Problem linking ncarg libraries

From: Adam Zornes (afzorn0 AT XXXXXX)
Date: Wed Jul 21 2004 - 15:31:05 MDT

  • Next message: Mary Haley: "NCARG & Mac OS 10.3 & Absoft compilers woes"


       I am trying to compile a program which links with
    the NCARG libraries using g95 as the linker. I have
    also tried using ifort. However, in both cases, I run
    into a small problem.
       When g95 tries to link the NCARG graphics
    libraries, it fails. The errors reported are of the
    type: "undefined referece to xxxxx" where xxxxx is
    some system function (I believe).
       Has anyone else run into a similiar problem and/or
    have some solution for this.

    Adam Zornes

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