NCAR Graphics and OS X with xlf?

From: gillil@XXXXXX
Date: Mon Apr 26 2004 - 15:05:21 MDT

I have been attempting an installation of NCAR Graphics (4.3.1)
recently downloaded as source on a Mac G5 running OS X (10.3.3),
and in particular the new IBM Fortran compiler for this: xlf.

Two questions: (1) Has anyone brought up NCAR graphics with an
               xlf-based installation under OS X? (And if so
               could you share comments on whether it worked?)

  (2) My run of "make Everything", after having changed the
  definition of the Fortran compiler to xlf (leaving the C
  Compiler as gcc which was on my G5) gave the following glitch:
  (where the first few lines show successful compiles, then a
  load step fails -- f77 here = xlf)

f77 -O -c -o sfskbk.o sfskbk.f
** sfskbk === End of Compilation 1 ===
1501-510 Compilation successful for file sfskbk.f.
f77 -O -c -o sftbkd.o sftbkd.f
** sftbkd === End of Compilation 1 ===
1501-510 Compilation successful for file sftbkd.f.
f77 -O -o fontc cfaamn.o cfrdln.o cfwrit.o ffgttk.o ffinfo.o ffphol.o ffppkt.o ffprcf.o ffprsa.o fftbkd.o ff
tkin.o sffndc.o sfgtin.o sfgtkw.o sfprcf.o sfskbk.o sftbkd.o -L../../.././common/src/libncarg_c -lncarg_c -L/usr/loc
al/ncarg/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/local/lib -lU77 -lfio -lf77math
/usr/bin/ld: can't locate file for: -lU77
make[4]: *** [fontc] Error 1

  I evidently don't have a library "U77", or for that matter
  the "fio" or "f77math".

  Searching through "Makefile" these enter via line 126:

CTOFLIBS = -lU77 -lfio -lf77math

  The attempts to create libraries did not lead to the run of make
stopping at this or other identical instances.
  After this finished, and I properly defined NCAR_ROOT, I was able
to test the installation by typing, for example:

ncargex agex03

which results in the correct copy over of code, and compilation. But,
linking left several ncarg specific names such as "_ishift", "_clswks"
etc. unresolved with the message /usr/bin/ld : undefined symbols
listing these. And with reviewing the "make Everything" output
it looks like these were left out of the compiled libraries due to
the missing libraries related to C to Fortran.

  Could I get by without using U77, fio, f77math with xlf + gcc,
or do I need to substitute something else here in Makefile?
Any experience or advice would be most welcome.

Ron Gilliland

ncarg-talk mailing list

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