"ymake: Coommand not found" error

From: Erika Harnett (eharnett AT ess.washington.edu)
Date: Thu Feb 10 2005 - 15:27:59 MST

I am trying to compile the ncarg-4.4.1 source code on an RedHat Enterprise
Linux Xeon EMT 64 machine using the intel compilers. Root was using the
tcsh shell for this process.

I have defined the NCARG enviroment variable (to /opt/ncarg/ncarg-4.4.1/)
and varified it with the printenv command. The path is set to

When I call ./Configure -v in the $NCARG directory I get the following

Overwrite existing configuration? (n)
Enter Return(default), y(yes), n(no), or q(quit) > y

Building top-level Makefile to determine System defaults

ymake: Command not found.
Unable to build Makefile - fix above errors and re-run.

Terminating configuration procedure


I saw posted online that someone else had the same error. The follow-up
suggested to make sure that ymkmf is in the $NCARG/config directory. I
have done that and ymkmf is present - I just did a standard untaring of
the ncarg-4.4.1 source code tarball.

Dr. Erika Harnett | Space Physics
Department of Earth and Space Sciences |
University of Washington, Box 351310 |
Seattle, WA 98195-1310, USA | Fax: 206-685-3815
That's not a bug, that's a feature!
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