Re: C routines for autograph

From: Mary Haley (haley@XXXXXX)
Date: Tue Sep 10 2002 - 17:00:43 MDT

  • Next message: Pascale Martinez: "NCAR Graphics on AIX 5L V5.1"

    > Scott,
    > I'm not much of a C programmer; I do know something about AUTOGRAPH.
    > A call to "c_ezmxy" results in a call to "EZMXY", which, directly or
    > indirectly, still calls the AGCHxx routines. Therefore, I think you
    > can still use the FORTRAN versions of these routines. If you want to
    > use C versions of them instead, you will have to give them modified
    > names, the nature of which depends on the particular system you're
    > using. The NCAR Graphics macro "NGCALLF" will give you the name you
    > need, but I don't know just how to use that macro from your end; I'm
    > familiar with using it as an NCAR Graphics developer.
    > Dave Kennison


    Dave is correct, a call to "c_ezmxy" eventually results in a call
    to the AGCHxx routines.

    Here's a C example that shows how to create a C version of AGCHNL.
    This example is equivalent to the Fortran AGEX09 example. It calls
    "c_ezxy" instead of "c_ezmxy", but the important thing is how agchnl
    is implemented:

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <math.h>
    #include <ncarg/ncargC.h>

    #define max(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y) )
    #define min(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y) )
    #define pow2(x) ((x)*(x))

    #define WSTYPE 8
    #define WKID 1

     * Define the data arrays.
        int i, idim, xdim, ydim, mlow, mhgh;
        float xdat[400],ydat1[200],ydat[400], xmax, dlow, dhgh,power;
        float ymin, ymax;
        extern void bndary();
     * Initialize gks.
            gopen_ws(WKID, NULL, WSTYPE);
     * Fill the data arrays.
        for( i = 0; i < 400; i++ ) {
        xdim = 200;
        ydim = 1;
        idim = 200;
        mlow = 3;
        mhgh = 3;
        dlow = .01;
        dhgh = 10.;
        for( i = 0; i < 200; i++ ) ydat[i] = ydat1[i];
        dlow = -10.;
        dhgh = -.01;
        for( i = 200; i < 400; i++ ) ydat[i] = ydat1[i-200];
     * The y data ranges over both positive and negative values.
     * it is desired that both ranges be represented on the same
     * graph and that each be shown logarithmically, ignoring
     * values in the range -.01 to +.01, in which we have no
     * interest. First we map each y datum into its absolute
     * value (.01 if the absolute value is too small). then we
     * take the base-10 logarithm, add 2.0001 (so as to be sure
     * of getting a positive number), and re-attach the original
     * sign. We can plot the resulting y data on a linear y axis.
        for( i = 0; i < 400; i++ ) {
            xmax = fabs((double)ydat[i]) > .01 ? fabs((double)ydat[i]) : .01;
            power = (float)log10((double)xmax)+2.0001;
            if( ydat[i] < 0 ) ydat[i] = -fabs((double)power);
            else ydat[i] = fabs((double)power);
            if( i ) {
                            ymin = ydat[i] < ymin ? ydat[i] : ymin;
                            ymax = ydat[i] > ymax ? ydat[i] : ymax;
                    else {
                            ymin = ymax= ydat[0];
     * In order that the labels on the y axis should show the
     * original values of the y data, we change the user-system-
     * to-label-system mapping on both y axes and force major
     * ticks to be spaced logarithmically in the
     * label system (which will be defined by the subroutine
     * agutol in such a way as to re-create numbers in the
     * original range).

     * Change the left-axis label to reflect what's going on.
     * Draw a boundary around the edge of the plotter frame.
     * Draw the curve.
        c_ezxy(xdat,ydat,400,"EXAMPLE 9$");
     * Close gks.


    gendat (data,idim,m,n,mlow,mhgh,dlow,dhgh)
    float *data, dlow, dhgh;
    int idim, m, n, mlow, mhgh;
     * This is a routine to generate test data for two-dimensional graphics
     * routines. Given an array "DATA", dimensioned "IDIM x 1", it fills
     * the sub-array ((DATA(I,J),I=1,M),J=1,N) with a two-dimensional field
     * of data having approximately "MLOW" lows and "MHGH" highs, a minimum
     * value of exactly "DLOW" and a maximum value of exactly "DHGH".
     * "MLOW" and "MHGH" are each forced to be greater than or equal to 1
     * and less than or equal to 25.
     * The function used is a sum of exponentials.
        float ccnt[3][50], fovm, fovn, dmin, dmax, temp;
        extern float fran();
        int nlow, nhgh, ncnt, i, j, k, ii;



        for( k=1; k <= ncnt; k++ ) {
            if (k <= nlow) {
                ccnt[2][k-1]= -1.;
            else {
                ccnt[2][k-1] = 1.;

        dmin = 1.e36;
        dmax = -1.e36;
        for( j = 1; j <= n; j++ ) {
            for( i = 1; i <= m; i++ ) {
                ii = (i-1)*n+j-1;
                for( k = 1; k <= ncnt; k++ ) {
                    temp = -(pow2((fovm*((float)(i)-ccnt[0][k-1])))+
                    if (temp >= -20.) data[ii]=data[ii]+.5*(dhgh-dlow)

        for( j = 0; j < m*n; j++ ) {

    void bndary()
     * Draw a line showing where the edge of the plotter frame is.
        c_plotif (0.,0.,0);
        c_plotif (1.,0.,1);
        c_plotif (1.,1.,1);
        c_plotif (0.,1.,1);
        c_plotif (0.,0.,1);
        c_plotif (0.,0.,2);

    float fran()
     * Pseudo-random-number generator.
        static double x = 2.718281828459045;
        extern double fmod();
        x = fmod(9821.*x+.211327,1.);

    int *iaxs,*idma;
    float *funs,*vinp,*votp;
     * Left or right axis.
        if ( *funs == 1.) {
            if ( *idma < 0) {
                if( *vinp < 0 ) {
                    *votp = -fabs(log10(max(fabs(*vinp),.01))+2.0001);
                else {
                    *votp = fabs(log10(max(fabs(*vinp),.01))+2.0001);
            else {
                if( *vinp < 0 ) {
                    *votp = -fabs(pow(10.,(fabs(*vinp)-2.0001)));
                else {
                    *votp = fabs(pow(10.,(fabs( *vinp)-2.0001)));
     * All others.
        else {
            *votp = *vinp;

    char *chrm, *chre;
    int *iaxs, *mcim, *ncim, *ipxm, *mcie, *ncie;
    float *vils;
     * Modify the left-axis numeric label marking the value "0.".
        if ( *iaxs == 1 && *vils == 0.) {
            chrm[0] = ' ';

    > > From Tue Sep 10 10:56:00 2002
    > > To:
    > > Subject: C routines for autograph
    > >
    > > Hi,
    > > I am trying to update a fortran program that uses autograph to run in C and
    > > I am having problems with the AGCHCU, AGCHAX, AGCHNL subroutines. These are
    > > dummy routines that ezmxy calls that the user can alter to change line
    > > color and other parameters. Does the c_ezmxy routine call similar dummy
    > > functions ???
    > > I'd rather not rewrite all the code from scratch (everything works except
    > > these routines).
    > > Any help would be appreciated.
    > > Thanks.
    > > ______________________
    > >
    > > Scott L. Goodrick, Ph.D.
    > > Research Meteorologist
    > > USDA Forest Service
    > > 320 Green Street
    > > Athens, GA 30602
    > > Phone: 706- 559-4237
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