cttd01.f question

From: Daniel Sheltraw (sheltraw@XXXXXX)
Date: Mon May 24 2004 - 14:58:31 MDT

  • Next message: Dave Kennison: "Re: cttd01.f question"

    Hello Dave and Mary

    In the example program cttd01.f should I take IDIM to be the number
    of distinct longitude points? or is it IDM1? or something else?

    I am having some difficulty getting the plots to look correct using
    my data which is contained in an 2D array cur(nlat,nlon). This is
    how I assign the RPNT data value:

        iptp = 0
        do 103 lat=1,nlat
          do 104 lon=1,nlon
            rpnt(iptp+4) = cur(lat,lon)
            iptp = iptp + lopn
          end do
        end do

    I suspect that I should probably transpose cur(lat,lon) to cur(lon,lat)
    but this alone is not fixing the plot.

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