Re: "ymake: Coommand not found" error

From: Rick Grubin (grubin AT
Date: Fri Feb 11 2005 - 09:15:51 MST

  • Next message: Stacie Bender: "multiple ps files at once in NCAR Graphics?"

    Hi Erika

    > I am trying to compile the ncarg-4.4.1 source code on an RedHat Enterprise
    > Linux Xeon EMT 64 machine using the intel compilers. Root was using the
    > tcsh shell for this process.
    > I have defined the NCARG enviroment variable (to /opt/ncarg/ncarg-4.4.1/)
    > and varified it with the printenv command. The path is set to
    > PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/kerberos/sbin:/usr/kerberos/bin
    > :/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin
    > :/root/bin
    > When I call ./Configure -v in the $NCARG directory I get the following
    > error:
    > -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    > Overwrite existing configuration? (n)
    > Enter Return(default), y(yes), n(no), or q(quit) > y
    > Building top-level Makefile to determine System defaults
    > ymake: Command not found.
    > Unable to build Makefile - fix above errors and re-run.
    > Terminating configuration procedure
    > --------------------------------------------------------------------
    > I saw posted online that someone else had the same error. The follow-up
    > suggested to make sure that ymkmf is in the $NCARG/config directory. I
    > have done that and ymkmf is present - I just did a standard untaring of
    > the ncarg-4.4.1 source code tarball.

    There's another issue that could be causing the behavior you are seeing;
    to quote from a recent posting that addresses this:

       There used to be something weird about the way the NCARG config
       system worked if you had "ncarg" as one of the subdirectories that
       the NCAR Graphics source code is under. For example:


       Do you have this kind of situation? If so, then the config procedure
       may be thinking that your top level NCARG source tree is
       /usr/local/ncarg, and not /usr/local/ncarg/src/ncarg-4.4.1 like it
       should be. This would cause it not to find the "config/ymkmf" file.

    Can you try changing the top-level directory name to not have 'ncarg' in
    that name twice?


    Rick Grubin         NCAR/CISL/SCD
    Visualization + Enabling Technologies     303.497.1832
    ncarg-talk mailing list

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