is returned as 0, then no
errors were detected. If IER is non-zero, then refer to the
error list in
the error table for details.
CSSETI - set INTEGER parameter values
CSSETI is used to set values for any of the
cssgrid control parameters
that take integer values. The values set by CSSETI remain in effect
until changed by subsequent calls to CSSETI.
Argument | Type | Mode | Dimension
CALL CSSETI (PNAM, | Character | Input |
IVAL) | Integer | Input |
- The name of the
control parameter
to be set.
- The value to be assigned to the parameter.
CSGETI - retrieve values for INTEGER parameters
CSGETI is a called to obtain current values for any of the INTEGER
cssgrid control parameters.
Argument | Type | Mode | Dimension
CALL CSGETI (PNAM, | Character | Input |
IVAL) | Integer | Output |
- The name of the control parameter whose value is to be retrieved.
- The current value assigned to the control parameter.
CSSETR - set REAL parameter values
CSSETR is used to set values for any of the
cssgrid control parameters
that take REAL values. The values set by CSSETR remain in effect
until changed by subsequent calls to CSSETR.
Argument | Type | Mode | Dimension
CALL CSSETR (PNAM, | Character | Input |
RVAL) | Real | Input |
- The name of the control parameter to be set.
- The value to be assigned to the parameter.
CSGETR - retrieve values for REAL parameters
CSGETR is a called to obtain current values for any of the REAL valued
cssgrid control parameters.
Argument | Type | Mode | Dimension
CALL CSGETR (PNAM, | Character | Input |
RVAL) | Real | Output |
- The name of the control parameter whose value is to be retrieved.
- The current value assigned to the control parameter.
CSSETD - set DOUBLE PRECISION parameter values
CSSETD is used to set values for any of the
cssgrid control parameters
that take DOUBLE PRECISION values. The values set by CSSETD remain in effect
until changed by subsequent calls to CSSETD.
Argument | Type | Mode | Dimension
CALL CSSETD (PNAM, | Character | Input |
DVAL) | Double precision | Input |
- The name of the control parameter to be set.
- The value to be assigned to the parameter.
CSGETD - retrieve values for DOUBLE PRECISION parameters
CSGETD is a called to obtain current values for any of the REAL valued
cssgird control parameters.
Argument | Type | Mode | Dimension
CALL CSGETD (PNAM, | Character | Input |
DVAL) | Double precision | Output |
- The name of the control parameter whose value is to be retrieved.
- The current value assigned to the control parameter.
CSSGRIDD - interpolation on a sphere
CSSGRIDD is called to
data randomly spaced on a sphere.
CSSGRIDD is a double precision version of CSSGRID.
tension splines
to construct an interpolatory surface.
As a first step, CSSGRIDD creates a
triangulation of the input data points; the companion entry
CSSTRI is provided only for those
times when you want to calculate the triangulation for independent
Various aspects of the interpolation algorithm can be changed
by using the parmater access routines
to change values for the cssgridd control
Argument | Type | Mode | Dimension
CALL CSSGRIDD N, | Integer | Input |
RLAT, | Double precision | Input | N
RLON, | Double precision | Input | N
F, | Double precision | Input | N
NI, | Integer | Input |
NJ, | Integer | Input |
PLAT, | Double precision | Input | NI
PLON, | Double precision | Input | NJ
FF, | Double precision | Output | NI x NJ
IWK, | Integer | Input | 27*N
RWK, | Double precision | Input | 13*N
IER) | Integer | Output |
- N
- The number of input data points (N > 2).
- Arrays containing latitude and longitude coordinates, expressed
in degrees, of the input data.
The first three points must not be collinear (lie on a common
great circle).
- F
- Array containing data values. F(I) is a functional value at
(X(I),Y(I),Z(I)) for I = 1 to N.
- NI
- The number of rows in the
uniform output grid.
NI can be 1.
- NJ
- The number of columns in the
uniform output grid. NJ can be 1.
