i have a colleague here at csu atmos sci named dr laura fowler.
she had a machine, no longer on the network, named stratus.
she subscribed to ncarg-talk as laura@stratus.atmos.colostate.edu
a number of years ago.
our group mail server still collects mail for this machine and
queues it up for about a month.
she has requested (not sure on specifics) to be unsubscribed from
the ncarg-talk list for quite some time now for the above
email address but the server is still receiving all the
ncarg-talk mail for her at the machine, stratus.
could you please delete laura@stratus.atmos.colostate.edu
for us or please forward this on to the person responsible?
thanks for your time.
kelley wittmeyer
dept of atmospheric science
colorado state university
970 491 8585
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