Re: NCAR Graphics and OS X with xlf

From: Edward (Ted) Mansell (mansell AT
Date: Wed Nov 10 2004 - 15:56:58 MST

  • Next message: Edwards, Steve L: "[ncl-talk] HP Install Problems"

    I did manage to get NCAR Graphics to _compile_ with xlf under OS X, but the libraries didn't work. (idt did work, and maybe some other utilities). So I ended up just compiling it with g77 and the -fno-underscoring option so that xlf doesn't need to compile with the -qextname option. Xlf has no trouble using the g77-compiled libraries, so I wouldn't bother trying to compile them with xlf.

    -- Ted

    Here is the "Darwin" config file I used:

     * $Id: Darwin,v 1.2 2002/02/23 02:35:12 haley Exp $
    * *
    * Copyright (C) 2002 *
    * University Corporation for Atmospheric Research *
    * All Rights Reserved *
    * *
     * File: Darwin
     * Author: Mary Haley
     * National Center for Atmospheric Research
     * PO 3000, Boulder, Colorado
     * Date: Mon May 3 13:16:08 MDT 1993
     * Description: This file contains all the directives needed to
     * tell ymake how the RS6k is different from a
     * default setup.
    #define HdfDefines -DDARWIN

    #define CCompiler gcc
    #define FCompiler g77
    #define CcOptions -ansi
    #define CppCommand '/usr/bin/cpp -traditional'
    #define FcOptions -fno-underscoring
    #define COptimizeFlag -O
    #define FOptimizeFlag -O
    #define CtoFLibraries -lg2c -lm
    #define XLibrary -lXpm -lX11 -lXext

    #define ArchRecLibSearch -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/local/lib
    #define ArchRecIncSearch -I/usr/X11R6/include -I/usr/local/include

    FC = g77

    /*************** Redefine Macros from Rules ********************************/

     * Macro: MakeDir
     * Description: This rule creates a directory - if a parent dir doesn't exist
     * it attempts to create it.
    #ifndef MakeDir
    #define MakeDir(dir) @if (test ! -d dir); then ($(MKDIRHIER) dir); fi
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