- Arrays of length NI and NJ, respectively, containing
the latitudes and longitudes of the grid lines. The values
for PLAT and PLON should be in radians.
- FF
- An NI by NJ array containing the desired interpolated values.
FF(I,J) is the interpolated value at the coordinate specified
by PLAT(I) and PLON(J) for I = 1 to NI and J = 1 to NJ.
- An integer workspace of length 27*N.
- A DOUBLE PRECISION workspace of length at least 13*N.
- An error return value. If IER is returned as 0, then no
errors were detected. If IER is non-zero, then refer to the
error list in
the error table for details.
CSSTRID - calculates a Delaunay triangulation
CSSTRID is called to find a
triangulation of data randomly positioned on the surface of a sphere.
CSSTRID is a double precision version of CSSTRI.
Argument | Type | Mode | Dimension
CALL CSSTRID (N, | Integer | Input |
RLAT, | Double precision | Input | N
RLON, | Double precision | Input | N
NT, | Integer | Output |
NTRI, | Integer | Output | 3 x NT where NT=2*N
IWK, | Integer | Input | 27*N
RWK, | Double precision | Input | 13*N
IER) | Integer | Output |
- N
- The number of input data points (N > 2).
- Arrays containing latitude and longitude coordinates, expressed
in degrees, of the input data.
The first three points must not be collinear (lie on a common
great circle).
- NT
- The number of triangles in the triangulation, unless
IER .NE. 0, in which case NT = 0.
Let NB be the number of boundary points on the
convex hull of the data.
If NB .GE. 3, then NT = 2N-NB-2, otherwise NT=2N-4.
The input data are considered to be bounded if they all
lie in one hemisphere.
- A two-dimensional integer array dimensioned
for 3 x NT where NT is the number of triangles
in the triangulation (NT is at most 2*N).
NTRI contains the triangulation data. The vertices of the Kth
triangle are:
- An integer workspace of length 27*N.
- A DOUBLE PRECISION workspace of length at least 13*N.
- An error return value. If IER is returned as 0, then no
errors were detected. If IER is non-zero, then refer to the
error list in
the error table for details.
CSS2CD - convert from lat/lon coordinates to Cartesian coordinates.
CSS2CD is called to find the equivalent Cartesian coordinates on a unit
sphere to specified
latitude and longitude coordinates. The coordinate of 0.
latitude and 0. longitude is converted to Cartesian coordinate
(1.,0.,0.). Latitudes and longitudes are assumed to be in degrees.
CSS2CD is a double precision version of CSS2C.
Argument | Type | Mode | Dimension
CALL CSS2CD (N, | Integer | Input |
RLAT, | Double precision | Input | N
RLON, | Double precision | Input | N
X, | Double precision | Output | N
Y, | Double precision | Output | N
Z) | Double precision | Output | N
- N
- The number of input lat/lon coordinates.
- An array containing the latitudes of the input coordinates,
expressed in degrees.
- An array containing the longitudes of the input coordinates,
expressed in degrees.
- X,Y,Z
- Arrays containing the Cartesian coordinates of the output points.
(X(I),Y(I),Z(I)) is the Cartesian coordinate corresponding to
the lat/lon coordinate (RLAT(I),RLON(I)) for I=1 to N.
X(I)**2 + Y(I)**2 + Z(I)**2 = 1 for I = 1 to N.
CSC2SD - convert from Cartesian coordinates on
a unit sphere to lat/lon coordinates
CSC2SD is called to find an equivalent latitude and longitude
coordinates on a sphere to a specified Cartesian coordinate on the
unit sphere.
The coordinate (1.,0.,0.) is mapped to the
latitude/longitude coordinate (0.,0.). The latitude/longitude
coordinates are returned in degrees, latitudes between -90. and
90. (inclusive) and longitudes between -180. and 180. (inclusive).
CSC2SD is a double precision version of CSC2S.
