Re: Compiling NCARG on Linux with Intel compilers

From: Don Morton (Don.Morton@XXXXXX)
Date: Thu Jul 08 2004 - 10:42:13 MDT

On Thu, 08 Jul 2004 10:28:46 -0600, "Don Morton"
<> said:
> Hi, I'm trying to compile NCARG 4.3.1 with the
> Intel C++ and Fortran (version 8) compilers on
> Linux Redhat 7.3 and running into all sorts of
> "challenges." Has anybody done this successfully,
> and if so what sorts of compiler options did you use?

Since this post, I've "possibly" made some progress with the
following config/LINUX (I'm only providing an excerpt of definitions):

#define HdfDefines -DLINUX
#define StdDefines -DSYSV -D_POSIX_SOURCE -D_XOPEN_SOURCE -DByteSwapped
#define ByteSwapped
#define Cstatic
#define Cdynamic
#define CppCommand '/usr/bin/cpp -traditional'
#define CCompiler icc
#define FCompiler ifort
#define CtoFLibraries -lm
#define CcOptions -ansi -w
#define FcOptions -cm -w
#define XToolLibrary -lXt -lSM -lICE
#define BuildShared NO
#define XLibrary -lXpm -lX11 -lXext

#define ArchRecLibSearch -L/usr/X11R6/lib
#define ArchRecIncSearch -I/usr/X11R6/include

However, upon ictrans linking, I get an undefined reference:

../../../.././ncarview/src/lib/libictrans/libictrans.o: In function
undefined reference to `for_cpystr'
undefined reference to `for_cpystr'

My extremely vague knowledge suggests that I might want to put something
else in the
CtoFLibraries definition, but I'm not sure what. If I was using gcc I
know I'd put
-lg2c in there. Anybody run across this?


************************************************************** Don Morton Department of Computer Science The University of Montana Missoula, MT 59812 | Voice (406) 243-4975 | Fax (406) 243-5139

May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. -Edward Abbey, naturalist and author (1927-1989)

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