Table of Shgrid control parameters

The following table summarizes all of the parameters used for controlling the behavior of Shgrid.

Values for these parameters can be set by using the routine SHSETI for Fortran, or the function c_shseti for C, or the procedure shsetp for NCL.

          |            |                     |               |                 
Parameter | parameter  |                     |               |
  name    |   type     |  description        | legal values  | default value
          |            |                     |               |                 
  ncl     | int        | Granularity of 3-D  | ncl > 0       | (N/3)**(1/3)
          |            | cell grid.          |               |
  nfl     | int        | Number of input data| 1 <= nfl <=   | 32
          |            | values within the   | MIN(40,N-1)   |
          |            | radius of influence.|               |
  nls     | int        | Number of data      | 9 <= nls <=   | 17
          |            | values used in the  | MIN(40,N-1)   |
          |            | least squares fit.  |               |

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