Argument | Type | Mode | Dimension
CALL CSC2SD (N, | Integer | Input |
X, | Double precision | Input | N
Y, | Double precision | Input | N
Z, | Double precision | Input | N
RLAT, | Double precision | Output | N
RLON) | Double precision | Output | N
- N
- The number of input (X,Y,Z) coordinates.
- X,Y,Z
- The Cartesian coordinates of the input point,
X(I)**2 + Y(I)**2 + Z(I)**2 = 1 for I = 1 to N.
- The latitude of the output coordinates, in degrees.
- The longitude of the output coordinates, in degrees.
CSVOROD - calculate Voronoi polygons.
CSVOROD is called if you want to determine the
Voronoi polygons
for data randomly positioned on a sphere. Each call to
CSVOROD calculates the vertices for the Voronoi polygon surrounding
a specified input point.
CSVOROD is a double precision version of CSVORO.
Argument | Type | Mode | Dimension
CALL CSVOROD (NPTS, | Integer | Input |
RLATI, | Double precision | Input | N
RLONI, | Double precision | Input | N
NI, | Integer | Input |
NF, | Integer | Input |
IWK, | Integer | Input | 27*NPTS
RWK, | Double precision | Input | 9*NPTS
NC, | Integer | Input |
RLATO, | Double precision | Input | NC
RLONO, | Double precision | Input | NC
RC, | Double precision | Output | NC
NCA, | Integer | Output |
NUMV, | Integer | Output |
NV, | Integer | Output | NPTS
IER) | Integer | Output |
- The number of input data points (NPTS > 3).
- An array, dimensioned for NPTS, containing the latitudes
of the input coordinates, in degrees.
- An array, dimensioned for NPTS, containing the longitudes
of the input coordinates, in degrees.
- NI
- The index of the input coordinate for which you want
to determine the Voronoi polygon (1 .LE. NI .LE. NPTS).
- NF
- Flag indicating if this is the first call to CSVORO
to retrieve Voronoi polygons for this dataset (1=yes,
0=no). Calls subsequent to the first call for a given
dataset are much faster than the first call.
- Integer work space dimensioned for 27*NPTS.
- DOUBLE PRECISION work space dimensioned for 9*NPTS.
- NC
- The maximum size of the output arrays RLATO, RLONO, and RC.
NC should be 2*NPTS.
- An array of latitude values for the Voronoi indices. These
are circumcenters of circles passing through the Delaunay
triangles. If a coordinate is a boundary point, then
the circle may pass through certain "pseudo points" that
have been added to the original dataset in order to complete
the Voronoi polygon. RLATO is returned in degrees.
- An array of longitude values for the Voronoi indices. These
are circumcenters of circles passing through the Delaunay
triangles. If a coordinate is a boundary point, then
the circle may pass through certain "pseudo points" that
have been added to the original dataset in order to complete
the Voronoi polygon. RLONO is returned in degrees.
- RC
- Array containing circumradii (arc lengths in degrees of the angle
between a circumcenter and its associated triangle vertices).
- The actual number of circumcenters returned in RLATO and RLONO.
This number may be larger than NPTS if the input dataset has
boundary points since certain "pseudo points" may have been
added to the original dataset in order to complete the Voronoi
polygon set.
- The number of vertices in the Voronoi polygon enclosing
the coordinate (RLATI(NI),RLONI(NI)).
- NV
- An array (dimensioned for NPTS) containing NUMV indices for
the Voronoi polygon enclosing the coordinate (RLATI(NI),RLONI(NI)).
The indices returned in this array refer to the coordinates
returned in RLATO, RLONO, and RC. For example, if the integer
"J" is an element of the NV array, then (RLATO(J),RLONO(J))
is a vertex of the Voronoi polygon enclosing (RLATI(NI),RLONI(NI)).
The indices in NV list out the vertices of the Voronoi polygon in
counter-clockwise order.
- An error return value. If IER is returned as 0, then no
errors were detected. If IER is non-zero, then refer to the
error list in
the error table for details.
c_cssgrid - interpolation on a sphere
c_cssgrid is called to
function values starting with data randomly spaced on a sphere.
c_cssgrid uses tension splines
to construct an interpolatory surface.
