An NCARG user (lojw <>) has written:
> I've installed Intel fortran and cpp 7.0 on my redhat 7.3 server.
> Trying to let ncarg 4.4 work properly but I have some trouble during the
> installation of ncarg.
> Following are error messages:
> Error 173 at (2059:Iftran.f) : Array element subscript is not within array
> bounds
> + (ITXT(3).EQ.'I'.OR.ITXT(3).EQ.'i')) IEOF=1
> ^
> ...
> I have no idea why the file Iftran.f exist such syntax error.
> Does it really have a syntax error or there is something wrong with my
> compiler configuration?
> Thanks :-)
Yes, there really is an error in the file "Iftran.f" (though many compilers
would let it slip by). The character-array argument ITXT in the subroutine
IFTRIO is typed and dimensioned as follows:
This should have been
I'm fixing this in the distribution.
I'm more than a little surprised this hasn't tripped us up before now ...
Dave Kennison
ncarg-talk mailing list
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