I want to open an ngcm metafile with a different filname than the
usual gmeta default and be able to append to it. It appears that this
is possible using the GESC subroutine and the right escape code.
So I have tried using:
CALL GESC(-1391, 1, FILNMF, 1, 1, CDUM)
where FILNMF is the character*80 filename. This works opening and closing
the correct file but without append. So I've also tried:
CALL GESC(-1389, 1, FILNMF, 1, 1, CDUM)
which in the documentation suggest that this will open a file for append,
but if I try this I get the error:
fmt: read unexpected character
Any ideas how to fix this.
| |
| Kevin I. Hodges |
| ESSC (Enviromental Systems Science Center) |
| University of Reading, |
| Harry Pitt Building, |
| 3 Earley Gate, |
| Whiteknights, PO Box 238, Tel: 0118 931 8741 |
| Reading RG6 6AL, U.K. Fax: 0118 931 6413 |
| |
| email: kih@mail.nerc-essc.ac.uk |
| WWW: http://www.nerc-essc.ac.uk/~kih/Home.html |
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