Re: Streamlines colored by flow intensity

From: Dave Brown (dbrown@XXXXXX)
Date: Fri May 18 2001 - 08:55:09 MDT

  • Next message: Bernard Miville : "Label thickness in LLU"

    > Dear all!
    > In the NCARG 4.1 handbook it is noted that:
    > "Note that currently a Streamlines plot gives information about the
    > instantaneous directional characteristics of the field flow, but cannot show
    > variations in flow intensity. For the future, enhancements are
    > planned to allow Streamlines to represent field intensity using either a
    > graduated color palette, or perhaps variable line width or line spacing."
    > Does anybody know, if this feature has been invented in the higher
    > versions of NCAR?
    > If not, has somebody added such a feature to the source of the
    > subrotine "STREAM". There are dummy variables designated to
    > introduce coloring of streamlines. These variables look identical to
    > those applied in the subroutine "VVECTR" to color vectors with a
    > scalar field.
    > As a tropical meteorologist, I consider coloring of streamlines as
    > an important feature of a modern met graphic software package.
    > Any help is very much appreciated.
    > Regards,
    > Andreas
    Dear Andreas,

    As it happens, I am currently working on some enhancements to the
    Streamlines package. I will look into the possibility of adding
    streamline coloring as part of this effort.
     -Dave Brown

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