Re: animation conversion

From: Rick Grubin (grubin AT
Date: Fri Oct 15 2004 - 10:45:14 MDT

  • Next message: Rick Grubin: "Re: NCAR Graphics on 64 bit AMD Opteron (x86-64) and MM5"

    Hi Cathy,

    > I have a .ncgm file with 200 frames that I am trying to convert to a
    > .gif animation on my linux machine. I have the code ncgm2gif, however I
    > am not sure how to use it. By typing "ncgm2gif ncgm_filename", I get
    > the message ncgm2gif: command not found. What step am I missing?

    For those who are curious about ncgm2gif, the following URL may help:

    As to your question: the message "ncgm2gif: command not found" is issued
    by your shell, indicating that the location where 'ncgm2gif' lives is
    not in your path ($path shell variable and/or $PATH environment variable),
    or 'ncgm2gif' is in your path, but you haven't "told" the shell to re-examine
    its variables and find new commands.

    Please make sure that 'ncgm2gif' is in your path setup, and after that,
    issue the command 'rehash' at your shell prompt. **

    ** all of this assumes a c-shell or variant. If you're running a 'sh'
    shell or similar, you'll still need to make sure 'ncgm2gif' is in your
    path, and then execute ". .profile' for your $PATH variable to find the
    new command.


    Rick Grubin                     Visualization + Enabling Technologies
    Scientific Computing Division   National Center for Atmospheric Research                 303.497.1832

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