I've just downloaded and installed NCAR Graphics ver. 4.3.1 onto my Mac
G4. I'm running Mac OS 10.3.4, and I also have XonX (XFree86 v. 4.3.0)
installed. I'm running Absoft Fortran 8.2. My problem is attempting to
run example cpex08.
First, I noticed that ncargex attempts to compile cpex08.f and cpexcc.f
as a Fortran 90 sources as opposed to Fortran 77 source members. Second,
the compile and link fail due to unresolved references. The listing
below shows my attempted compile and link:
[dsl092-237-075:~] samueldu% ncargex cpex08
NCAR Graphics Fortran Example <cpex08>
Copying cpex08.f
Copying cpexcc.f
Compiling and linking...
-o cpex08 cpexcc.f cpex08.f -L/Applications/ncarg/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib
-lncarg -lncarg_gks -lncarg_c -lXpm -lX11 -lXext
ld: Undefined symbols:
/Applications/ncarg/lib/libncarg.a(getset.o) reference to undefined ___ftof
/Applications/ncarg/lib/libncarg.a(plchhq.o) reference to undefined ___casgn
/Applications/ncarg/lib/libncarg.a(plchhq.o) reference to undefined ___cheq
/Applications/ncarg/lib/libncarg.a(plchhq.o) reference to undefined ___ftoi
/Applications/ncarg/lib/libncarg.a(plchhq.o) reference to undefined
/Applications/ncarg/lib/libncarg.a(set.o) reference to undefined ___alog10
/Applications/ncarg/lib/libncarg.a(cpcldm.o) reference to undefined ___casgn
/Applications/ncarg/lib/libncarg.a(cpcldm.o) reference to undefined ___chne
/Applications/ncarg/lib/libncarg.a(cpcldm.o) reference to undefined ___con
/Applications/ncarg/lib/libncarg.a(cpcldm.o) reference to undefined ___ftoi
more references to undefined symbols ...
link failed.
The compile and link failed.
It looks as if ncargex accesses a makefile I cannot find in the NCAR
Graphics installation. The questions I have are:
- where is the makefile and how can I modify it?
- what do I need to fix to successfully compile
and link this (cpex08) and other examples?
- when I want to use NCAR Graphics from a user's
developed code, what need to do to
make NCAR Graphics work?
Looking forward to hearing from you and thanks in advance.
Sam Dupree.
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