I have just finished an HLU contour plotting program, but find the
plots it produces confusing, and even more importantly unpublishable,
because the HLU line labelling produces _very_ few line labels so the
value of many of the lines is ambiguous. HLU gives no control over
the spacing between labels on a given contour so I seem to have no way
of fixing the problem. Perhaps someone who uses HLU contour plotting
(does anyone?) will have a brilliant solution.
These are not plots with strange or jagged contour patterns. There
is plenty of space for the labels, given the label size and the
spacing between differing contour lines. There is no tightly packed
contours problem and the lines are fairly smooth. A sample plot has
about 9 contour lines of reasonable length, many extending over the
entire x domain - but at best I can get only 2 of the lines to be
labelled. This is despite trying to force _every_ line to be labelled
by setting
cnMonoLevelFlag = True
cnLevelFlag = LineAndLabel
I have been using the default value of cnLineLabelPlacementMode, but
setting it to "Computed" gives the same result and setting it to
"Constant" gives 0 labelled lines, so that is not a solution.
The only thing that I can think is unusual is that the grid consists
of a large number of points in the x direction (960) and perhaps lines
that appear relatively smooth in the displayed plot have a fine-scale
jaggedness which confuses the line label plotting routine. But if
that were really the problem, I wouldn't think it would produce _any_
line labels, yet it does - just not very many.
-- MAIL| Dr. John W. (Jack) Glendening Meteorologist SENT| Naval Research Lab - Monterey glendening@nrlmry.navy.mil FROM| 7 Grace Hopper Ave Monterey, CA 93943 831-656-4725 fax=831-656-4769
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