Re: 32bits compilation on IBM AIX 5.2

From: Mary Haley (haley AT
Date: Wed Feb 16 2005 - 15:34:59 MST

  • Next message: "nacrg for IBM AIX 5.2 32 bit"

    On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 wrote:

    > Hi,
    > i a now trying to compile the source code in 32 bits on my IBM AIX5.2 since i
    > didn't find the 32-bits binaries on your web site.
    > Unfortunately, i didn't succeed anything.
    > I would be very pleased to receive these binaries pre-compiled in 32bits.
    > Alexandre.


    Hi I have put 32-bit binaries for an AIX 5.1 system on the NCAR
    Graphics download website.

    To get them, go to:

    fill out the form, and then click "submit". You will see a list of
    binaries, and the 32-bit AIX binaries will be there.

    I notice that you have AIX version 5.2, but I think the binaries
    should be compatible. Please send me a personal email if they are


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