As a first step, c_cssgrid creates a
triangulation of the input data points; the companion entry
c_csstri is provided only for those
times when you want to calculate the triangulation for independent
Various aspects of the interpolation algorithm can be changed
by using the parmater access routines
c_csseti and
to change values for the cssgrid control
Function prototype:
float *c_cssgrid(int, float [], float [], float [],
int, int, float [], float [], int *);
Argument | Type | Size
float *c_cssgrid (n, | int |
rlat, | float [] | n
rlon, | float [] | n
f, | float [] | n
nlat, | int |
nlon, | int |
plat, | float [] | ni
plon, | float [] | nj
ier | int * |
- n
- The number of input data points, n > 2.
- rlat,rlon
- Arrays containing latitude and longitude coordinates, expressed
in degrees, of the input data.
The first three points must not be collinear (lie on a common
great circle).
- f
- Array containing data values. f[i] is the functional value at
(rlat[i],rlon[i]) for i = 0 to n-1.
- ni
- The number of latitudes in the interpolated grid.
- nj
- The number of longitudes in the interpolated grid.
ni and nj can both be 1, allowing for interpolation at a
single point.
- plat
- An array containing the latitudes of the points where interpolated
values are to be computed. The values in plat should be in
- plon
- An array containing the longitudes of the points where interpolated
values are to be computed. The values in plon should be in
- ier
- An error return value. If *ier is returned as 0, then no errors were
detected. If *ier is non-zero, then refer to the error list in
the error table
for details.
Return value:
c_cssgrid returns a pointer to a linear array of data that contains
interpolated values at user-specified lat/lon pairs. The returned
array stores its values as if they were a 2-dimensional C array
with latitude being the first dimension and longitude the second
That is, if out is declared as
float *out;
and we set:
out = c_cssgrid(n, rlat, rlon, f, nlat, nlon, plat, plon, &ier);
then out[i*nlon+j] is the interpolated function value at coordinate
point (plat[i], plon[j]) for 0 <= i < nlat and 0 <= j < nlon. The space
for out is allocated internal to c_cssgrid and is nlat * nlon floats in size.
c_csstri - calculates a Delaunay triangulation
c_csstri is called to find a
triangulation of data randomly positioned on the surface of a sphere.
Function prototype:
int *c_csstri(int, float [], float [], int *, int *);
Argument | Type | Size
int *c_csstri (n, | int |
rlat, | float [] | n
rlon, | float [] | n
nt, | int * |
ier | int * |
- n
- The number of input data points, n > 2.
- rlat,rlon
- Arrays containing latitude and longitude coordinates, expressed
in degrees, of the input data.
The first three points must not be collinear (lie on a common
great circle).
- nt
- *nt is the number of triangles in the triangulation, unless
*ier is non-zero, in which case *nt = 0.
Where nb is the number of boundary points on the
convex hull
of the data, if nb is greater than 3, then
*nt = 2n-nb-2, otherwise *nt = 2n-4.
The input data are considered to be bounded if they all
lie in one hemisphere.
- ier
- An error return value. If *ier is returned as 0, then no errors were
detected. If *ier is non-zero, then refer to the error list in
the error table
for details.
Return value:
c_csstri returns a pointer to a linear array that contains
a sequence of integer triples. The elements of a triple are
indices of vertices of a triangle. Each index references an original
data point as it occurs in sequence in the input data set (numbering starts
at 0). For example, if the triple <5,0,2> were in the list of
triples, then (rlat[5],rlon[5]), (rlat[0],rlon[0]), and
(rlat[2],rlon[2]) would be vertices of a triangle in the
Delaunay triangulation.
c_css2c - converts from lat/lon to Cartesian coordinates
c_css2c is called to find the equivalent Cartesian coordinates on a
unit sphere to specified
latitude and longitude coordinates on a sphere. The coordinate of 0.
latitude and 0. longitude is converted to Cartesian coordinate
(1.,0.,0.). Latitudes and longitudes are assumed to be in degrees.
