Re: plotting contours using natgrids and cprect over a base map

From: Dave Kennison (kennison@XXXXXX)
Date: Wed Aug 07 2002 - 17:47:31 MDT

  • Next message: Patrick Laberge: "Natural neighbor interpolation/extrapolation"


    Well, on my way to the car, I came up with a guess: I think you must have
    a call to CPSETI to tell CONPACK that you've done the SET call and not to
    re-do it, but you're missing some calls to set the internal parameters
    'XC1','XCM', 'YC1', and 'YCN', which tell CONPACK what ranges of X and Y
    values to use; if those calls are missing, then the default behavior could
    give the results you describe.

    You'd need something like this after you've computed the mins and maxes,
    but before you call CPRECT:

          CALL CPSETR ('XC1',XMIN)
          CALL CPSETR ('XCM',XMAX)
          CALL CPSETR ('YC1',YMIN)
          CALL CPSETR ('YCN',YMAX)

    I hope that helps ...

    Dave Kennison
    ncarg-talk mailing list

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