rotations in threed plots

From: Joel Koplik (koplik@XXXXXX)
Date: Mon Oct 06 2003 - 16:09:25 MDT

  • Next message: Dave Kennison: "Re: rotations in threed plots"

    I want to draw a plot of points in 3-d along with their x,y,z coordinate
    axes, as seen from an oblique viewpoint, but with two of the three axes
    lined up along the plot page like so:
            | |
           .|. . . . .|
           .|. . . . .|
           .|_________|__ u
           / . . . . .
    using threed routines, if I choose the viewpoint approximately along one
    of the axes, say by making the viewpoint array eye = (0,0,1000), I do get
    roughly this form:
            |. . . . .
            |. . . . .
            |. . . . .
            |__________ u
    But, if the the viewpoint is off-axis, say (1000,1000,1000), the plot
    comes out rotated about the line joining eye and the origin by an amount
    I don't know how to control, like
             / .|..
            / .|..
           / .|..
          | .|..
          | .|..
          | .|..
          | / \
          | / \
           / \
          v w
    The usual threed routines (set3, curve3, perim3, point3) have no further
    variables to adjust. Is there a way then to rotae this back, i.e., specify
    both of the orientation angles? (A previous suggesttion was to call set3
    once for the points with the oblique value for eye, and then for the axis
    with the "on-axis" value, but this breaks the connection between the points
    and their coordinate values.)

            Joel Koplik
            Levich Institute, T-1M phone: (212) 650-8162
            City College of New York fax: (212) 650-6835
            New York, NY 10031 USA e-mail:
    ncarg-talk mailing list

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