On Wed, 31 Aug 2005, Juan Camilo Hernandez wrote:
> *I'm trying to run through the test section of the install guide, **but when
> I *
> *run the ncargex **cpex08** ulitity it errors with the following:
> [CODE]
> NCAR Graphics Fortran Example <cpex08>
> Copying cpex08.f
> Copying cpexcc.f
> Compiling and linking...
> pgf90 -O -o cpex08 cpexcc.f cpex08.f -L/usr/local/ncarg/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib
> -lncarg -lncarg_gks -lncarg_c -lX11 -lXext
> cpexcc.f:
> cpex08.f:
> /usr/local/ncarg/lib/libncarg_gks.a(gziqwk.o)(.text+0x186): In function
> `gziqwk_':
> : undefined reference to `ggkwdr_'
> /usr/local/ncarg/lib/libncarg_gks.a(gztowk.o)(.text+0x293): In function
> `gztowk_':
> : undefined reference to `ggkwdr_'
> /usr/local/ncarg/lib/libncarg_gks.a(gztowk.o)(.text+0x69f): In function
> `gztowk_':
> : undefined reference to `ggkwdr_'
> /usr/local/ncarg/lib/libncarg_gks.a(gztowk.o)(.text+0xa0b): In function
> `gztowk_':
> : undefined reference to `ggkwdr_'
> The compile and link failed.
> [/CODE ]
> *
> *Any ideas.*Can anyone help me.* *
> _________________________
> Juan Camilo Hernandez
> GIGAX - http://www.gigax.org
> Universidad de Antioquia
> Facultad de Ingenieria
Dear Juan Camilo Hernandez,
NCAR Graphics wil build with the Portland compilers, using a combination
of either pgcc/pgf77, or pgcc/pgf90, so this is not the problem.
What it looks like from the above error messages is that your GKS
library (libncarg_gks.a) is not complete. Please email me personally
and tell me whether you downloaded a precompiled version of NCAR
Graphics, or whether you tried to build it from source yourself, and
we'll take it from there.
Mary Haley haley@ucar.edu
NCAR/SCD/VETS 303-497-1254 (voice)
1850 Table Mesa Dr 303-497-1239 (fax)
Boulder, CO 80305
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