ctrans window gives wrong region

From: fred (fred@XXXXXX)
Date: Sat Sep 20 2003 - 19:21:29 MDT

  • Next message: John A.Dutton: "Can't locate -lcrt2.o"

      There is something seriously wrong with how ctrans is handling
      -window and -viewport options when the metafile contains a
      cell array. This can be demonstrated with the simplest of
      cell arrays. Since the original author of ctrans is no longer
      tending that code, it may be a while before we look into this.

      Unless someone else has a better idea, I think that for the time
      being you are going to have to create the desired results directly
      in your code.

      Sorry about this.

      Fred Clare

    > I have created a ncgm gmeta file using a program which does a color
    > raster plot (using routine GCA) and then overlays it with a "flash"
    > (GFLAS) file of topographic/geographic lines. The plot covers the US.
    > I find that when I try to extract/display a local CA-NV region using
    > ctrans ala
    > ctrans -window 0.2:0.4:0.3:0.6 -viewport 0.2:0.04:0.8:0.9 -res 512x512
    > -d sun
    > I get an image which has the correct extract of the overlay but the
    > extract of the raster plot is incorrect (I can see that it matches up
    > to a region just off the NC coast). Is this a bug or a limitation of
    > the use of "flash" files or what?
    > --
    > Dr. John W. (Jack) Glendening Meteorologist
    ncarg-talk mailing list

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