Re: Failed Installation Test

From: Dave Kennison (kennison@XXXXXX)
Date: Tue Feb 05 2002 - 13:50:42 MST

  • Next message: Patrick O'Reilly: "Failed Installation Test"


    In the example "cpex08", the function SECOND is expected to return the
    elapsed run time, in seconds. The version in the file "cpexcc.f", is
    a dummy that prints an "error" message telling the user, essentially,
    "Replace me!". It appears that, on your system, there is a system
    function called "SECOND" and that's causing problems for the loader.
    Since the timing information printed when "cpex08" is run is probably
    not of much interest to you anyway, you can just comment out the line
    in the routine CAPSAP that references "SECOND" and the entire dummy
    version of it. Then you can run the example using

      ncargf77 cpex08.f cpexcc.f ; a.out

    and look at the graphical output using

      ctrans gmeta

    Hope that helps ...

    Dave Kennison

    PS: I'm assuming the "3D" in there is some artifact of the way you sent
    your email? (There is no function called 3DSECOND.)

    > From ncarg-talk-owner@ncar.UCAR.EDU Fri Feb 1 12:38:21 2002
    > Subject: Failed Installation Test
    > To: ncarg-talk@UCAR.EDU
    > I have installed sucessfully installed NCAR Graphics version 4.2.1 on a =
    > Sun running Solaris 8. I am using the gcc and g77 compilers, and have =
    > added=20
    > setenv FC g77
    > setenv CC gcc
    > to my .cshrc. I have the installation in /usr/local. When I test the =
    > installation, I get:
    > [weather@cirrus]#ncargex cpex08
    > NCAR Graphics Fortran Example <cpex08>
    > Copying cpex08.f
    > Copying cpexcc.f
    > Compiling and linking...
    > f77 -O -o cpex08 cpexcc.f cpex08.f -L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/openwin/lib =
    > -L/usr/dt/lib -lncarg -lncarg_gks -lncarg_c -lX11 -lXext
    > cpexcc.f: In subroutine `capsap':
    > cpexcc.f:88:
    > ^
    > Too many arguments passed to intrinsic `SECOND' at (^)
    > cpexcc.f: Outside of any program unit:
    > cpexcc.f:88: warning:
    > 1
    > cpexcc.f:186: (continued):
    > 2
    > Same name `second' used for global at (2) and intrinsic at (1) [info -f =
    > g77 M INTGLOB]
    > cpex08.f: In program `exmpl8':
    > cpex08.f:79:
    > ^
    > Too many arguments passed to intrinsic `SECOND' at (^)
    > The compile and link failed.
    > Has anyone seen this, and if so, what exactly is the problem? There =
    > seem to be problems with the cpex08.f and cpexcc.f files? Any help =
    > would be appreciated.
    > Patrick
    > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    > Patrick O'Reilly Support Scientist
    > The STORM Project
    > 208 Latham Hall ph: 319-273-3789
    > University of Northern Iowa
    > Cedar Falls, IA 50614 =20
    > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =20

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