Mary, Dave and others ...
Using the routines from the attached file provided by Dave Kennison,
I could compile and carry out the test (ncargex cpex08; ctrans -d X11
cpex08.ncgm) using g95 successfully.
However the "make-output" now shows 2 errors:
1) In $NCARG_ROOT/ncarg2d/src/bin/ezmapdemo/EzmapDemo.f: line 56
Error: Blanket SAVE statement .... follows previous SAVE statement.
2) In $NCARG_ROOT/ncarview/src/lib/libictrans/libictrans.o: In function
giargs_: undefined reference to `_g95_copy_string'
Im wondering abt the second error above ....
Thanks a lot for your efforts ... Im also curious about when and how
will the changes (removal of the ASSIGN statement) make it to the
ncarg release. The g95 people will be interested to know this since
they are maintaining a list of software that now works with g95 ..
Best Regards and thanks once again.
Stellaratortheorie, Max-Planck Institut Fur Plasmaphysik
TeilInstitut Greifswald Wendelsteinstrasse 1
D-17491 Greifswald Germany Tel: +49-3834-882434
--------- History of Computing 10-11-3003 ---------------
Then there used to be this great user friendly OS which
overwrote your MBR whenever you installed it.
On Tue, 2004-06-29 at 19:50, Dave Kennison wrote:
> Mary,
> I think I have gotten rid of all ASSIGN statements that I know about in the
> distribution. Attached is a file of the 14 routines that have changed. I
> have tested all but the ones from "isosrfhr", "conrcqck", and "conrcspr",
> which I consider obsolete. (Mind you, I think my fixes in those routines
> are all right; I just have no easy way to test them ...
> Let me know if you find any other routines containing ASSIGN statements ...
> Thanks,
> Dave
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