Hi Felix,
This is a known (weird) bug that we hope to fix soon. If the NCAR
Graphics source tree is under a directory (it doesn't matter how many
levels up) called "ncarg", you will see this problem. So, you need to
rename the "ncarg" part of your directory to something else, like
"graphics", so you end up with "/usr/local/graphics/ncarg-4.4.1".
Let me know if this doesn't fix it for you.
On Tue, 15 Feb 2005, Felix Schueller
> Hi there,
> I'm a total newbie to NCARGraphics (since Yesterday 8 PM ;) ),
> But since one of my users needs it, i got to install it.
> It's a DuaoOpteronmachine with PGI-Compiler.
> When I try to build from sources i get the following output:
> Building top-level Makefile to determine System defaults
> ncargpath: Command not found.
> /usr/local/ncarg/ncarg-4.4.1/config/ymake : Unable to find
> Unable to build Makefile - fix above errors and re-run.
> Terminating configuration procedure
> If i'm trying to set the NCARG_CONFIG to $NCARG/config
> it doesn't work either.
> Any Idea what to do?
> Thanks in advance
> Felix
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