Function prototype:
void c_css2c(int, float *, float *, float *, float *, float *);
Argument | Type | Size
void c_css2c (n, | int |
plat, | float * | n
plon, | float * | n
x, | float * | n
y, | float * | n
z | float * | n
- n
- The number of coordinates to be converted.
- plat
- Contains the latitudes of the input coordinates.
- plon
- Contains the longitudes of the input coordinates.
- x,y,z
- Contains the Cartesian coordinates of the output points.
These lie on the unit sphere.
c_csc2s - convert from Cartesian coordinates to lat/lon coordinates
c_csc2s converts Cartesian coordinates on a unit sphere to
lat/lon coordinates. The coordinate (1.,0.,0.) is mapped to the
latitude/longitude coordinate (0.,0.). The latitude/longitude
coordinates are returned in degrees.
Function prototype:
void c_csc2s(int, float *, float *, float *, float *, float *);
Argument | Type | Size
void c_csc2s (n, | int |
x, | float * |
y, | float * |
z, | float * |
plat, | float * |
plon, | float * |
- n
- The number of coordinates to be converted.
- x,y,z
- Cartesian coordinates on the unit sphere.
- plat, plon
- (plat[i], plon[i]) is the latitude/longitude coordinate
equivalent to (x[i],y[i],z[i]) for i equal 0 to n-1.
plat and plon are in degrees.
c_csvoro - calculate Voronoi polygons
c_csvoro is called if you want to determine the
Voronoi polygons
for data randomly positioned on a sphere.
Each call to
c_csvoro calculates the vertices for the Voronoi polygon surrounding
a specified input point.
Function prototype:
void c_csvoro(int, float [], float [], int, int,
float [], float [], float [], int *,
int *, int [], int *);
Argument | Type | Size
void *c_csvoro (n, | int |
rlat, | float [] | n
rlon, | float [] | n
ni, | int |
nf, | int |
plat, | float [] | 2*n
plon, | float [] | 2*n
rc, | float [] | 2*n
nca, | int * |
numv, | int * |
nv, | int [] | n
ier | int * |
- n
- The number of input data points (n > 3).
- rlat
- An array containing the latitudes
of the input coordinates, in degrees.
- rlon
- An array containing the longitudes
of the input coordinates, in degrees.
- ni
- The index of the input coordinate for which you want
to determine the Voronoi polygon (0 <= ni < n-1).
- nf
- Flag indicating if this is the first call to c_csvoro
to retrieve Voronoi polygons for this dataset (1=yes,
0=no). Calls subsequent to the first call for a given
dataset are much faster than the first call.
- plat
- An array of latitude values for the Voronoi indices. These
are circumcenters of circles passing through the Delaunay
triangles. If a coordinate is a boundary point, then
the circle may pass through certain "pseudo points" that
have been added to the original dataset in order to complete
the Voronoi polygon. plat is returned in degrees.
- plon
- An array of longitude values for the Voronoi indices. These
are circumcenters of circles passing through the Delaunay
triangles. If a coordinate is a boundary point, then
the circle may pass through certain "pseudo points" that
have been added to the original dataset in order to complete
the Voronoi polygon. plon is returned in degrees.
- rc
- Array containing circumradii (arc lengths in degrees of the angle
between a circumcenter and its associated triangle vertices).
- nca
- *nca is the actual number of circumcenters returned in plat and plon.
This number may be larger than n if the input dataset has
boundary points, since certain "pseudo points" may have been
added to the original dataset in order to complete the Voronoi
polygon set.
- numv
- *numv is the number of vertices in the Voronoi polygon enclosing
the coordinate (rlat[ni],rlon[ni]).
- nv
- An array containing numv indices for
the Voronoi polygon enclosing the coordinate (rlat[ni],rlon[ni]).
