Re: Making user defined font file and installing

From: Mary Haley (haley@XXXXXX)
Date: Wed Jul 30 2003 - 12:09:26 MDT

  • Next message: Peter Knippertz: "NCAR graphics 4.3.1 on OS X 10.2.6"

    > Dear NCAR graphics users
    > Is is possible for PLCHHQ to use other fonts other than default fonts?
    > Could you give any hints for making new font file?
    > I'd like to use Korean Alphabet (Hangeul) in NCAR Graphics.
    > Is it also possible to make new NCAR graphics fonts using LaTeX fonts
    > or Windows true-type fonts?
    > Is there someone who have experienced making new fonts for PLCHHQ?
    > Looking forward to your answers....
    > In-Sun Song
    > Ph. D. Candidate
    > Laboratory for Mesoscale Dynamics
    > Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Yonsei University
    > Shinchon-dong, Seodaemun-ku, Seoul 120-749, Korea. Rep.
    > Web:
    > E-mail:

    Dr. Song,

    According to our font expert, it is not possible for PLCHHQ to use
    fonts from other font databases.

    The structure of our font database is fully described at:

    It is possible to define your own font based on the above
    documentation and this is the only format that Plotchar will
    recognize. To import other fonts to use with Plotchar you would have
    to write conversion functions from the font descriptions in question
    to the font descriptions recognized by Plotchar.


    Mary Haley
    NCAR/SCD/VETS 303-497-1254 (voice)
    1850 Table Mesa Dr 303-497-1804 (fax)
    Boulder, CO 80305
    ncarg-talk mailing list

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