Re: Ask help for building NCARG library from source code

From: Kate Hedstrom (kate@XXXXXX)
Date: Mon May 27 2002 - 19:08:24 MDT

  • Next message: John W. Glendening: "IMTOOL for Linux ?"

    > Then we change the NCARG compile options (changing options of our own
    > programs will cause other problems)
    > by adding "-r8" to
    > "#define CcOptions -64 -xansi -avoid_gp_overflow $(SGIWARNSUPPRESS)
    > #define FcOptions -64 -avoid_gp_overflow"
    > in the file "$NCARG/config/SGI_IRIX.64"
    > Then we run "ncargex example" again, it seems OK.
    > When view the frames with "ictrans example.ncgm", however,
    > only a small part of the plot can be shown on the screen, only several
    > lines, some dots or a word and even nothing.
    > Can anyone help me to solve this problem?

    Try compiling everything -r8 except ncarview. That's what worked for me
    on the Cray T3E (where the Fortran real is always 64-bit).


    Kate Hedström       Arctic Region Supercomputing Center       University of Alaska, Fairbanks
    ncarg-talk mailing list

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