c_set and gtext

From: Richard Mitchell 1026 (mitchell@XXXXXX)
Date: Tue Dec 06 1994 - 06:25:29 MST

I must be doing something wrong, but I don't see it yet.

I use c_set() to setup my coordinate system and then
use gtext() to display the text. If in the c_set() call
WB and WT do not have a delta of 1, the text appears distorted
(with WB and WT set to 5 and 30, the text appears very short
and wide). Using gset_char_ht() only seems to make it worse.

WL and WR (the X axis) doesn't seem to have this problem, its
only the Y axis that must have a delta of 1.

Have I missed setting some important value? Is this the way
that gtext() is supposed to work? Should I be using something
else instead? c_plchhq() displays the text correctly, but
doesn't seem to be well suited for the rest of things I need
to do.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Richard Mitchell | Airborne Oceanographic Lidar
mitchell@aol16.wff.nasa.gov | Laboratory
mitchell@osb1.wff.nasa.gov |(shining a little light on the world)

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