NCAR Graphics for MacOSX

From: Mary Haley (haley@XXXXXX)
Date: Fri Mar 08 2002 - 07:34:51 MST

  • Next message: Edwin Adlerman: "NCARG on OSX"

    NCAR Graphics users,

    I am pleased to announce that we have NCAR Graphics binaries available
    for MacOSX. There are two versions available: one compiled with the
    Absoft ProFortran compiler, and the other compiled with the GNU
    Fortran compiler.

    To download one or both of these binaries, go to, optionally fill out the form,
    and click on "submit" which will give you an available list of
    binaries (and you should see MacOSX in the list).

    Before you do this, you will need to install an X server on which to
    display your graphics. I used "XonX".

    To install and launch XonX:

         1. Go to
         2. Click on "Download" under the "Latest File Releases" box
         3. Right-click on "XInstall_10.1.sit" and do a "save as" to save
            the file.
         4. Once you have this file, double-click it from your Mac to
            install the X stuff.
         5. You should see a big red X on your tool bar at the bottom (if
            not, try logging out and logging back in) . If you
            double-click it, it will launch XFree86, and provide you with
            some terminal windows to type in. I was able to setenv
            DISPLAY to 0:0, and then run "ctrans -d X11 gmeta" and other
            NCAR Graphics X applications (like "idt").


    --Mary Haley

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