Re: problem with ctrans?

From: Mary Haley (haley@XXXXXX)
Date: Tue Feb 19 2002 - 08:37:08 MST

  • Next message: Phil Austin: "polar plots using ncl"

    > FWIW, my RedHat 6.1 system cannot plot this file using either ictrans or
    > idt. Ctrans *does* work if I left click in the ctrans window once
    > (something I would not ordinarily have to do in order to see the
    > picture). So there is definitely some sort of problem here. Locating
    > and identifying the precise problem may take some doing, and in the
    > final analysis may depend on your point of view. I'd be keen to hear
    > how this is resolved.
    > Andy Mai
    > voice: 303-497-1391
    > fax : 303-497-1700


    By "this file", I assume you are referring to "cpex08.ncgm" that was
    mentioned in the original message?

    If so, what exactly happens when you try to plot this file using ictrans
    or idt? I was able to plot it just fine on our RedHat 6.2 system.


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