The indices returned in this array refer to the coordinates
returned in plat and plon. For example, if the integer
"j" is an element of the nv array, then (plat[j],plon[j])
is a vertex of the Voronoi polygon enclosing (rlat[ni],rlon[ni]).
The indices in nv list out the vertices of the Voronoi polygon in
counter-clockwise order.
- ier
- An error return value. If *ier is returned as 0, then no errors were
detected. If *ier is non-zero, then refer to the error list in
the error table
for details.
c_csseti - Set int valued parameters
c_csseti is used to set values for any of the
cssgrid control parameters
that take int values. The values set by c_csseti remain in effect
until changed by subsequent calls to c_csseti.
Function prototype:
void c_csseti(char *, int);
Argument description:
Argument | Type | Size
void c_csseti (pnam, | char * |
ival); | int |
- pnam
- The name of the
control parameter
to be assigned an int value.
- ival
- The value to be assigned to the control parameter whose name is
pointed to by pnam.
c_csgeti is a called to obtain current values for any of the int valued
cssgrid control parameters.
Function prototype:
void c_csgeti(char *, int *);
Argument description:
Argument | Type | Size
void c_csgeti (pnam, | char * |
ival); | int * |
- pnam
- The name of the
control parameter
whose value is to be retrieved.
- ival
- *ival will be the value currently assigned to the control parameter
whose name is pointed to by pnam.
c_cssetr - Set float valued parameters
c_cssetr is used to set values for any of the
cssgrid control parameters
that take float values. The values set by c_cssetr remain in effect
until changed by subsequent calls to c_cssetr.
Function prototype:
void c_cssetr(char *, float);
Argument description:
Argument | Type | Size
void c_cssetr (pnam, | char * |
fval); | float |
- pnam
- The name of the
control parameter
to be assigned a float value.
- fval
- The value to be assigned to the control parameter whose name is
pointed to by pnam.
c_csgetr - Retrieve a float valued parameter
c_csgetr is a called to obtain current values for any of the float valued
cssgrid control parameters.
Function prototype:
void c_csgetr(char *, float *);
Argument description:
Argument | Type | Size
void c_csgetr (pnam, | char * |
fval); | float * |
- pnam
- The name of the
control parameter
whose value is to be retrieved.
- fval
- *fval will be the value currently assigned to the control parameter
whose name is pointed to by pnam.
c_cssetd - Set double precision valued parameters
c_cssetd is used to set values for any of the
cssgrid control parameters
that take double precision values. The values set by c_cssetd remain in effect
until changed by subsequent calls to c_cssetd.
Function prototype:
void c_cssetd(char *, double);
Argument description:
Argument | Type | Size
void c_cssetd (pnam, | char * |
dval); | double |
- pnam
- The name of the
control parameter
to be assigned a float value.
- dval
- The value to be assigned to the control parameter whose name is
pointed to by pnam.
c_csgetd - Retrieve a float valued parameter
c_csgetd is a called to obtain current values for any of the
double precision valued
cssgrid control parameters.
Function prototype:
void c_csgetd(char *, double *);
Argument description:
Argument | Type | Size
void c_csgetd (pnam, | char * |
dval); | double * |
- pnam
- The name of the
control parameter
whose value is to be retrieved.
- dval
- *dval will be the value currently assigned to the control parameter
whose name is pointed to by pnam.
c_cssgridd - interpolation on a sphere
c_cssgridd is called to
function values starting with data randomly spaced on a sphere.
c_cssgridd is a double precision version of c_cssgrid.
c_cssgridd uses
tension splines
to construct an interpolatory surface.
As a first step, c_cssgridd creates a
triangulation of the input data points; the companion entry
c_csstrid is provided only for those
times when you want to calculate the triangulation for independent
Various aspects of the interpolation algorithm can be changed
by using the parmater access routines
c_csseti and
to change values for the cssgrid control
Function prototype:
float *c_cssgridd(int, double [], double [], double [],
int, int, double [], double [], int *);
Argument | Type | Size
float *c_cssgridd (n, | int |
rlat, | double [] | n
rlon, | double [] | n
f, | double [] | n
nlat, | int |
nlon, | int |
plat, | double [] | ni
plon, | double [] | nj
ier | int * |
- n
- The number of input data points, n > 2.
