NCAR Graphics with Redhat 7.0

From: Bret.Anderson@XXXXXX
Date: Thu Apr 05 2001 - 07:38:57 MDT

  • Next message: Bob Broedel: "multiple users and ncarg?"

    Dear NCAR Graphics Users:

    I recently upgraded my workstation OS to Redhat 7.0 with EGCS 2.96 and
    cannot compile the version 4.2.2 source code. Under Redhat 6.1 with EGCS
    2.91.66, I experienced no such compilation difficulties except for the f2c
    workaround. Is anyone aware of a workaround or possible solution to this?

    Bret Anderson
    Environmental Program Specialist - Atmospheric Modeling
    Air Planning and Development Team
    Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality

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