C routines for autograph

From: Scott L Goodrick/SRS/USDAFS (sgoodrick@XXXXXX)
Date: Tue Sep 10 2002 - 10:02:58 MDT

I am trying to update a fortran program that uses autograph to run in C and
I am having problems with the AGCHCU, AGCHAX, AGCHNL subroutines. These are
dummy routines that ezmxy calls that the user can alter to change line
color and other parameters. Does the c_ezmxy routine call similar dummy
functions ???
I'd rather not rewrite all the code from scratch (everything works except
these routines).
Any help would be appreciated.

  Scott L. Goodrick, Ph.D.
  Research Meteorologist
  USDA Forest Service
  320 Green Street
  Athens, GA 30602
  Phone: 706- 559-4237

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