- rlat,rlon
- Arrays containing latitude and longitude coordinates, expressed
in degrees, of the input data.
The first three points must not be collinear (lie on a common
great circle).
- f
- Array containing data values. f[i] is the functional value at
(rlat[i],rlon[i]) for i = 0 to n-1.
- ni
- The number of latitudes in the interpolated grid.
- nj
- The number of longitudes in the interpolated grid.
ni and nj can both be 1, allowing for interpolation at a
single point.
- plat
- An array containing the latitudes of the points where interpolated
values are to be computed. The values in plat should be in
- plon
- An array containing the longitudes of the points where interpolated
values are to be computed. The values in plon should be in
- ier
- An error return value. If *ier is returned as 0, then no errors were
detected. If *ier is non-zero, then refer to the error list in
the error table
for details.
Return value:
c_cssgridd returns a pointer to a linear array of data that contains
interpolated values at user-specified lat/lon pairs. The returned
array stores its values as if they were a 2-dimensional C array
with latitude being the first dimension and longitude the second
That is, if out is declared as
double *out;
and we set:
out = c_cssgridd(n, rlat, rlon, f, nlat, nlon, plat, plon, &ier);
then out[i*nlon+j] is the interpolated function value at coordinate
point (plat[i], plon[j]) for 0 <= i < nlat and 0 <= j < nlon. The space
for out is allocated internal to c_cssgridd and is nlat * nlon floats in size.
c_csstrid - calculates a Delaunay triangulation
c_csstrid is called to find a
triangulation of data randomly positioned on the surface of a sphere.
c_csstrid is a double precision version of c_csstri.
Function prototype:
int *c_csstrid(int, double [], double [], int *, int *)
Argument | Type | Size
int *c_csstrid (n, | int |
rlat, | double [] | n
rlon, | double [] | n
nt, | int * |
ier | int * |
- n
- The number of input data points, n > 2.
- rlat,rlon
- Arrays containing latitude and longitude coordinates, expressed
in degrees, of the input data.
The first three points must not be collinear (lie on a common
great circle).
- nt
- *nt is the number of triangles in the triangulation, unless
*ier is non-zero, in which case *nt = 0.
Where nb is the number of boundary points on the
convex hull
of the data, if nb is greater than 3, then
*nt = 2n-nb-2, otherwise *nt = 2n-4.
The input data are considered to be bounded if they all
lie in one hemisphere.
- ier
- An error return value. If *ier is returned as 0, then no errors were
detected. If *ier is non-zero, then refer to the error list in
the error table
for details.
Return value:
c_csstrid returns a pointer to a linear array that contains
a sequence of integer triples. The elements of a triple are
indices of vertices of a triangle. Each index references an original
data point as it occurs in sequence in the input data set (numbering starts
at 0). For example, if the triple <5,0,2> were in the list of
triples, then (rlat[5],rlon[5]), (rlat[0],rlon[0]), and
(rlat[2],rlon[2]) would be vertices of a triangle in the
Delaunay triangulation.
c_css2cd - converts from lat/lon to Cartesian coordinates
c_css2cd is called to find the equivalent Cartesian coordinates on a
unit sphere to specified
latitude and longitude coordinates on a sphere. The coordinate of 0.
latitude and 0. longitude is converted to Cartesian coordinate
(1.,0.,0.). Latitudes and longitudes are assumed to be in degrees.
c_css2cd is a double precision version of c_css2c.
Function prototype:
void c_css2cd(int, double *, double *, double *, double *, double *);
Argument | Type | Size
void c_css2cd (n, | int |
plat, | double * | n
plon, | double * | n
x, | double * | n
y, | double * | n
z | double * | n
- n
- The number of coordinates to be converted.
- plat
- Contains the latitudes of the input coordinates.
