Re: Help on NCAR graphics, in invoking Fortran 90 compiler

From: Mary Haley (haley@XXXXXX)
Date: Fri Oct 11 2002 - 13:30:53 MDT

  • Next message: McElhaney, Russ: "Identifying area/country identifier"

    > Greetings,
    > I have downloaded NCAR graphic version 4.3 for sun solaris running
    > 5.8 OS (ncarg-4.3.0.Solaris8_sun4.tar.gz).
    > On executing ./INSTALL script, I was able to install all following
    > executables:
    > ncargcc ncargfile ncargversion ncarvversion
    > ncargex ncargpath ncargworld ncgm2cgm
    > ncargf77 ncargrun ncarlogo2ps ncgmstat
    > On our system Fortran 90 compiler is available. I was not
    > able to locate/and install necessary F90 scripts,
    > ie. ncargf90 and nhlf90, and other f90 scripts.
    > How can I install (invoke) f90 scripts, instead of f77.
    > Kindly provide a solution to this.
    > Thank you very much.
    > Sarabjit

    Dear Sarabjit,

     1. Copy the "ncargf77" script to "ncargf90":

          cp $NCARG_ROOT/bin/ncargf77 $NCARG_ROOT/bin/ncargf90

     2. Edit $NCARG_ROOT/bin/ncargf90 and change the f77 compiler
        to be whatever your f90 compiler is. You may need to
        do this in a couple of places.

     3. Make sure $NCARG_ROOT/bin/ncargf90 is executable:

          chmod gou+x $NCARG_ROOT/bin/ncargf90

    You should now be set to use "ncargf90". Please note that on some
    systems, when you use the f90 compiler, you may need to load some
    additional libraries. If this is the case, then you can add them to
    the "set libextra" line. For example, if you have to add "-lf90",
    then you would change the line as follows:

       set libextra = "-lf90"

    You may need to check with your system administrator to find out if
    any additional libraries are needed when you link with your Fortran
    90 compiler.



    > SARABJIT SINGH BAKSHI Voice/Phone Mail:301-286-6662
    > L-3 Communications Analytics Corp.
    > NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Fax:301-286-0212
    > Mail Code 692 Email:
    > Building 2, Room W-124, Greenbelt, MD 20771 USA
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