Streamlines colored by flow intensity

From: Andreas Fink (af@XXXXXX)
Date: Thu May 17 2001 - 03:40:04 MDT

  • Next message: Dave Brown: "Re: Streamlines colored by flow intensity"

    Dear all!

    In the NCARG 4.1 handbook it is noted that:

    "Note that currently a Streamlines plot gives information about the
    instantaneous directional characteristics of the field flow, but cannot show
    variations in flow intensity. For the future, enhancements are
    planned to allow Streamlines to represent field intensity using either a
    graduated color palette, or perhaps variable line width or line spacing."

    Does anybody know, if this feature has been invented in the higher
    versions of NCAR?

    If not, has somebody added such a feature to the source of the
    subrotine "STREAM". There are dummy variables designated to
    introduce coloring of streamlines. These variables look identical to
    those applied in the subroutine "VVECTR" to color vectors with a
    scalar field.

    As a tropical meteorologist, I consider coloring of streamlines as
    an important feature of a modern met graphic software package.

    Any help is very much appreciated.


    Dr. Andreas Fink				e-mail:
    Universitaet zu Koeln				Tel.:	(+49) (0)221/470/3819
    Institut fuer Geophysik und Meteorologie	Fax.:	(+49) (0)221/470/5161
    der Universitaet zu Koeln
    Kerpener Str. 13
    D-50923 Koeln, Germany

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