- plon
- Contains the longitudes of the input coordinates.
- x,y,z
- Contains the Cartesian coordinates of the output points.
These lie on the unit sphere.
c_csc2sd - convert from a Cartesian to a lat/lon coordinate
c_csc2sd converts Cartesian coordinates on a unit sphere to
lat/lon coordinates. The coordinate (1.,0.,0.) is mapped to the
latitude/longitude coordinate (0.,0.). The latitude/longitude
coordinate is returned in degrees. c_csc2sd is a double precision
version of c_csc2s.
Function prototype:
void c_csc2sd(int, double *, double *, double *, double *, double *);
Argument | Type | Size
void c_csc2sd (n, | int |
x, | double * |
y, | double * |
z, | double * |
plat, | double * |
plon, | double * |
- n
- The number of coordinates to be converted.
- x,y,z
- Cartesian coordinates on the unit sphere.
- plat, plon
- (plat[i], plon[i]) is the latitude/longitude coordinate
equivalent to (x[i],y[i],z[i]) for i equal 0 to n-1.
plat and plon are in degrees.
c_csvorod - calculate Voronoi polygons
c_csvorod is called if you want to determine the
Voronoi polygons
for data randomly positioned on a sphere.
Each call to
c_csvorod calculates the vertices for the Voronoi polygon surrounding
a specified input point. c_csvorod is a double precision version of
Function prototype:
void c_csvorod(int, double [], double [], int, int,
double [], double [], double [], int *,
int *, int [], int *);
Argument | Type | Size
void *c_csvorod (n, | int |
rlat, | double [] | n
rlon, | double [] | n
ni, | int |
nf, | int |
plat, | double [] | 2*n
plon, | double [] | 2*n
rc, | double [] | 2*n
nca, | int * |
numv, | int * |
nv, | int [] | n
ier | int * |
- n
- The number of input data points (n > 3).
- rlat
- An array containing the latitudes
of the input coordinates, in degrees.
- rlon
- An array containing the longitudes
of the input coordinates, in degrees.
- ni
- The index of the input coordinate for which you want
to determine the Voronoi polygon (0 <= ni < n).
- nf
- Flag indicating if this is the first call to c_csvorod
to retrieve Voronoi polygons for this dataset (1=yes,
0=no). Calls subsequent to the first call for a given
dataset are much faster than the first call.
- plat
- An array of latitude values for the Voronoi indices. These
are circumcenters of circles passing through the Delaunay
triangles. If a coordinate is a boundary point, then
the circle may pass through certain "pseudo points" that
have been added to the original dataset in order to complete
the Voronoi polygon. plat is returned in degrees.
- plon
- An array of longitude values for the Voronoi indices. These
are circumcenters of circles passing through the Delaunay
triangles. If a coordinate is a boundary point, then
the circle may pass through certain "pseudo points" that
have been added to the original dataset in order to complete
the Voronoi polygon. RLONO is returned in degrees.
- rc
- Array containing circumradii (arc lengths in degrees of the angle
between a circumcenter and its associated triangle vertices).
- nca
- *nca is the actual number of circumcenters returned in plat and plon.
This number may be larger than n if the input dataset has
boundary points, since certain "pseudo points" may have been
added to the original dataset in order to complete the Voronoi
polygon set.
- numv
- *numv is the number of vertices in the Voronoi polygon enclosing
the coordinate (rlat[ni],rlon[ni]).
- nv
- An array containing numv indices for
the Voronoi polygon enclosing the coordinate (rlat[ni],rlon[ni]).
The indices returned in this array refer to the coordinates
returned in plat and plon. For example, if the integer
"j" is an element of the nv array, then (plat[j],plon[j])
is a vertex of the Voronoi polygon enclosing (rlat[ni],rlon[ni]).
The indices in nv list out the vertices of the Voronoi polygon in
counter-clockwise order.
- ier
- An error return value. If *ier is returned as 0, then no errors were
detected. If *ier is non-zero, then refer to the error list in
the error table
for details.
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