(no subject)

From: philippe marguinaud (pmarguinaud@XXXXXX)
Date: Mon May 19 2003 - 08:38:42 MDT

Hi all,

I am playing around with GOPKS and friends, trying to have NCAR printing
its errors to a file rather to stdout, and it seems it's not working; the
following code
when compiled, prints "ERROR" to stdout:

      OPEN( UNIT=77, FILE="junk.err" )
      CALL GOPKS( 77, 1 );
      CALL GOPWK( 1, 2, 1 );
      CALL GACWK( 1 );
      CALL SETER( "ERROR", 1, 2 );
      CALL GDAWK( 1 );
      CALL GCLWK( 1 );
      CALL GCLKS();


Am I missing something ?

Any help appreciated.

Philippe Marguinaud

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